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Category: Getting Started

Get up and running with the Moz tools.

  • Hi Everyone, So i did subscribe to SEO Moz about a week ago.
    I was trying to check the amount of backlinks  that i have on my website but i got different result in comparison with another link checker provider. SEO Moz tends to give less amount of backlinks.
    Any thought of this guys? Thanks

    | TheExchangeGroup2013

  • I see in the links report that my competitor has x amount of external links.  How can I see what these links are?  When I go to tools the report returns blank.

    | 928shopper

  • Hi, When I created my campaign, I accidentally sync'd it to the wrong Google Analytics profile. I tried to disconnect and reconnect with the correct one, but now it displays the wrong profile's figures while still saying it's sync'd to the correct profile.How can I fix this? Any help is appreciated,
    Dustin Swope

    | Swope_Rodante

  • Moz, Any ideas why i am not seeing my landing pages information in my analytics campaign yet ?, It has been a couple of days, i have reconnected my analytics, i have built up the keyword list a little more, But i only get page data from clicking 'Include pages with no tracked keywords' but still no keyword data, Am i miss understanding how this tool works or is there something else i need to setup ? Thanks James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Hi, i'm trying to add a campaign but It doesn't seem to be working. Screenshot attached. issue.png

    | StudioCiteroni

  • Hello there. I am evaluating the Moz tools and I have two brief questions. What are the time periods (weekly, monthly, ..) that one can choose to compile reports? Is there a view to show Domain Authority over time? Thanks, Marco

    | marcoparadis

  • We have a facebook pages for our business, but this is linked to my personal profile. I would like to link the business page to Moz but when i select the connect button it then takes me to my personal profile page. What should we do?

    | VoxTelco

  • Is there a way to connect my Google + Business page with Moz? The only option I have available to connect when I press the button is my personal Google + Page. Thanks!

    | BenhardtConstruction

  • hello im still in my beginnings and wish to understand why we are limited to 100 full SERPs reports isnt there a way for more ?

    | sabrekism

  • Our site has been crawled several times by RogerBot but each time only 6 pages are crawled even though we have more than 100 pages. Do I need to submit my sitemap.xml to Moz?

    | Scurri

  • Hi Can anyone please help. Using the weekly moz reports I realised that my website has gone from 2 duplicate pages to over 5000. As well as this pages with "too long URL" has jumped to over 5000 as well as missing meta tags. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers

    | Stubs

  • My site has been up for about 6 months, and is visible on google ( Even when searching for my exact brand name "For Force Suplementos", using google brazil from Curitiba (the stores physical city) I show up on page 3, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. I just today started looking into SEO.  And we haven't done anything to earn a penalty. (There's no links actually anywhere but our facebook page to us, which I know is a problem I need to work on). Anyway, I just signed up for a MozPro subscription, and installed the MozBar.  Looking at the On-Page elements, next to the URL, I see a U.S. flag, and am wondering if that is part of my problem.  The site is physically hosted in the U.S., so maybe that's where the flag comes from (Quality) hosting is too expensive in Brazil).  Is this something I should be worried about? I also am using CloudFlare to help speed up the site, which I don't think has a Brazil POP. Thanks in advance for any advice! -Eric

    | ForForce

  • What does mPR stand for on the MOZ toolbar?

    | Pinks

  • When I try to create a brand query, clicking the 'preview query' button doesn't do anything. Anyone else have this happening to them? It would be my first brand query if that matters.

    | pixelflyte2014

  • Just taken over web marketing responsibilities at my company. Will be doing some major website upgrades soon. I'm not familiar with MOZ and don't want to overwrite anything. So when setting up MOZ, is there a code snippet that goes anyplace on the site like there is with Google analytics? Thanks.

    | NanoLumens

  • I just started my free Moz trial--mostly interested in real-time Twitter monitoring. Does this app not produce real-time Twitter analysis? I saw in another forum that social media reports are only done on a weekly basis?

    | cksyme

  • Basically, I am new to this..very new.  In fact, my field was neuroscience, and now I work in marketing.. I just started using seomoz, and for one website that I build. I followed all of the guidelines moz has to offer. On the grade section, I got an for a specific keyword.  However, when I rate my site for that keyword, it does not even rank in the top 50.  The keyword is even in the domain! Also, some sites that rank in the top 25 have an F rating for the same keyword.  Why do they rank higher?

