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Gonna Set it Straight this Watergate

Rand Fishkin

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Rand Fishkin

Gonna Set it Straight this Watergate

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Gonna Set it Straight this Watergate

To borrow from the Beastie Boys, Google's "crystal ball ain't so crystal clear". It appears that a successful sabotaging of a website is easier than one might hope. lots0 at Threadwatch points out that using the non-canonical version of a domain to hurt the rankings of a competitor is an easily accomplished task and one that's exceptionally deadly at Google.

I recommend reading his full post, but here's an excerpt:

If however, when you enter the URL without the www and you end up at the non-www URL and when you enter the URL with the www and you end up at the www URL your site is prime for a major dumping on.

If your site is not protected someone could; Find some places to drop some links for you. This evil person could drop some links using the non-www URL (or if the site is set up for non-www linking link to the www page).

Very scary material and one that everyone should be aware of. Make sure you 301 those non-canonical domains back to the canonical version ASAP as this tactic is now common knowledge.

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