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We've all sent guest post pitches and "link building requests" and begged for precious links any way and anywhere we can. But, that simply isn't marketing. We have all the tools for a better way of finding our audience and determining what they love. Richard will show you a data-driven approach to marketing your brand to your target audience. No more guesswork, you'll know exactly how to get the right eyeballs on your content.

Take a bold step into the international market. Aleyda will walk you through how to calculate the possible ROI of international sales, how to sell it to your boss or client, and the practical how-tos of international implementation on your site.

You've built your content and made it King. Now what? Ross teaches you how to take your content and turn it into links for your site. Whether you're just hunting for backlinks or building up social shares, you'll find all the tips to get your community engaged and building those links for you.

In the last year, Google and Bing have both indicated a shift to entity-based search results as part of their evolution. Google has unscored this point with rich snippets and Knowledge Graph, and Bing has now upped the ante on personal search results with Bing Snapshots. Find out how you can adopt strategies to stay ahead of the curve in the new world of semantic search results.

Do you think "no one will ever want to do that on mobile"? Chances are, someone already wants to. Karen will discuss why you need to deliver content wherever your customer wants to consume it - and the risks of ignoring mobile users. She'll also explain how to start your mobile content strategy, define what you want to publish, construct the relationship between your mobile and desktop site, and evolve your editorial workflow and content management tools.

Phil's going to guide to you through the process of building a video content strategy from inception to launch. He'll explain the creative and technical tactics required to win the internet with video. By the end of this session, you'll know where to host your video, how to optimize it, what kind of content you should be creating, and how to get professional quality returns without spending a fortune.

Mozzy does not always mean bright and shiny. Sometimes things go south, and it's these times when good communication across all teams, technical and not-so-technical, is critical. Carin brings the tactics she's learned about effective crisis management after surviving a few storms as a technical manager on the Mozscape team.

Kyle shares his knowledge from the frontlines of the most intense web campaign to date: the 2012 US presidential election. His team won big for Obama with a data-driven approach. Kyle will explore tactics like how they increased donations by 49% and help you implement these wins for your site.

The paradox of Local Search has always been that it's one of SEO's most time-consuming areas, and yet, the businesses who stand to gain the most have the smallest budgets and limited internal resources. Whether you're an agency serving SMB clients or a large brand with hundreds of locations, scaling your efforts is critical. Learn how to increase the efficiency of your Local optimization process with these tips and tools from David.

Competing against giant brands in the Local SEO space can be daunting, but Dana's here to turn your epic battle into an epic win. She'll show you how to put personality into your local search efforts so that local searchers want to know who you are. Dana's practical tactics and advice for thinking around the problem will crank your creativity up to 120%.