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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • We have a blog hosted directly on WordPress with a PR of 3. At this point we are moving this blog to our server and incorporating it into our website. I wanted to ask the experts how to go about moving this blog without loosing Page Rank. Is it possible to do a 301 redirect from WP itself? Is there anything that I can do to preserve ranking? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Dmitry

    | DmitryP

  • I am trying setup product reviews on an Ecommerce site and was wondering if there were some good websites to create a model around that is SEO friendly. Right now my reviews are in a separate directory off the review ( and I would like my reviews to be attributed to the product page to add in free, fresh, unique content that contains valuable information for both the user and SEO (new keyword derivatives). Also any suggestions on getting users to leave reviews? Whether it is a monetary incentive/coupon or a free method (of course this is preferred :)) Thanks in advance!

    | ResponseMine

  • Hi there, I'm looking for several recommendations for decent copywritting services, freelancers or otherwise. Ideally with B2B experience. Any ideas? Steve

    | phsgroup

  • We have a pretty simple blog I've noticed our articles arn't showing up in Google blogs on "web", we've submitted to a month ago. Anyone have some insight here?

    | Aviawest

  • Do you think that content (that doesn't have a date attached) has a shelf life? Especially content that is effectively timeless such as a quiz? I've noticed in my link building efforts that most links are achieved within the first couple of weeks, and that there seems to be a point of diminishing returns. Why do you think that may be?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I'm scratching my head over how to best implement the "metered model" on a site without users being able to game it all too easily. Has anybody in this QA forums implemented one before and is willing to share his/her best practises and findings? Currently I think raising the bar to force everybody to login is a bad idea + we would still need to open the site for google and other engines and can be tricked that way. Also this might lead to some penalty (cloaking)? Using cookies might not be enought as I think almost every Internet user these days knows that this might be the #1 place to look and they are deleted in a second. Counting based on a users IP-adress is also a bit critical as this is not accurate enough. Should we just use cookies and hope for the best?

    | jmueller

  • I work with an e-commerce client who got hit hard by Panda. They are very cautious, and want small-scale tests to prove each hypothesis before committing to larger changes. Recently, we reworked content on 30 product detail pages. Before, these product pages featured some original content mixed with some manufacturer content. The change we made was to remove the manufacturer content completely from the product page, leaving about 300 words of high-quality, original content--all of which was written by subject matter experts. I assumed that Google viewed this manufacturer text as duplicate content. However, when these 30 modified pages were compared to the control, they performed significantly worse. Question 1: Does any have any idea why these pages would perform worse than the control?
    Question 2: Do you have any tips for convincing this client to try another test or get the buy-in to make the larger changes that--in theory--need to happen? FWIW, this client has about 10,000 product detail pages--the vast majority of which contain just manufacturer content. I appreciate your thoughts.

    | merch_zzounds

  • I am not understanding this - I see a duplicate content warning. When I look into it I see these two urls: http;// http;// (NOT a blog)

    | dcmike

  • I know Google recently launched their recipes search, but apart from this where else are you seeing microdata being used?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I want to distribute my articles without having to go multiple sites to get the job done. What is the best quality and most reputable company to help me distribute my content?

    | photoseo1

  • Hi I have Windows Phone Games related site , we often post press release for various games as soon as they get released and later in a week or 2 we review some of these games . My question is , would it be better if I use use the old post and just delete the press release and post the review in that space . I will use an example to explain the situation Today I will do a press release : then say after a week I publish a review : My question is would it be better ( from an SEO point of view ) if I just delete the content from and add the review content in to that post ? PS : I am not a SEO guy so this might be a stupid question , if it is just go easy on me 🙂

    | Saijo_George

  • We have a blog set up with Blogger and generate some great content on it. What is the best way to optimise the blog from an SEO standpoint? In particular the domain name, it is currently address, is there a better way to work with that? Obviously the blog is branded with our company logo and name etc but is about the book industry. I'm basically concerned about linking people to our blog and not the website and so not getting much benefit?

    | Benj25

  • Could you help me understand how blogs affect seo and how this works specifically when a blog is located within a site? Thank you!

    | derrickkuhn

  • We have a website where the ecommerce will not allow us to host blog. So we created our own manual blog page setup. Will this flag duplicate content on Google? and have same content. How come on a word press the same content on and does not flag duplicate content?

