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Category: Search Behavior

Learn more about search behavior and search trends.

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  • seo

    Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on this... I'm working with a client whose website is experiencing some odd organic traffic patterns. See screenshot attached. As you can see, there was a sudden cliff fall about a month ago, and then it recovered (almost) entirely. Then, a month to the day later, the same thing happened again. What is the likelihood that this is a data glitch vs an algorithm thing? Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated. Thanks,
    Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 09.37.26.png image url)

    | mhenshall

  • traffic bounce

    I launched a website earlier this year. Very limited traffic, 200-300 a month. It is an info site for a specialized business. However, when I review my GA traffic reports, 20% of our traffic comes from one city in Virginia. (although the company does business in many states, it does not in Virginia) or anything close. The bounce rate is 97%! Could it be a web scraper or some kind of redirect?

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  • Viewing search results for 'When searching in google we find our site in the first position but when some others search it is seen on the second page 1 st position why is this happening?'

    | Alyaauditors

  • Hello friends, This is my very first question, I hope I will explain my issue correctly.  I have created two pages related to SSC CGL keyword on my website:  2) I want to target the keyword SSC CGL Apply Online on the 2nd URL but Google is only considering the 1st page for all the "apply" related keywords as well.  Can anyone suggest to me how to get the second page in rankings for its intended keywords? I will be very thankful for this help. I tried adding image but its showing dummy. Please you can check it op GOOGLE SERP Second page

    | namitathakur

  • hi, i have 25 properties already added in the console, since this afternoon , i am trying to add a new property ( , i have added a tracking code and i can see it in the source code, but console is saying we didnot find any tracking code.

    | alan-shultis

  • How many people here have witnessed some decline in traffic due to pandemic..? It's a thought that since people all around the world are in home and the usage of internet has increased a great deal the traffic on sites should also increase but that is not the case with me on different websites in past 3 weeks... How many people have witnessed the traffic difference ever since the pandemic started or from start of the month of March..?  Share your thoughts.

    | asifseo098

  • Hi everyone, I've been reading the 2017 report by Groupon and the 2017 article by Neil Patel r.e. dark traffic. Both of these articles work on the assumption that most long URLs are not direct traffic because people wouldn't type a long URL into their browser. However, what happens to me personally all the time is that I start typing a URL into the browser, and the browser brings up a list of pages I've visited recently, and I click on some super long URL that I didn't bookmark but have visited in the past. That is legitimate direct traffic, but it's a long URL. I'm just wondering if there's something flawed in my reasoning or in the reasoning of Patel and Groupon. Maybe most people aren't relying on browsers like I am, or maybe things have changed a lot in the past 3 years. What do you think? And are there any more recent resources/articles that you would recommend r.e. trying to parse out dark traffic? Thanks!

    | LivDetrick

  • Hi all, I'm trying to write a blog post about the human attention span and the likelihood of people bouncing on websites. After doing some research I'm surprised about how many 'outdated' numbers are circulating: many articles refer to studies from '12 or '14. Like this: Do you guys have specific sources you find most trustworthy/timely when it comes to topics like global Time On Site averages and Bounce Rates? Would be much appreciated, thank you,

    | RaoulWB

  • My Google Analytics always shows visitors on my site that do not show up with a location.  They are always shown as being referred from "".  Our service is exclusively domestic in the U.S., yet my user location map will show 1 domestic visitor, but 19 total visitors.  PLease see attached linked image.   Is there some sort of malware that is being exploited on my pages somewhere that these people are accessing?  Is there some way of blocking them from my site?  Should I?  Aren't they skewing my Google Analytics results?  Are they potentially dangerous?  Thanks in advance for all replies. mKEjs2H.jpg

    | TTR1

  • Hi Everyone, thanks for having me, glad to be here. So... Basically, in trying to validate business ideas by looking at search data... I don't understand how the results could be what they are. Ok to be more specific, I wanted to create a course about hit songwriting and music production... I've seen books on Songwriting with 200 - 500 reviews on Amazon, and I've seen some websites that have digital products even more niched down than this, who seem to be doing VERY well. The search data on the other hand, says that most songwriting / music production related searches are quite low. Like Songwriting might be really high, but then it's a steep drop off after that. Additionally; looking at SimilarWeb at those 'competitors' I was looking at... they're getting lots of organic traffic but they don't rank for any obvious songwriting / production words... Like the search is telling me: Nobody wants to learn songwriting ... nobody wants to learn music production.. the search data implies I'd be wasting my time making anything like that. And can this be true? There are literally schools where people learn songwriting and music production, and so how is nobody searching out this stuff? What's happening here? Any ideas? Just confused. . interested what you guys think.

