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With the erosion of keyword intelligence and the move to strings-not-things for the user, Google is pushing all marketers to focus more on their target audience. This post will teach you how to understand that audience, the future of Google, and how to build data-driven personas step by step.

Whether you're trying to build a business case or get buy-in for your SEO project, some of the core challenges will come down to the same thing: How well can you sell it? As SEOs, we often forget that, even though we spend our day-to-day analyzing data and optimizing content and websites for bots, at the end of the day, we are working with human beings — and some of those people have decision-making power over what we can and can't achieve in our roles. This is where learning a good set of sales skills becomes crucial. In this talk, Petra will explore some of the key skills and methods sales teams use, and how you can apply these to your SEO work.

The push and pull of making decisions for searchers versus search engines is an ever-present SEO conundrum. How do you tackle industry changes through the lens of whether something is good for humans or for machines? Ruth Burr Reedy will take us through human-readable quality signals and their machine-readable equivalents and how to make SEO decisions accordingly, as well as how to communicate change to clients and bosses.

Opportunities and Diagnostics are two categories of response returned by Google’s Lighthouse tools, which underpin Moz’s Performance Metrics suite, as well as Google’s own Pagespeed Insights. We'll go through each opportunity and diagnostic in turn, offer a basic overview of how to understand each, and link out to more developer-focused resources.

Before you ask: no, this isn’t Fraggle Rock, MozCon edition! Cindy Krum will cover the myriad ways mobile-first indexing is changing the SERPs, including progressive web apps, entity-first indexing, and how "fraggles" are indexed in the Knowledge Graph and what it all means for the future of mobile SERPs.

Flex those note-taking muscles, because you'll need them for this high-powered talk! Luke Carthy will share solid, profitable, and actionable tips on just how to identify juicy e-commerce revenue wins using the unlikely duo of an SEO crawler and custom extraction. You'll learn how to uncover impactful low-hanging fruit to both increase your conversions and improve your UX using the tool that's already in every SEO's arsenal. You'll also glean in-depth insight into some of the world's biggest names in e-commerce, sharing major missed CRO opportunities, costly oversights, and rookie mistakes hidden in plain sight.

Are your search recommendations overlooked and misunderstood? Do you feel like you hit roadblocks at every turn? Are you worried that people don't understand the value of your work? Learn how to navigate corporate bureaucracy and cut through red tape to help clients and colleagues understand your search work — and actually get it implemented. From diagnosing client maturity to communicating where search fits into the big picture, these tools will equip you to overcome obstacles to doing your best work.

With the arrival of GDPR and the ease with which consumers can unsubscribe and report spam, it's more important than ever to treat people like people instead of just leads. To understand how email marketing is changing and to identify opportunities for brands, Litmus surveyed more than 3,000 marketers worldwide. Justine Jordan will cover the biggest trends and challenges facing email today and help you put the human back in marketing’s most personal—and effective—marketing channel.

Your company's unfair advantage to skyrocketing paid search revenue is within your reach, but it's likely outside the control of your paid search team. Good keywords and ads are just a few cogs in the conversion machine. The truth is, the success of the entire channel depends on people who don't touch the campaigns and may not even know how paid search works! Amy Hebdon will look at how design, analyst, UX, PM and other marketing roles can directly impact paid search performance, including the most common issues that arise, and how to immediately fix them to improve ROI and revenue growth.