    | VizionSEO99

  • When trying to decide what is low quality content, page views & bounce rate are the main indicators I use for pages already on site. But, how do you measure the quality of content that you are trying to produce? Is it entirely subjective?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi Mozzers! Suppose you accept guest posts on your blog about marketing and a guest blogger wants to use the anchor text "outdoor clothing" in their bio. Is there a risk to my blog if I allow off-topic links in guest posts? Is there a risk that Google would consider guest post links as paid and apply a penalty? Thanks!

    | Charlessipe

  • Hi SEOMoz, I am the GM of Today (or possibly yesterday) we dropped  from PR 8 to PR6. Have we been penalised by Panda 2? If so what do we do? I have seen posts about seeking a reconsideration, or something but do not know who to contact or what to ask. best regards

    | althecat

  • I'm sure this has been asked before but I've searched for it in the Q&A Forum and couldn't find any relevant answer.  I was thinking that a weekly post would suffice for my blog because the audience isn't one which would be checking frequently + there aren't very many new developments in the industry I'm in that would necessitate more than that. However, I was told that if I can't blog consistently 2-3 times per week, I really shouldn't start a blog, as it would need that much posting.  Thoughts on this?

    | NiallTom

  • Hi, I would like to know your opinion about old article obsolete in a blog. Do you think it's preferable to totally delete them from Wordpress CMS? Considering the fact that Panda update measures "Bouncing Rate", "Time on site", and all that? Thanks for your opinion and advice! (Sorry if my english is not perfect, 2nd language 😉 )

    | Louis-Philippe_Dea

  • What are peoples opinions on blog categories and their importance. On many blog I setup a general news category and on others I have gone to town adding detailed categories. Is there a major benefit in doing this ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • My site has writers, and each has their own profile page (accessible when you click their name inside an article). We set up the code in a way that the bios, in addition to the actual writer photo/bio, would dynamically generate links to each article he/she produces. Figured that someone reading something by Bob Smith, might want to read other stuff by him. Which was fine, initially. Fast forward, and some of these writers have 3,4, even 15 pages of archives, as the archive system paginates every 10 articles (so, etc) My thinking is that this is a bad thing. The articles are likely already found elsewhere in the site (under the content landing page it was written for, for example) and I visualize spiders getting sucked into these archive black holes, never to return. I also assume that it is just more internal mass linking (yech) and probably doesnt help the overall TOS/bounce/exit, etc. Thoughts?

    | EricPacifico

  • After watching the white board friday re: Panda 2.2, it got me to thinking about old content. One of the sites that I work with generates 3-10 new articles/day (movie reviews, interviews, guides, event previews, etc) and has been doing so since 2005. Now, they have almost 10k articles, 7k of which are indexed. The quality of the content varies, and much of it is dated (movies, events) much of the amount of older content gets 0-5 pageviews/month, made in the days BEFORE the site was using Google News + social tools to spread the word (and backlinks). Note that those older articles also of course tend to have 100% bounce, and small/zero TOS. Is this hurting the site? With 75-100 articles/month being published, I want to make sure they get maximum exposure. I'm also concerned that crawlers get sucked into the site chasing down old BS content, and that is hurting it as well. What to do with this content? Should I unpublish unpopular, dated content and get it off the internet? Or, do I leave it on, but NOINDEX it so Google won't crawl it?

    | EricPacifico

  • Hi there. Currently we have our blog (WP site) URLs setup this way: However, it's hard to analyze blog's (only) content in Google Analytics now (since all posts have their own unique URL). I want to change the structure to**/blog**/post-name Question: Is there a way to do it safely? Will I have to 301 all the old links to the new structure or is there any other way to do the switch without losing any links? Thoughts or any (other) suggestions? 🙂 Thanks much! 🙂 `Helen

    | CuMarketing

  • What is the best web chat software and why? I'd like to implement web chat softwae that will ACTIVELY ask the visitor with a pop-up if they'd like to chat.  Other than that, I'm not sure I have any other needs.

    | TheDude

  • For wordpress ? I have been using Photo dropper recently which allow copyright free images to be added to posts which helps things look a lot neater . What seo related plugins do you use and non seo plugins ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Does anyone know of any research on this? Or has anyone tested this out themselves?

    | JordanJudson

  • I'm doing a site that will have many many pages.
    Now I have heard that you get more seo value if its a lower tear so for example: rather than Is this correct? Should I structure my site like this? points to (so all products are on the sub root.) Does that make sense?

    | OxzenMedia

  • If you choose "embed" now, youtube gives you the choice of using an iframe: <iframe width="430" height="352" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> or, the old embed code: <object width="430" height="352"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="352" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></object> Is either better when it comes to seo?

