Public Relations

Favorite Twitter Conversation Ever - Search and The Princess Bride
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Favorite Twitter Conversation Ever - Search and The Princess Bride

Every now and then great conversations happen via Twitter -- by conversations I mean when multiple people Tweet and "@" each other regarding the same topic. During the day when so many people are online, there is a lot of "noise" which can make it pretty difficult to keep up. However, if you've ever had the joy of being a part of one of the #nightcrew search marketing Twitter conversations, then you know some of the gems I'm talking about. This is actually a great way to get to know other people from the community!

A Dozen Don'ts for SEOs
Rand Fishkin

A Dozen Don'ts for SEOs

I'm not always a fan of Guy Kawasaki's work, but really enjoyed his post on the OPEN Forum - A Dozen Don'ts for Entrepreneurs. I thought I'd take a stab at replicating it with some of my biggest warnings for those in our field. For the list below, the word "clients" is interchangeable with "marketing manager" or "executive team" for in-house SEOs. ...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

Moz Academy Training

Complete courses to master SEO basics

Keyword Research Master Guide

Learn Keyword Research like the pros

Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day
Danny Dover

Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day

Learning SEO can be a daunting experience. To make this process a little easier, I have broken down my method for learning SEO into bite-sized chunks that can be completed in 30 minutes or less. I have also tried to create a mechanism to make it easier to get help and expand personal networks.

Can Rand Do No Wrong?

Can Rand Do No Wrong?

I've been watching this community now for a few months since I've joined, thumbing up what I think is good and thumbing down things that I don't. For the most part posts are well thought out, well written and well received. Admittedly, I've thumbed up way more than I've thumbed down - I like you guys :) I've also watched the opinions of different members and the amount of negative reviews they're willing to dish out, regardless of reputation or opinion towards other heavily participating members.



A note to all new and learning online marketers, I have been reading SEO & PPC resources, blogs and forums for much longer then I have been contributing to them. In fact, it is only in the last year, and more seriously in the last 6 months, that I have spent any real time in the online SEO communities. So I don't know how some who have been around for much longer have managed to stick around without killing someone. No wonder Darren sometimes comes across as cranky!

10 Tips for Getting (or Keeping) Your Next Search Marketing Job
Rand Fishkin

10 Tips for Getting (or Keeping) Your Next Search Marketing Job

As the economic climate worldwide has shown uncharacteristic elements of strife and turmoil, I've been getting more and more questions asked about finding and keeping a job in the Internet marketing space. As a CEO, and someone who employs quite a few folks, I think I can give some fairly detailed, albeit personal, advice on this topic. So - if you want to keep the job you've got, or ea...

Page Title Pandemonium with Amazon

Page Title Pandemonium with Amazon

Well, SEOmoz, I am going to come out of the shadows today. I have been lurking and learning without contributing for quite some time. While far from an expert, I know only enough to be dangerous. An issue arose when analyzing my companies feed to Google Shopping. We were sending two automotive related feeds to them, a part type feed and a year make model feed. Over the weekend Google decided it only wanted one feed and deactivated everyone’s account who was sending multiple feed types. Myself and my closest competitors lost our status until Wednesday, when our new feed was processed and posted.

An SEM's Guide to Surviving Redundancy
Rob Ousbey

An SEM's Guide to Surviving Redundancy

I hope you read this post and enjoy it. I also hope you never need it. In the 'current economic climate' there is a chance that any company may have to 'restructure' or even cease trading altogether. These events are no fun for any employees involved, but I'd like to share some advice that will help you prepare for and cope with the worst situation if it arises.

Reputation Management 101: When Community Spirit Turns Bad
Pete Watson-Wailes

Reputation Management 101: When Community Spirit Turns Bad

There was a post on YOUmoz recently about link building via article submissions. The author of it was taken to task, partly for submitting something that has debatable worth, but moreso for being self-promotional with it. [Note from Rebecca: This post was deleted upon the author's request; otherwise, I'd have linked to it.] As a result, I thought I'd write a short guide for anyone thinking of doing something big in a community, such as submitting a post to a blog, starting a thread on a forum, or some similar thing.

2009 a Good Year for One Person Thanks to SEOmoz

2009 a Good Year for One Person Thanks to SEOmoz

Well before 2009 my head was awash with misleading information reading SEO. I was reading PDF after PDF about SEO techniques and just thought to myself, "Will these PDFs actually come in handy and be useful?" 2009 came and I can now say no, except for one. This set came from After reading all the articles on this great website, I built my own website, and this is my story.