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Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are domain extensions generally used to indicate a site contains content specifically relevant to a particular country, territory, or region. Learn all about using ccTLDs for internationalization in this article.

Google's model of our world now mirrors the physical world better than it ever has before. Learn how to meld the online and offline actions of your business for optimal Local Search success.

Want to get started with local content? Well you're in the right place! Learn how to make great local content for chains and individual businesses in this Moz Academy video.

Zeph takes you beyond the technical implications of international SEO, showing you real life examples of how to leverage your existing content in other languages.

Learn how to build your local presence through outreach to other local business, schools, and events in this Moz Academy video.

Learn how to rock local pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. This Moz Academy video starts with how to structure a local PPC campaign and walks through the whole process thereafter.

Wondering how to get started with citation research? This Moz Academy video can help.

Whether your audience is in one region or thousands of major metros across the world, these small town lessons will guide you through the complex world of local search.