Darko Cejkov

Intermediate Front-End Software Developer | Front End


Hello! I'm Darko, I am a developer (+ self-proclaimed: designer)! I was hired in May 2023 on the (new) STAT team, and I'm really excited to get hands-on with enterprise-level projects.

Past Experience

My past experience as a developer involves Salesforce development in the Marketing Cloud space, and working front-to-back on a fullstack project for a small A/V business. I love developing overall, and always want to learn so much more, solving every problem I can.

About Me

More personally, I am an animal person, an internet "professional", and creative. I love doing lots of different hobbies and activities, from technical video/music editing and production, to painting, video games, tinkering, and many more random skills. I'm a very open person and I would love to get to know more people and expand my circle.