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Admitting I was Wrong
Rand Fishkin

Admitting I was Wrong

It's never easy to admit to being dead wrong, but in this instance, it would be doing the SEO community a great disservice not to make my mistakes public. In a thread at SEOChat - More on Term Weight..., I abuse members of the notion that keyword density can be used to calculate the importance of a term or phrase in a given document....

Happy Birthday to Us
Rand Fishkin

Happy Birthday to Us

SEOmoz turned 1 year old today. Our first post, way back on October 14th of last year shows just how far we've come. I'm really happy with the way this site has turned out and I have great things in mind (particularly with relation to the tools) o...

Online Sketchbook
Rand Fishkin

Online Sketchbook

Back in the late '90's, I was obsessed with Flash design. I spent countless hours animating text and building organic-styled site designs. I gave up on that a long time ago, when I realized that true designers had something I lacked (namely talent) and that hard work can only take you ...

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What a Links Page Should Look Like
Rand Fishkin

What a Links Page Should Look Like

The question was asked at HighRankings, but I think it's a great, universal question for site builders. What do visitors want from a links page and what should we, therefore, provide. My personal feeling is that your outbound links should be structured in one of 3 ways: When appropriate, link direct...

Rand, How do I make Link-Worthy Content?
Rand Fishkin

Rand, How do I make Link-Worthy Content?

I get asked this all the time when I'm consulting. It's the mantra of the link hungry and content poor and it's a great question - one that's worthy of being repeated over and over (though it need not always involve my first name). There's no easy answer, but there is a simple way I can show you the kinds of content and let you think up your own way to do it. Thanks to our friends at de...

Can 301ing a Banned Domain Hurt a Site?
Rand Fishkin

Can 301ing a Banned Domain Hurt a Site?

If you have several doorway/spam domains that Google has decided to gray out the PR on, can you hurt a site who's rankings and reputation are solid by 301ing those penalized domains to the trusted one? This is the question asked by adamclark at SEW. Ian Mcanerin chimes in with some good advice: ...

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More on the Scraper Sites
Rand Fishkin

More on the Scraper Sites

I received a lot of private email on the subject of my scraper sites post. I asked some folks and they said that I could share their thoughts anonymously - most are worried about reprisal from Google, though I'm forced to wonder how much the search giant could care about a few grumblers in SEO. "The...

10,000 Scraper Sites
Rand Fishkin

10,000 Scraper Sites

I've gotten more than a little concerned lately over a trend I see in the SEO world. I've noticed through following the backlink acquisition of several client sites that the better a site ranks (for a wide variety of phrases), the more spam/scraper sites will re-publish your text or site description from the SERPs and link to you. A ...

One Page at SEOmoz out of the Sandbox
Rand Fishkin

One Page at SEOmoz out of the Sandbox

I've noted on several occassions that SEOmoz is largely sandboxed at Google. Despite having great, natural link popularity (thanks everyone!), the traffic from Google is on the order of 20-50 people a day, all of whom either typed in 'randfish' or 'seomoz'. Thankfully, at Yahoo! and MSN, the site ranks spectacularly for a great variety of searches (but, it seems that web-dev types don't use tho...