    | sstewart85

  • Hi, I have a seo question that I just cant seem to get an answer for. Right now I have an international ecommerce shop selling to several european countries.
    The setup is like this: -> 301 -> (dutch) (english) (french) (german) I also have the domainnames for the countries I sell to: / / / Its quite easy to switch to the later because I allready own the domains and can technically change this within an hour in our magento2 multistore. I think the customers would trust their local tld more than the .com and my question is: Is it also better for SEO?
    Or will the splitting of the backlinks hurt me. Thanks for your insights.

    | Internet360

  • Hi all, We received a deceptive site warning from Google recently. Seems like there is a deceptive content on some pages of the website. Some pages are removed from Google index. Meta descriptions have been deployed on the site few days ago. There is also java script on the website which we use for tracking visitors like GA. I wonder what's the reason for this alert? We believe its due to the Java script. Do you think meta descriptions will harm this bad? Any ideas? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • I'll start by stating that a brand new responsive site is under development and will be launching early 2019.  Until then, with Mobile First Indexing, we're curious if we should remove our mobile site altogether.  Looking at Google guidelines, it looks like we have Dynamic serving content, so when a mobile device is used, a VERY TRIMMED down version of our site content is presented.  I read that if a mobile version doesn't exist, google will use the MFI indexing on the desktop version still, since that is what is rendered on a mobile device.  If Google starts using our mobile site for its indexing, we're not going to be looking good.  At this point, are there negative affects to removing our mobile site and having the desktop version render on all devices?

    | Technical_Contact

  • Hi, I'm just about to put up a new site and I need to decide between having no trailing slash at the end of the all the URLs, or putting one in there. I think Matt Cutts has a slight preference for them, as stated here: "Matt says he would slightly advocate for using a trailing slash simply because it clearly indicates that a URL is a folder and not a document." However, I'm really wondering. I mean, if people link to my site, they'll tend not to insert a trailing slash, I'm thinking... Your thoughts would be welcome on this one! Cheers, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • This question has come up a few times with some of our clients and I've spent some time researching this question, but I can't find an answer online so hopefully, someone at MOZ has this data available to them with all the data they collect. The data points that would be needed to answer this question off the top of my head: Increase in the # of Google Searches in the US YoY The decrease in CTR for organic results "10 blue links" which take a searcher off of Google YoY, as Google continues to keep more searchers on with rich snippets, increased AdWords prominence, AdWords extensions, etc I'm sure this greatly varies per industry, but an average for all industries is all that is needed to answer this client question. Many thanks in advance and I've included a video which hopefully helps to better explain the search "plus/minus" that we can expect to see as SEOs in 2018. WF1yLlJC6LetnpbD3

    | WebpageFX

  • Please check following 2 cases In above case, why original content outranked? Can someone tell me how to stop this copying process done by another site from my website?

    | Janki99

  • Hello, Is there a way to know in what state my product is the most "typed" / requested in ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Years ago we switch domain names for our site for almost everything except the client log in portal. Now we are experiencing really high bounce rates because site visitors will go to our site and then click on the client log in portal which takes them off our domain and on to our old domain. Because of this our bounce rate is around 80% and I know this is negatively effecting our traffic. Is there any way to fix this without switching the domain for the client log-in portal? Thanks for everyone's help!

