Paid Search Marketing (PPC)

How Google's Search Partner Network Could Be Damaging Your ROI
Danny Richman

How Google's Search Partner Network Could Be Damaging Your ROI

Why would 69,340 people over a six-week period search for such an odd query as “media sales media publishing digital jobs”? Even if there was a valid explanation, why would 69,340 people suddenly start using this query when they had never used it in the past? A Search Query report prior to this date showed not a single person using this phrase in the previous two years!

A Simple Guide to Adding the Google Remarketing Pixel to Your Site
Tommy Griffith

A Simple Guide to Adding the Google Remarketing Pixel to Your Site

I recently added Google's Remarketing snippet to my website. While there are a number of great guides out there on what retargeting is and why it's so powerful, I found myself spending a lot of time getting lost in the Google Adwords UI and trying to set it up. Once I figured out how to do it, I wrote this super short guide on how to get it up and running. It will take you about 10 minutes.

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Keyword Research Master Guide

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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An Intermediate Retargeting Primer: How Psychographic Targeting and Retargeting Can Work Together

An Intermediate Retargeting Primer: How Psychographic Targeting and Retargeting Can Work Together

If you’re anything like most attendees at this year's MozCon, Marty Weintraub's talk on psychographic targeting both fascinated and overwhelmed you. To get the most out of Marty's amazing, super-advanced content, you need to know something about retargeting. So, the ReTargeter marketing department thought it would be worthwhile to put together an intermediate retargeting primer explaining what you need to know to truly appreciate Marty's brilliance.

6 Ways Google Ad Extensions Can Improve Your AdWords Campaign
Zachary Thompson

6 Ways Google Ad Extensions Can Improve Your AdWords Campaign

Most PPC managers know that ad extensions allow you to show additional information on your Google AdWords ads. But only a small minority of them actually use ad extensions to their full potential. That’s a shame, because ad extensions can be powerful tools for a variety of effects, including increasing CTR, boosting conversion rate and decreasing CPA. What’s more, your cost per click isn’t changed by implementing them.

Other Relevance Factors? Please, Google, if it's 30% of My Quality Score, Let Me Know!
Melina Engel

Other Relevance Factors? Please, Google, if it's 30% of My Quality Score, Let Me Know!

As PPC managers, we need to account for every percentage point, every up and down, and ultimately the cost of every conversion. We need to squeeze infinitely more out of a continually shrinking per-keyword budget to optimize ROI. We track, collect, analyze, implement, and iterate at the most granular level. The bad things about our marketing platform can typically be cured by hard work and analysis. The one exception: your Keyword Quality Score.

Retargeting Hack for the Buying Cycle
David Konigsberg

Retargeting Hack for the Buying Cycle

Retargeting, the process of targeting consumers and prospective clients based on their previous Internet actions, has become one of the more popular forms of online advertising lately. On top of it being wildly effective, it's also a great way of delivering a branding message to a specific set of visitors. Why do I recommend it? If you want a huge ROI, retargeting is the tactic for you.

Outsmarting Your Competition in High-Stakes PPC Markets

Outsmarting Your Competition in High-Stakes PPC Markets

Are you competing in a high-stakes PPC market with bids in the $25 to $40 range? If you are, don't simply fight your competition head on; if you do, you'll end up paying premium prices for clicks you might capture for far less. There are several shrewd approaches you can employ to side-step your less-vigilant competitors. We've learned a few valuable tricks that can earn you valuable clicks for less-than-premium prices.

Tool Review: Wordstream's PPC Grader
Joanna Lord

Tool Review: Wordstream's PPC Grader

In paid search there are a lot of rough Adwords accounts out there. You've seen them I'm sure. I know I've worked on them. We get brought in to assess the situation and make some big decisions around whether an account has potential or whether it would be better just to start fresh. This is one of the most common questions we get asked -- how am I doing?