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There are some key scenarios when local SEOs should seriously consider speed optimization, even for a small local client. Small local clients are still impacted by the issues that come along with having a slower website such as higher bounce rates, lower conversions, and worst of all, a poor user experience. Amanda shares her experience with speed optimization, and the positive results for her client.

When writing for search engines, should you create content for the algorithm or for your human readers? The answer is both. Here’s how you can do it.

Creating custom, campaign-specific landing pages is resource-intensive, and not every team has the necessary tools, expertise, or personnel to build the content. So, how do you know if you need a custom page, or if you can safely send paid traffic to an organic page and still achieve your KPIs? This three-step, data-driven evaluation helps answer this question.

Inclusivity is about understanding diversity and ensuring everyone can be involved to the greatest extent possible. It's an important consideration for every business owner and content creator, and should be at the heart of your ongoing design efforts — not something you look at after a website or content goes live.

You know it’s important to keep your content up to date, but exactly how much does it matter? Lauren shows you the actual ROI she and her team at Brafton have seen from regularly re-optimizing blog posts over the last several years.

Your SEO strategy should be one of the primary considerations before you even start your website. Instead of fighting to make your website SEO-ready later on, start with this holistic SEO checklist for new websites and save yourself valuable time and resources

In our fast-paced day-to-day lives, we can often underestimate the power of copy, even though it’s the only thing between our business and our customers. To that end, Marty used SEO Testing to trial different copy types in product page titles, and want shares the results of that test in this blog.

Shopify is an increasingly popular platform for e-commerce sites, but it's not fully SEO-friendly out of the box. What's the best way to optimize your Shopify experience for SEO?

Today, we’re announcing the full launch of Performance Metrics, including a host of new features and improvements based on the feedback we’ve received from early adopters, as well as our own experts and data.

SERPs are becoming more diverse and interactive, making any CTR study out there much less reliable, because no two sets of search results are ever the same. So, how much control do content creators have over how their work is represented in search? As it turns out, quite a bit!