    | Brit-Page

  • Hi Community! We have been having an ongoing internal discussion on user behavior data as a ranking signal. We found this Moz article discussing the topic and it leaves us asking questions such as: What onsite user behavior metrics are being used (if any)? How exactly is Google collecting this information - Chrome? Google Analytics (which they have already claimed GA is not used for ranking purposes)? With privacy policies in place, how exactly is Google able to utilize this information? The article discusses Google patents for collecting this information (The Monitoring Engine), Chrome's MetricsService which is "a system in charge of the acquisition and transmission of user log data", as well as the Reasonable Surfer model. Some highlights from the article include: "Google has designed and patented a system in charge of collecting and processing of user behaviour data. They call it "the monitoring engine" "Google's client behavior data processor can retrieve client-side behavior data associated with a web page. This client-side behavior data can then be used to help formulate a ranking score for the article." The monitoring engine can: Distinguish whether the user is actually viewing an article, such as a web page, or whether the web page has merely been left active on the client device while the user is away from the client. Monitor a plurality of articles associated with one or more applications and create client-side behavior data associated with each article individually. Determine client-side behavior data for multiple user articles and ensure that the client-side behavior data associated with an article can be identified with that particular article. Transmit the client-side behavior data, together with identifying information that associates the data with a particular article to which it relates, to the data store for storage in a manner that preserves associations between the article and the client behaviors. MetricsService: "Chrome's MetricsService is a system in charge of the acquisition and transmission of user log data. Transmitted histograms contain very detailed records of user activities, including opened/closed tabs, fetched URLs, maximized windows, et cetera." “Reasonable surfer” is the random surfer's successor. The PageRank dampening factor reflects the original assumption that after each followed link, our imaginary surfer is less likely to click on another random link, resulting in an eventual abandonment of the surfing path. Most search engines today work with a more refined model encompassing a wider variety of influencing factors. In addition to perceived importance from on-page signals, a search engine may judge link popularity by observing common user choices. A link on which users click more within a page can carry more weight than the one with less clicks. Google in particular mentions user click behaviour monitoring in the context of balancing out traditional, more manipulative signals (e.g. links). I do not expect a concrete answer here, I know there is a lot of uncertainty on the topic but I am very interested to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

    | Joe_Stoffel

  • Hi, Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! I have been reading up on this topic but there is some contradictory articles out there and I was hoping someone could clarify the latest practise for me. Website A links out to four of its partner websites.
    These links are using a target="_blank". When i look at the acquisition data for any of the partner websites there is zero referral data from site A. 
    I tested this wasn't an analytics bug by using the real time feature while clicking the partner links to see what had happened, and to also find the source, but I found that they are all being returned as a source direct. Ideally id like it to show the referrals once more for reporting purposes. Do I need to add extra google analytics parameters/functions to track the outbound links? or should this referral data be appearing correctly and it is something unrelated to the links themselves? or should I throw in the towel and drop the target blanks? Thank you in advance for your time.
    Best Regards.

    | AMA-DataSet

  • Hi. I'm trying to figure out a solution to two questions one of my current clients has asked me in regards to Google Analytics tagging, and I'm unsure how to respond. Can anyone help? See below the questions, 1. In Google Acquisition > Overview, their paid media is reporting as "Other". They do not run any Google paid ads. They only run Facebook paid ads. Is there a way to update the source so that it says "Paid" versus "Other" within the default channel? The current solution was advised to create a channel group that the client has to then tick on overtime they want to see this data with the correct labeling. They would prefer to see it in the default. Is it just a matter of going into the *default channel, choosing the "Paid" option, and then specifying the source/medium that contains Facebook, CPC, or referral to be categorized under this channel? Or is it something else? *Aware that changes to the Default Channel are permanent changes and will change how new traffic is classified. 2. Audience segmentation > The client wants to be able to define it's audience by shopping intent and informational intent. Is there a clear way to do this, for example, by keywords used, e.g. buy, product name, entry (shopping intent), versus e.g. non-purchase intent, entry to the blog, length of time on site (info intent). Would be happy to have a conversation about the last question, since I'm conscious that there are probably multiple ways to define this - thanks. To the group, thank you for readying my questions and helping me with these solutions - your time is appreciated and valued. Sincerely, Amanda