    | Meier

  • I've just started at a company and before I start working on content and SEO improvements I need to assess 'where are we now' . The idea being after 3-6 months I can repeat the report to show improvements. Moz has an enormous range of powerful analysis tools - which should I combine into a Custom Report to create a snapshot of current website quality? Thanks

    | ElementaryUK

  • Hi there MOZ! Is it possible white label or brand the email notifications as related to scheduled Custom Reports? Currently, they arrive with MOZ branding. Of course when the report is viewed it has my company branding, but I am looking for a seamless branding approach to deliver to clients. Thanks! Dino

    | SCW

  • Please help with an answer, I already added a campaing for Analytics of my website and already fix the issues, how do I request a new Analysis for the same website after fixing my isuues? Thank you

    | kattia.bolanos

  • Hello Moz Community,.. I have just signed up for my Moz Analytic,.. and already seen the results there. I am a newbie for using this SEO analytic, can you all help me what should I do then? From step by step correcting my mistakes on SEO. Or can you please let me know from where I have to start doing my SEO based on this report? Thank you Moz Community.

    | Jesslyn

  • Hello all, Should it be possible to select previous timeframes in the dashboard ? I currently only see the latest week, so I wonder how I find back the previous values ?  Thx

    | StephDep

  • Hello All, I may be missing something, but I only want to create monthly reports for my clients from this system. A week in SEO is a terrifying rollercoaster, but any I digress. Currently, i'm adding clients to the system, setting up Analytics, Twitter, Google+, keywords etc. I then go to the custom reports menu as I want to build my report now and schedule it to run at the end of the month, however, because a month has not yet passed, I can only create weekly report segments. This means that I have to add a client to your system and then come back a month later to build a report, this is silly, am I using this wrong or is this not right? I don't care if any data is available, I just want to create the report so I don't have to do it later ideally.

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Did Roger leave us to search for eastereggs 😉 ? My dashboard still shows data from the initial crawl  (2- 8 april), and hasn't updated since. Have I switched something off  ?  The next run should contain 9 - 15 april, and that period closed yesterday so I wonder what's going on ...

    | StephDep

  • I just started a trial of Moz Pro today and it seems to have a problem staying connected to my Google Analytics account. Evenr time I refresh a page or click to a different page, I get a notification that reads "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now." I click the link to reauthorize and it says it was successful, But then as soon as I refresh the page or click to a new page withing Moz Pro, the message appears again. I'm afraid that none of my GA data is being collected by Moz Pro. What should I do?

    | InterCall

  • I'm looking to set up a custom ranking report, but I just want the report to show up keywords that I have attached a certain label to. I've attached a custom label to a number of my keywords. Ideally I would like a report which just showed me the performance of these keywords. Does anybody know of a way to do this? Thanks in advance.

    | Fergus_Macdonald

  • I am a startup and can't afford the higher plans yet. And even their highest plan is 600K pages crawled, which seems really low considering how lightly I used the tool and how quickly I hit 50K. Does anyone have any advice or information on how they use the tool on lower packages? Did I do something wrong to hit 50K pages crawled that fast? Does this pricing make any sense, it seems like an incredibly high price, I love the tool, any help is appreciated.

    | Daedilus

  • Hi When I try to setup a campaign for, I get the message: "Oops! It looks like we had an issue creating your campaign. Go ahead and try again in a few minutes." I've tried for two days now, and still not working. When I try creating campaigns for other domains, I can succesfully create these. Please assist. Thanks.

    | PravdaRasmus

  • I feel like I have THROWN away $200.  I am not very SEO or Wordpress familiar.  I have a Word Press site and I thought MOZ would help me set it up to be SEO friendly, but in 2 months I am more lost than before.  I have read a few help topics, but I don't understand the terminology enough to use the help topics either.  I need to ask someone a question, but I don't have one specific question.  PLEASE ADVISE ON WHERE A PERSON WHO NEEDS SEO FOR DUMMIES should start????

    | KimberlyB

  • I cant think of any other reporting product that only lets you look at the last period, am I missing a setting somewhere. I need to take a look at Feb!

    | locusm

  • Hi I have seen lots of threads about not being able to link analytics, I can the same authentication error can anyone help please.

