Public Relations

What Type of SEO Consultant are You?
Lindsay Wassell

What Type of SEO Consultant are You?

For every excellent experience I have had in seeking, retaining, or managing an SEO consultant relationship, I have had five others that were downright bizarre. Of all the consultants I’ve considered hiring or have worked with (voluntarily or otherwise) these are the ones that intrigue me most... Closet Genius Brilliant and eccentric, you are ‘internet famous’ and greatly respected in the search community. Your reputation is enveloped in an air of mystery. Nobody has met you in person… this includes the pizza guy and your largest paying client....

The Challenges of Running an SEO Community
Peter Newsome

The Challenges of Running an SEO Community

SEO communities are presented with a very tough challenge: 1. Do I have simple, basic info that has been tried and tested and will help a novice webmaster improve their site without baffling them with acronyms and search jargon. ... or 2. Do I opt to discuss more technical and advanced issues, narrowing my market to the higher level SEOs.

The Complete Newbie Guide to SEOmoz
Gabriel Goldenberg

The Complete Newbie Guide to SEOmoz

Everything you never cared about knowing about SEOmoz, and then some! Pete Wailes recently asked where all the older members went. He picked up on a pattern of members who were long established here and had been reducing their comment frequency and becoming less involved. It's a pattern that's been going on since day 1, as my long hours spent digging through the archives suggest.

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

Moz Academy Training

Complete courses to master SEO basics

Keyword Research Master Guide

Learn Keyword Research like the pros

Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

It's Not Enough to Promote Yourself: Promote Your Supporters

It's Not Enough to Promote Yourself: Promote Your Supporters

As a blogger, the first lesson I learned was to get good links and the subsequent traffic you need to identify and help bloggers higher up on the food chain than yourself. This can be done in many ways, including frequently linking to their blog, adding value to the conversation (leaving insightful comments) and writing posts that will best serve their readership. No matter the approach you take, the following two principals must be followed:

Just Say No to Bad SEO

Just Say No to Bad SEO

If your company is thinking about hiring an outside firm for SEO, please read this post. If you work for one of the many reputable SEO agencies in the market, please have your prospective clients read this post. If, however, you offer the type of SEO "services" described below...then in the immortal words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, you may want to go home and rethink your life.

If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be...
Rand Fishkin

If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be...

My personal ending would be - to Improve the Industry's Professionalism. We're a young industry, which means opportunity, excitement and lots of fantastic entrepreneurs and personalities. Conversely, it also means a lot of unprofessional, immature behavior, even from those of us who should know better (and yes, I'm certainly including my own actions from time to time in that gr...

Help Future Search Marketers!
Casey Henry

Help Future Search Marketers!

I often get dragged away from the computer by my girlfriend to head to the bookstore. My favorite section is the “Web Design” section, obviously. I like to take a look at the SEO books and see what kind of outdated information books are pushing onto the readers. This trip was a little different because I ran into a college student who was looking at an SEO book. We began talking about SEO and more about the class he was researching SEO for. I gave him my contact information and told him to contact me if he needed any further information on the topic.

Killing Your Competition: Martial Arts and SEO, What I Learned in Judo/Karate

Killing Your Competition: Martial Arts and SEO, What I Learned in Judo/Karate

How can you kill your competition as an SEO? These are some lessons I’ve learned from my first few weeks in martial arts that can be applied to the SEO field. It entails knowing the past, present and future states of SEO and making the most of the present. I recently joined a Dojo (Modern Day Warrior; Karate and Judo in Spring Hill), a place where you learn martial arts. During the journey of finding a nice dojo, Paisley gave me some suggestions about “what to look for in a Dojo.”

One-Time or Ongoing SEO - Is it a Yes or No Question?
Brendan Fullam

One-Time or Ongoing SEO - Is it a Yes or No Question?

Being that I am mostly on the business development/sales side of things, I hear a lot of the concerns, questions, thoughts, etc from our clients. One of the things that has come up more and more is, "Do we really need to have ongoing SEO maintenance?", or "Can we wait on doing the ongoing SEO?" It sounds like it should be an automatic "You need it" (being that this is the business I'm in and my business partner and I would love the work), but is it always been that easy?

Creating a Methodology for Potential SEO Clients

Creating a Methodology for Potential SEO Clients

This is a topic that has haunted me for years. And to this day, it is not something I've been able to master completely. How do you approach a potential SEO/SEM client? Do you have a checklist, a script, or list of questions? From where I'm sitting, there is truly no set way to initially evaluate each customer unless you only strictly offer one type of service su...

A Challenge To Grow SEOmoz

A Challenge To Grow SEOmoz

I come from an Online Business background. I had a business that sold a product nationwide, before the internet. I know that makes me a dinosaur compared to some of you. But I have been working at finding the answers to high natural search rankings since the net went public.So how come I’m not one of the SEO giants? I wasn’t trying to do this for every...

No Qualifications? Then Love It and Live It!

No Qualifications? Then Love It and Live It!

I was looking at a few profiles today and thinking it a shame I didnt have a bit more detail about the individual as oppose to thier seo services or product he/she was selling/marketing. It then got me wondering about how everybody else here got involved with seo n stuff. Do most of us come from technical backgrounds or are most people more ...