    | AmandaValle.Digital

  • Hi. I'm trying to figure out a solution to three questions one of my current clients has asked me in regards to Google Analytics tagging, and I'm unsure how to respond. Can anyone help? See below the questions, 1. In Google Acquisition > Overview, their paid media is reporting as "Other". They do not run any Google paid ads. They only run Facebook paid ads. Is there a way to update the source so that it says "Paid" versus "Other" within the default channel? The current solution was advised to create a channel group that the client has to then tick on overtime they want to see this data with the correct labeling. They would prefer to see it in the default. Is it just a matter of going into the *default channel, choosing the "Paid" option, and then specifying the source/medium that contains Facebook, CPC, or referral to be categorized under this channel? Or is it something else? *Aware that changes to the Default Channel are permanent changes and will change how new traffic is classified. 2. In Google Acquisition > Overview > Referral, the clients website is showing up as a referring domain, both the TLD and the subdomain. My understanding is that it should actually be reporting under the "Direct" channel. How do I correct this? Is it just a matter of updating the Direct channel to include those domains? Or do I need to update the settings? The domain's www. http: all 301 redirect to their and Within settings it has been specified as and URL is http:// - also noticed that Bot Filtering has not been checked, assuming this could mess up the analytic data if not define? Do you know? 3. Audience segmentation > The client wants to be able to define it's audience by shopping intent and informational intent. Is there a clear way to do this, for example, by keywords used, e.g. buy, product name, entry (shopping intent), versus e.g. non-purchase intent, entry to the blog, length of time on site (info intent). Would be happy to have a conversation about the last question, since I'm conscious that there are probably multiple ways to define this - thanks. To the group, thank you for readying my questions and helping me with these solutions - your time is appreciated and valued. Sincerely, Amanda

    | AmandaValle.Digital

  • Hi guys, I run a wholesale program, frequently my e-commerce competes with my own wholesalers on many websites like Etsy for example. Usually, the wholesaler displays the exact same picture of my website. May Google find that I have duplicate content? Is there any alternative solution for this instead of asking the wholesaler to make their own pictures? Thanks

    | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • I have several pages (~30) that I have plans to overhaul. The URLs will be identical and the theme of the content will be the same (still talking about the same widgets, using the same language) but I will be adding a lot more useful information for users, specifically including things that I think will help with my fairly high bounce rate on these pages. I believe the changes will be significant enough for Google to notice, I was wondering if it goes "this is basically a new page now, I will treat it as such and rank accordingly" or does it go "well this content was rubbish last time I checked so it is probably still not great". My second question is, is there a way I can get Google to specifically crawl a page it already knows about with fresh eyes? I know in the Search Console I can ask Google to index new pages, and I've experimented with if I can ask it to crawl a page I know Google knows (it allows me to) but I couldn't see any evidence of it doing anything with that index. Some background The reason I'm doing this is because I noticed when these pages first ranked, they did very well (almost all first / second page for the terms I wanted). After about two weeks I've noticed them sliding down. It doesn't look like the competition is getting any better so my running theory is they ranked well to begin with because they are well linked internally and the content is good/relevant and one of the main things negatively impacting me (that google couldn't know at the time) is bounce rate.

    | tosbourn

  • Mozzers, I wrote the following blog post about Microsoft’s current offer to receive $100 free in bing ads. I noticed that the bounce rate on the post is higher than i was expecting; I am wondering if this is because I put the eligibility rules for collecting the ads coupon in the 2nd paragraph...and people are just seeing that right away and bouncing. I obviously don’t want to lie or trick readers, but i am wondering if the community has any idea/suggestions. Thanks, Matt

    | matt.nails

  • I would like to export a list of pages indexed by Google and other search engines.  According to our site search with google, we have over 300,000 pages indexed. Anyway to export a list of all of these pages? Tools like ScreamingFrog (which I own a copy of) can crawl your site but does not tell you the pages indexed by a search engine...  I've tried using tools that will let you export each page of the results. However, this won't work for a 300K page website. Thanks for your help!

    | Evan_Wright

  • is there any markup schema which helps ranking web page in google answer box ?

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hello Mozzers! I've seen several contributors that end their questions and responses with a website. Just for the sake of the argument, this is an example: -- Some text about the response/question --- Hope I've helped. Gaston Riera To clarify more, the URL does never have a link. I've always considered that this is a place to share and help other by ours/others expertise not to self promote implicitly our company.
    So, my question is related to the rules and best practices in the forum: Is it spam to include a website in the signature of a message? Does Moz's community staff take some action about those? Thanks!

