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Everyone wants links and coverage from sites such as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the BBC, but very few achieve it. This is how we cracked it. Over and over.

It almost seems too good to be true — online forums where people automatically segment themselves into different markets and demographics and then vote on what content they like best. These forums, including Reddit, are treasure troves of content ideas. Daniel Russell will share actionable insights from three case studies that demonstrate how your marketing can benefit from content on Reddit.

SnapChat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope... the list goes on. All social networks are now video platforms, but it's hard to know where to invest. In this session, Phil will be giving you all the tips and tricks for what to make, how to get your content in front of the right audiences, and how get the most value from the investment you're making in social video.

Digital marketers are ignoring huge opportunities to promote their content through paid channels, and I want to give them the tools to get started. How many brands out there are spending $500+ on a blog post, and then moving on to the next one before that post has been seen by 500 people, or even 50? For some reason, everyone thinks about Outbrain and native ads when we talk about paid content distribution, but the real opportunity is in highly targeted paid social.

You are laser focused on user growth. Meanwhile, you're neglecting a gold mine of existing customers who desperately want to be part of your brand's community. Tara Reed shares how to use communities, gamification, and membership content to grow your revenue.

What’s the value of a backlink and how do you get links to your site today? This session will show you how to discover relevant and natural backlink opportunities to your website specifically from local press and media.

Learn about the latest updates to Local SEO, including the 2017 Local Search Ranking Factor study results. Learn how to be more successful at selling your services and setting client expectations for Local SEO. Then, based off the hot-off-the-presses LSRF 2017 data, learn exactly which signals matter the most for local visibility and how to optimize them.

Dig into the discipline of reputation marketing and strategy. Rhea will show you what the role of a reputation marketer looks like, what analytics to track, and why everyone should be investing in their organization’s reputation to diversify and reduce marketing spend and other high business costs.

You can follow all the “rules” about perfect post length, perfect time to post, perfect image size, and everything else and still not see any financial impact from social media. Dana doesn't think social media should always revolve around community building and group hugs. When you show the right people what they want to see, when they want to see it, you'll start attributing revenue increases to social media efforts.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, Periscope... the seemingly never-ending world of social media can leave even the most seasoned marketer flailing among too many tasks and not enough results. Adria will help you cut through the noise and share actionable secrets that big brands use to succeed with social media.