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As the "O" in SEO has broadened in scope, the most effective elements of on-page optimization have changed. While there is arguably no "perfectly optimized page," this update to a 2009 post provides a comprehensive guide to steer you in the right direction.

Have you ever redirected a page hoping to see a boost in rankings, but nothing happened? Or worse, traffic actually went down? When done right, 301 redirects have awesome power to clean up messy architecture, solve outdated content problems, and improve user experience — all while preserving link equity and your ranking power. When done wrong, the results are often disastrous.


Why might Google not be caching pages that they've previously indexed? Explore a few potential reasons in this post from the Moz Community Q&A.

In light of Google's recent post on common rel=canonical mistakes, I explore the most commonly asked questions we get in Q&A regarding canonicalization.


Seeing fluctuations in Domain Authority (DA) or Page Authority (PA) scores? This Q&A post from Rand explores how and why these numbers change when a new index is released and what these fluctuations mean for your site.


Should website owners block blog category and author links from being crawled? Why or why not? Learn more in this Q&A post.

When you look around at successful blogs -- whatever industry or topic -- there are several undeniable basics to success. And it starts with blog posts that kill it…rather than get killed. But what kills a blog post? Here’s a list of 12 things. Ignore them and you will have a tough time being successful.

In a land ravaged by pandas, one man will teach you everything you need to know about duplicate content. Learn how to spot duplicates in the wild and stop them in their tracks.