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Over 14 million people have cut their SEO teeth on our Beginner's Guide to SEO, learning the ins and outs of search engine optimization from scratch. Now, for the first time, we're introducing the next-step resource to take you from practicing SEO to preaching it.

The team at Homeday is currently carrying out a website migration in several stages, or waves, to reduce the risk of problems that have a large-scale negative impact. During the first wave, they encountered an issue with their cookie consent, which led to a visibility loss of almost 22% within five days. In this article, Hanna describes how they discovered and resolved it.

Your SEO strategy should be one of the primary considerations before you even start your website. Instead of fighting to make your website SEO-ready later on, start with this holistic SEO checklist for new websites and save yourself valuable time and resources

When it comes to measuring the impact of content, you might think of KPIs like “sitewide conversion rate”, or picture an upward graph that shows an increase in traffic. But are those metrics really meaningful? In this piece, Kelly argues that, no, they’re not. Instead, focus on getting actionable insights that can help your content flourish, by measuring its impact in a meaningful way.

Leveraging SEO can benefit your entire marketing department’s performance. Understand how SEO relates to other marketing channels, and learn about the impact it can have on your organization.

In today’s Daily Fix, Moz specialists show you how to create clear, insightful reports that you can easily share. These reports cover all the key elements of SEO and can be customized to suit your needs.

As a concrete, high-margin, high-ROI deliverable, email should be a centerpiece of any SEO agency's additional services. David Mihm explains exactly why that is in this update to his 2018 post, and equips you with the tools you need to start offering this cheap, effective, highly profitable service to your clients.

Search marketers can't get our important work implemented if we can't prove that it's worth the investment to our higher-ups. With that in mind, Moz’s own SEO Manager, Kavi Kardos, is going to give you the numbers and the talking points you need to justify the return on investment of your SEO work.

New year, new you — when it comes to SEO reporting, at least! We're kicking off 2020 with a comprehensive yet gloriously simple recipe from Cyrus Shepard for creating truly effective SEO reports. From tying KPIs to business metrics to delivering bad news effectively, your reports have never looked so good.

By the end of this article you’ll know how to whip up intelligent SEO reports for your clients (or potential clients) that will deliver actionable insights any search chef worth their salt would be proud of. Jo Cameron combines basic metrics and a few culinary metaphors to take your client reporting to the next level.