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hey true crew. Weird question. I'm trying to prove a point to someone. Is there a way to check what my Domain authority was a couple months ago? It doesn't seem possble, but I thought I would just ask Thanks fam!

    | Meier

  • Hi all, Very basic question I know but strangely cannot find a solution to it?  (its 20:40 on a Fri-night! 😉 ) I am working on a website that has over 100 pages and would like to see all the keywords associated with each page maybe in a table report of some kind?  Is this at all possible? Heres an example URL                          KEYWORDS /index.html               Moz, Moz local, London /aboutmoz.html       Moz. Moz SEO, London and so on....

    | darrenbooy

  • Hi All, I have noticed a weird issue when performing a search on Google to show me all the pages it is indexing of our site. It brings up most of our website pages but then is also brings up a few HTTPS urls (our site has not been converted to HTTPS yet) but also the URL path, Title, and Meta Description are from one of our clients websites (an Automotive Job site). When clicked they take you to a generic 404 server error page, not our branded 404 page. The site that it has taken the url, title and meta description from is on a different server completely so I don't see how it has even managed to get that information and linked it to our site? Has anyone seen anything like this before? And what is the best way to fix it? We have asked Google to re-index the site but still no luck.

    | Jvickery

  • Hi all mozzers, I am having confusion to understand the fact and importance to target a single or related grouped keywords which is quite broader in terms of relevancy being found within our business. Let's explain more in detail:
    Suppose we have a website: deal businesses in "Party Supplies, Party Decorations" Where the term "Party Supplies" being used exact or randomly many places, please see below finalized Titles respective to each landing page:
    title - Birthday Party Supplies - Kids Birthday Party Decorations Ideas
    title - Wedding Favors - Wedding Party Decorations & Centerpieces
    title - Buy Baking Supplies - Cupcake & Cake Decorating Supplies
    title - Special Occasions Parties Supplies & Events - Party Time My main concern is, do our keyword party supplies gets stuck with "Keyword Cannibalization" ? If yes then what is the best advice you folks like to input here in order to safeguard and optimize best our landing pages for the such broader related search terms within the businesses. I am looking for best answer here

    | KammySEO

  • Hi there, I am trying to track my search queries on my site with GA. Until now, I have to result? Any tips?

    | TonikSEO

  • Only way to explain this was to make a video. Would love everyone's input on this:
    Thank you.

    | HLTalk

  • Hey guys, I have done a ton of research regarding bounce rates, yet I cannot seem to find the answer I'm after. Senario: BoIf a user follows a link and lands on a product results page with various sets of filters and an "apply" button, looks through the site, adjusts the filter functions (without changing the url structure) and exists without going to another page - would that qualify as a bounce in Google Analytics? For example: If I click 'details' to see expandable text on a results page ( /credit-cards). The dynamic url I'm talking about is below:

    | Masii

  • (Also not getting any comments on any of my articles) Hi, everyone! I'm very new to the community here, but I'm honestly at my wits end. I've run an affiliate marketing site for about 8 months now, and I've consistently had issues with bounce rate. I've tried to look into it myself, but I can't seem to determine what the issue is. A couple things, though - One, a lot of my traffic currently goes to two articles which don't actually have any intent to convert. I didn't even write those articles for the sake of conversion, they were just for fun and I thought they'd be useful to people who stumbled across them. So that could be one reason my bounce rate is so high, but I'm not sure.Anyway, I've asked a LOT of people in the past (I was part of an affiliate marketing community at one point - I asked the founders, friends, strangers, and other successful affiliate marketers about this) if there's anything wrong with my content, etc. The answer has always been no, that it's good. I'm sorry. My thoughts are a bit scatterbrained here. I just don't know what to do here. If all my content for 8 months has just utterly sucked, I'd feel pretty demotivated, but at least I could know what to improve going forward. That's what I need help with from you guys. Here's my website, though I'm not sure if links are allowed: My latest articles aren't really getting any traffic at all yet, so I'm not really concerned with them. Specifically, ignore my Future of the HTC Vive, Crusader Kings 2, and World of Warcraft articles. Those are part of my "fun blogs" where I just write about games and such with no real intent to convert. If they start getting traffic, then I'll go and add some more internal links or CTAs. However, a couple articles that I AM having issues with are here: ; ; (The links on the Micro ATX article are currently broken - This could very well be one of the reasons! However, this trend of high bounce rates started quite some time ago, so it's still an issue) Could it be as simple as a performance problem? I haven't checked my pagespeed recently, not since I switched to a new (Faster) host. I know users are far more likely to leave if the site doesn't load within 3 seconds. Another possible reason is referral spam, of course. I've tried my very best to eliminate it as much as possible, used filtering tools, etc. but I can't seem to completely eradicate it. Thanks in advance! Ask me for any details you might need.