    | MarieHaynes

  • There is a site I work for that has content that, when you search in Google a snippet of text from, they are not the top result for.  I believe what has happened is that they had written blogs and articles and added them to their site and article directories at the same time and the article directories got cached first. If we're not coming up first for our article, that means we are not believed to be the original author, correct? Should I remove all content from our site where this is happening, even though we actually did create these articles?

    | poolguy

  • At some point in the past I read or was told that No Index, No Follow tags on category and tag pages were a good thing on a standard WordPress blog in order to prevent duplicate content issues. Is this still true or was it ever true?

    | eTundra

  • I am curious to hear what you guys consider to be the characteristics of good content and in which order if you have a preference. Here are a few I can think of: Informative (you can learn something new) Substantial (enough of it and thorough) Complete (doesn't give half-baked information or ideas) Unique (not regurgitated original content) Helpful (practical actionable information) Visual (content complemented by media) Referenced (claims made are substantiated through citations) Entertaining (or otherwise emotional, e.g. surprising, sad, shocking, controversial) Formatted (easy to read and follow) Timely (right content at the right time, applies for news) Professional (writing style, grammar, spelling and sentence structure) Can you add to this list?

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Please share your tips for improving your chances of getting approved for Google News. Thanks Mozzers!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi, My website is based in Ireland on a .ie domain & now I would like to enter the UK market on a Is it ok for me to duplicate my .ie website and provide all the information on a OR is this considered duplicate content in terms of Google. (I'm led to believe that your own content on my domain's is not considered duplicate & this is only considered duplicate content when you go from .com to .ie, etc). (all content, images, branding are my own).

    | GlenBOB

  • Im experiencing a different problem. I created a website using wordpress "". When I publish any post (eg:""), along with the post, its also creating another page like "" which is a 404 error (showing in SEOmoz reports) automatically the website name is coming at the end (one at first and one at last) and creating a 404 error. Please let me know the reason why its happening and the solution for redirecting all 404 and misspelt pages to home page. Thankyou Raja

    | rajaletstalk

  • I noticed in wordpress code that the <title>and <description> are not at the top of the code and rather located a ways down the code and not displayed how previous sites used to be.</p> <p>Does this still matter for SEO.</p> <p>I thought it should have been,</p> <div id="syn_row5" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">title</span>></span><span class="HTML_TAG"></<span class="HTML_ELM">title</span>></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_ROW"> <div id="syn_row6" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">meta</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">name</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">"Description"</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">content</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">""</span> /></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"> <div id="syn_row6" class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><<span class="HTML_ELM">meta</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">name</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">"Keywords"</span> <span class="HTML_ATR">content</span>=<span class="HTML_VAL">""</span> /> (if still needed ?)</span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"> </span></span></span></span></div> <div class="SYN_TXT"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG"><span class="HTML_TXT"><span class="HTML_TAG">Is there a way to do this in Wordpress? Or does placment not matter anymore?</span></span></span></span></span></span></div> </span></span></div> </div></title>

    | hfranz

  • Hi all, Whilst adding content to one of my sites quite often I'm left deciding whether I should create an individual webpage for the content, or write it up as another blog post. More often I write it up as a static page so it fits in with the rest of my website more 'directly'. However I'm wondering if I'm missing out here as obviously I'm not taking advantage of the benefits of a blog, RSS, Tag Cloud, etc etc... Just wondering if others encounter the same quandary?

    | davebrown1975

  • Hi, I have a website that is about 7 years old. I had been using index.html as the home page. When I redesigned my site about 3 months ago I changed it to default.html. The old index.html page was still on my server. I just realized my mistake. All of my links to the home page lead to the new default.html. However, people are still landing on the old index.html. I have change the old index.html to the new design  but that means i have 2 "home" pages out there. Should i delete one? Should I leave them both there but use the canonical tag for one so it is not considered duplicate content? What is best for my rankings?

    | bhsiao

  • As part of my site I'd like to repost relevant Yahoo News stories related to my keyword. I have a plugin that will automatically retrieve them each day and put them into draft status so I can make sure they're relevant before publishing them. I plan to make this a separate section and give the appropriate credit to Yahoo News.  I'm not necessarily doing this to GAIN SEO rankings but if that came of it, that would be a bonus. Question - would I be HURTING myself by doing this?

    | DeedGrabber

  • I have been working on a cool piece of linkbait for our real estate site and I finally bit the bullet and published it last night.  I pushed out a few emails to some local media.  This morning I was woken up by a phone call from a local radio station wanting to interview me about my article! I realized when I hung up that I didn't ask for a link or even a mention of the website.  Hopefully they will mention it so it will get more attention! I'd love to hear your experiences in working with the media like this.