    | cm1chess

  • Hi All, I have been going crazy trying to find a thread I read last week ... I think!
    Several search attempts later, no closer to finding the thread in question. A genius moment or simple frustration got me thinking. How cool would it be to have the following features on MOZ Q&A Forum. Watch List
    1] Check off any threads that you would like to monitor over time. Should you stumble upon a thread of value then simply add to watch list and view it's progress over time. No searching for the thread in question. History
    2] Keep a history off all threads viewed over a period of time. Thanks Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Hi, I joined Moz community on last week and discovered an amazing tool. I set up my first campaign and I am getting information for a timeframe that's going from 7 to 13 of March. I believe that new data for 14 to 20 of March should be available but I didn't get any update. So, when is Moz supposed to update campaign data with fresh information ? Thanks in advance for such a dumb question. Sébastien

    | lecercledesgourmets

  • Hi there Where can i find my campaigns crawl diagnostics? I need to find where this information can be found and specific issues? Is this possible, i cant seem to find this info. regards Ana

    | Starsia20000

  • I've been playing with my new account here on Moz, and I'm trying to figure out what Pro subscribers get that Free users don't get. Is there a page somewhere that lists the differences? I Googled, but couldn't find one.

    | CharlesSleigh

  • Hi, I'm sorry for this basic question but I couldnt find the answer through searching How many competitors can you track and follow the key word search results for? When I setup the Moz account I entered 3 competitors, I can see how to change any of those 3, but I cant see how to add to them. Is there a way? Thanks v much

    | danieldunn10

  • Hello, After spending 3 days setting up 14 clients on this system, by this, I mean I went through each client and re-made the same report 14 times as there is no alternative..I have noticed on my reports that: 'Dashboard' is set to 'Weekly' Social is set to 'Daily' Branding is set to 'Monthly' First questions, when I try to run a report, I go to Add Module and change 'Weekly' to 'Monthly', but when I press next, it changes itself back again, am I doing something wrong? UPDATE: I have found that I have go back in the reports, change the heading to 'Monthly' and then re-add this section again. How can I just run a whole report with monthly values? Surely, I do not have to re-do the entire report AGAIN, just to get a different value? I am mortified at how unfinished this product is, if this is the case.

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Hi, Is there a facility to upload a spreadsheet? I have a LOT of pages to grade and it's taking a very long time. Can you make this possible in some future update if it isn't currently available? Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • I am a MOZ newb, and didn't find answer to the following: We are an enterprise with four distinct brands, each acting as a (reasonably) independent subsidiary. I want to track their performance and report on keyword rankings for the enterprise. Is Moz Analytics capable of this? In Google Analytics, for instance, we have an account for each brand, and multiple properties within each account, and so on. I use 3rd-party dashboard tools to combine multiple accounts into a single report. Can I do something similar here. Thanks in advance.

    | afhiWebMaster

  • Can I use MOZ for initial keyword research?  Can't create an AdWords campaign (no website yet to register) to get use of Google's Keyword Planner & my subscription to Wordtracker is showing me too many unrelated keywords... Peter

    | nodiffrei

  • Hi, For some reason when I try and add my site's link in my Moz profile I keep getting an error. My site an SSL so I used https instead of http. I tried again without the 's' as my domain redirects to the https version, but this didn't work. Then I tried without http or https and this didn't work either. Why does Moz hate my site? It's actually really good!!! Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • Hi Guys, Just tried to Create a Campaign in the form of: and I get the following message: Oops.. This does not appear to be a valid URL. any idea what's next !? [Edited to remove NSFW URL]

    | mvag

  • Under moz analytics there are metrics for Linking Root Domains.  It shows an increase of n%.  Is there any easy way of identify which domains are new domains for any given period?

    | Lucien_Taylor

  • I have a list of errors, most relating to missing meta descriptions.  I have added a meta description to a page, visited the site and viewed the source, and the meta description is now there. When I go to analyze issues, the report it gives back for the link contains the same missing meta description as previously. How do I get it to update and realize the issue has been fixed?

    | ETGg

  • When we discontinue our PRO account, will we be able to step back up with the same account later? If so, is there any data of the intermediate months? And can we still access old data from during our PRO account from the free account?

    | meamedica

  • Hi, our site sells a mixture of clothes, for example jackets, hats, scarfs and gloves. when somebody searches for 'hats in Chicago' our main website would appear. How can we make it so that our webpage with our hats appears? Thanks

    | danieldunn10

  • We have lot's of vertical markets (roughly 13), and lot's of business area's (7). From a reporting perspective I need to report by business area, as well as by vertical market. On top of this, we have 9 regional website.

    | James-Warren

  • and the goal is for my company to pay for it once the free trial is over. How far in advance do I need to cancel it so my personal credit card doesn't get charged? Thank you

    | LeticiaPulse

  • I need help interpreting the Crawl Report for Duplicate Content. It gives me the URLs of pages that have duplicate content, but how do I know what content exactly is duplicated elsewhere? And how do I figure out where it is duplicated? Also, are there Moz Analytics articles or videos teaching you how to use each component of the analytics programs? Thanks!

    | NancyBryan

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