    | Polycount

  • I loved the presentation Phil Sharp did about A/B testing using User Testing. I would love to use his company, but their minimum package is for $7500! I'm a small business and certainly cannot afford that. Is there another option for the small business owner?

    | RoxBrock

  • Hi, So I was wondering if you would recommend republishing breaking news articles or creating another longer, in depth article. I'm in New York so let me use the Derrick Rose Trade as an example. Rose gets traded, a news organization gets out a small article (around 150-200 words) that explains the trade as fast as possible to break the news and get into Google News (which focuses on speed). Then the news organization wants to go into detail about the trade (explaining the ramifications and so on). Should the news organization write another article that would be in depth (around 600 words) to rank in organic search or should they expand the 150-200 word article to 600 words and republish the article?

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Hay Moz Community, I have been analysing traffic fluctuations for a few websites and have found a noticeable drop in organic traffic from android devices. I initially thought it could be a generic mobile drop but iOS is holding its own? Can anyone share any insights they may have come across to explain the drop on android specifically. Thank you in advance

    | JBGlobalSEO

  • Hey everyone! Apologise if this has been answered somewhere else, if so let me know. I work as an in-house SEO for a private healthcare company. Recently it's been a struggle to bring in consistent traffic and it's getting tougher to replicate traffic figures for the month before, let alone improve. Rankings are consistent if not improving in some areas and I've done work to maintain or improve CTR from page title and meta etc. I've been considering a few factors and making sure I'm performing the best I can be but, using both Keyword Planner and Search Console, I've noticed that search volume and impressions for our branded terms and industry specific terms like "nursing agencies" have dropped. My question is: Does this represent an industry trend and it's a case of trying to gain as much traffic from a diminishing pool? If so, this might make sense. It's worth me noting that we are a national company and recently there has been a amount of negative PR around our entire industry.

    | grantcole91

  • Does it matter if you have an Extended Validation Certificate or will a standard one do. This is for an Enterprise site with many sub domains etc. Thank you Mozzers! Sincerely V

    | vijayvasu

  • I am currently using Opencart to run a fairly popular ecommerce website. I have done quite well in terms of rankings so far. However, the Opencart platform only goes so far. There are endless amounts of crawl errors, from duplicate content down to missing meta tags. There is no easy way to add canonical tags. The pages that are being listed in the crawl errors seem to be mainly search URL's that i have no idea how Moz found them. An example of the page is: Which has ten duplicate pages all missing meta tags. I have used Google webmaster tools and htaccess to deny access to these pages with the slug "route=product/search" but it doesn't seem to work. So my question to you guys is as follows: Is it worth trying to fix these errors and do they have an effect on SEO? If so, how do I prevent these errors that seem to grow at every crawl? Cheers, Danny

    | DannyHoodless

  • With Spring Break and seasonality in play right now I'm curious about techniques for separating/diagnosing temporary drops in interest due to user behavior in a category from other things like drop in ranking or similar. How quickly can you tell these apart? Analytics will be delayed a few days for instance, other tools take time to update. What should we be looking for and when to say "ok, this too shall pass" as opposed to "did we make a bad site update" or something similar. Any tips?

    | GLStephenJ

  • I just saw a great video talking about Rankbrain. Listing it as the third largest ranking factor? After reading more about it, it appears to me that it is more of an algorithm than a ranking factor? Ranking factors are usually taking into account content, links, speed, social interaction, etc. Rank brain seems to be doing a calculation to making sense out of weird or unusual long tail words or realizing the similar queries of the same meaning. Please help me to understand how a website owner can use this to his/her advantage. Should we be putting strange long tail queries into our site next to common ones? Again I don't see this as being a ranking factor as opposed to an updated algorithm to help the end user get results for an unusual long tail search query...

    | nchachula

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