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Using URL Shortening For Traffic Analysis


This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

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Using URL Shortening For Traffic Analysis

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

If you’ve not used it before, is a URL shortening service which is popular with Twitter.   Due to the 140 character limit in tweets, characters are a premium so services such as,, etc provide an easy way to shorten lengthy URLs.

So, you’re probably wondering what relevance this has to SEO?  Well after using for a while, I’ve come to find that it has some rather useful statistics if you delve into it a little deeper.

What I’ve found is that by using you can get a partial insight into the traffic statistics of sites which you wouldn’t normally be able to analyse.

Let’s start off with a typical status screen, shown below:

What you can see here, are some example URLs which I’ve shortened, ready for posting on Twitter.  

Let's take a close look at the statistics – for example, the second URL is that of a previous post on SEOmoz:


 URL Information

Notice the “14 Out of 429” clicks?   That tells me that 14 people have clicked on the URL in my tweet. However, more importantly, the SEOMoz post has had 429 visitors via the service.   So not only can you get statistics for your own postings, you can also see the statistics for every click!

OK, so this doesn’t give you an accurate view of how many people viewed the SEOmoz post altogether (though I’d love to see the statistics from SEOmoz!).  It does however give you a way to compare traffic to other SEOmoz posts.   By comparing the traffic you can see which articles are the most popular.

As an example, say you find a niche which you’d like to guest blog post in, but you’re not sure what the real hot topics are.    Using you can quickly analyze traffic to popular articles related to your topic.

Now this is just scratching the surface, as goes much further if you click the “Info” button for a specific URL.   This is where things really start to get interesting you can now see where and when the clicks are coming from:

URL Stats

The graph below gives an interesting view as to where the traffic is coming from.  You can filter this by day, week, month or total.   As you can see the majority of traffic for the SEOmoz post came from the USA:

Location Chart


I can see why Google have recently introduced their shortening service.    They’ll be able to analyse a wealth of traffic stats for sites which don’t use Google Analytics, and more importantly they can also analyse traffic which doesn’t originate from Google web searches.

I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on if this post reaches the pages of SEOmoz as it’ll be interesting to compare the traffic to the previous post.

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Nick is the owner of Scotia Systems, a Web Design and SEO business located in a small town called Tatamagouche in Nova Scota, Canada. You can follow him on twitter @scotiasystems.

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