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Creative RSS Button - Could it Work?

Ann Smarty

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Ann Smarty

Creative RSS Button - Could it Work?

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

The number of subscribers is the main metric of a blog's popularity (I am pretty sure everyone knows that but I needed an introductory sentence :) ). Recently, I've been exploring and experimenting with some creative looking blog RSS buttons and came to an interesting conclusion: no matter how unique and prominent it looks, people still tend to prefer that standard little Feedburner button that humbly asks to subscribe.

Is that because it looks so familiar that it catches a reader's attention and clearly denotes the action? I tend to believe that's actually the answer. Does it mean standing out does not necessarily mean encouraging action  (people obviously see it but they just don't feel like subscribing)? Is there still a creative solution?

Anyway, I did to little testing to make any statements. Webmasters still use different creative ways to encourage people to subscribe, and when done wisely, that might work. Some essential rules I tried to sort out are:

  • a non-traditional RSS button should be preferably orange, as that's the standard color for it
  • a creative RSS button should resemble a traditional-looking one in form and feel
  • a creative RSS button might be supported by the call to action

Here are a few examples:

Creative RSS - Football

  • Type: thematic
  • Source: The Soccer Weblog
  • Features: highly relevant to the blog content (=> associative); orange (=> makes it clear what action it calls to)

Creative RSS Humour

  • Type: humorous and dynamic
  • Source: Jamie Huskisson
  • Features: amuses, attracts and fixes attention

Creative RSS - Text

  • Type: Denotes the action
  • Source: BrianRobinson
  • Feature: describes the action

Creative RSS - Text

Creative RSS - Call To Action

  • Type: traditional button + text call to action
  • Source: Next Generation Materials
  • Features: looks familiar and calls to action


  • Type: brand-logo consistent
  • Source: Today's Hottest Deals
  • Features: looks familiar and matches the brand 

Creative RSS - Action

  • Type: traditional image interpretation
  • Source: CUFX
  • Features: entertaining, attracts attention (and looks familiar)
So my question to you, dear Mozzers, is: have you ever tried to play with your blog RSS button? Have you succeeded? Do you think it might work? (Thanks in advance for your help).
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