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hey guys, In 2011 it seems more and more important to build great content on your website to help SERP rankings. With an E-Commerce store what is the best way to add content? Would using the blog and adding related blog articles related to the product work and internally linking the anchor text to the specific product page? Obviously it would be more beneficial to rank the specific product page so wouldn't this method take away from those efforts? Or do we bank on being able to channel the visitor from the blog to the product page? Thanks Jason

    | mediapoint

  • I have a client who ... in contrast to ALL of their competition ... has exclusive access to a music legend associated with their products. I can help my client draft exclusive content, like an interview. My client's competition are obviously on the top of SERPs, my client is at spot 20. How can I take this opportunity to increase my customer's visibility? This is a rare opportunity that will no doubt effect rank. I am about to craft a plan, but do not know where this exclusive content will have max impact. It will be on the customers blog social etc. But there may be a better place or method I was told to submit the content to the article farms, but I suspect this is cheap and may not work. I am able to help my client with many aspects of their SEO needs, but this is a special opp and I would love to learn where to turn. Any insight or wisdom is welcome. I realize their are a lot of missing details here. I am looking for basic guidance. Thanks Everyone!

    | Giggy

  • Hey Guys SEOMOZ is showing up Dupplicate Page Content, but this just comes up because we use Tags at all the blog posts. Should we better not use Tags? Thanks in advance...

    | Rapturecamps

  • Hi all, We just acquired a new domain that was being squatted on by a reseller for a very long time and on the 5th June migrated our site over to it, replacing their advertising holding page. The domain is It's been a week now though and Google hasn't seemed to have updated it's cache. Doing a search for '' in Google lists the site but with the old holding page description. Web master tools doesn't report any errors or issues with the site. Does anyone know how we can get Google to index the domain and update it's cache? Cheers, Gordon

    | Primate

  • I'm working on a page that ranks the 10 best neighborhoods in our city.  With each of the top 10 I have a 300x200 google map of the area.  These maps are taking some time to load and slowing down the speed of the page.  Is there a way to load these asynchronously?  Or any other way to speed up the page?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Some one emailed last month with: Be warned – with the latest google algorythm changes – article marketing since two weeks ago is a thing of the past, read these below; 1. 2. Just wanted others opinions and the way forward. Thanks

    | blagger

  • Hi, I have a client who has a word press site that we put together for him. We have noticed that over approximately the last 2 months his sites traffic has plumitied - its gone from a health 200+ per day and sharply decresaed and is not practically zero. Has anyone got any ideas of why this might be? Here is the link to the site - Thanks

    | Tinderbox

  • My Web Site has two sections with overlapping, or redundant articles on the same topics. Google is only listing one or the other article in Search Results. What should I do to have both pages (similar but unique content ) to be listed? Example:

    | docjamesmd

  • What is the latest opinion on whether to have a blog hosting on your primary domain or on an outside domain (either Wordpress or just another URL). In the past we have done the former and it's been a great source of fresh content and organic traffic. Wonder if there is good argument now for not having it on the domain. With this new site we're working on it logistically would be more challenging given their tech resources, plus they already have thousands of pages.

    | BMGSEO

  • In my niche, there is a controversial research article that is very popular.  I am writing a rebuttal to this article and giving another point of view. My article has the potential to be really good link bait for my site. The original article is often printed out to be shown to professionals in my niche.  My hope is that people will do the same with mine.  So, I plan to have a PDF version of my article available on my page.  The article that is visible on my site (i.e. non PDF) will be a graphic rich article that is easy for the reader to go through.  I plan to have the PDF have all of the same text, but it won't have as many graphics - it will look more like a scientific research article. So, should I exclude the pdf from search engines so that it isn't duplicate content?  Or does that even matter seeing as it is a duplicate of my own content?  I want people to link to the main article, not the pdf. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    | MarieHaynes

  • I just redid our blog and I am using permalinks. I have the custom structure set to /%year%/%postname%/ and catagory - blank. When I run the XENU Link Slueth, it shows all my blog urls as broken, but the links work fine. However the url structure is and so on. I am worried about duplicate content too. Do you know how I can fix the url structure so only 1 or 2 urls are used?

    | hfranz

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