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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Hello, I have a website that I have worked hard in developing and have tried to create useful content, however I am getting an 80% bounce rate. Can anyone give me some feedback as to why this might be? The website is Let me know your thoughts - thanks!

    | nadylime

  • ecommerce conversion rate marketing

    I work for an ecommerce company that has many of its shipments go by LTL freight. Our customer service team has issues with a few customers per month that aren't equipped to receive freight shipments which leads to returns and other issues. In an effort to better inform our customers, the customer service team is requesting that we add a checkbox to the checkout that requires customers to agree to our shipping and returns policy, including a link to the policy page. I am wondering how concerned people here would be that requiring the customer to check a box agreeing to those terms would lead to more customers abandoning during the checkout process. Or do you think it's not a concern? Thanks for your thoughts.

    | Kyle_M

  • sales funnel conversion rate converting

    Hi, Hoping somebody might have some suggestions for funnelling smaller orders and larger orders on different journeys. Basically, 90% of our business comes from 10% of customers with larger orders, like contractors and organisations who fill out leads or call us. But about 90% of the sales teams time is taken up from handling lots of smaller calls, which account for <5% of our revenue. Obviously we still want these smaller orders, but would anyone have any suggestions on moving these customers away from phone calls? We've tried to add as much content to the site as possible to answer they're questions, but they seem to just call anyway. Hope you can help!

    | Frankie-BTDublin
  • This question is deleted!


  • We just changed our domain name after 15 years. when I bought the new domain name I called Go Daddy and they instructed me to contact my google G sweet admin account and change all of our emails over which I did and then I went into Shopify who is my host and changed my primary domain there and then I went back to Go Daddy and had my old website forwarded to my new site. since then there has been nothing but problems with Google. my product feed from my merchant center account has been suspended three or four times now, I tried to rename and move all of my Google accounts from my old domain to my new one, but I am not an SEO person... after making the changes I have started google chats with analytics department with the merchant center with Google as they all keep saying that it looks fine but I’m not convinced because the product feed keeps getting disapproved. So I posted an ad for help and the Guy I spoke with suggested I do a 301 redirect for every single page on my old site,  But I’m concerned that might confuse things further? I’ve already started the move in Google Search console And in Shopify I added the old domain back into the domains section and am having it redirectEd that way too... I guess I’m just looking to know which way I should proceed, any and all advice is warmly welcome thank you in advance Maureen

    | TooFast13

  • Can anyone recommend a good CRO prgramme? Thanks

    | SarahHolmes

  • Hello everyone, As Headless Wordpress becomes more and more popular, it becomes more complicated to manage and track 301 redirects. I'm reaching out for advice on this. Our main issue right now, is that after migrating from Drupal to a Headless Wordpress/React platform we lost the ability to track, manage, and view traffic analytics for users hitting those redirects. This was something we were able to do in Drupal. Example: If we have a redirect in place we could see how many times in the past x number of days that redirect was hit by users attempting to access the old URL. Unfortunately, Yoast Premium, has been helpful with other SEO needs, but this is one that it is not able to manage. Anyone have any ideas, experience, or thoughts on this issue? Thanks for your time

    | culturefoundry

  • Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give Hello, I'm Raph by name. I need your help here. After getting Keywords across the different positions in your funnel, do you now rank each page or what exactly do you eventually do with these keywords to assist your sales?  for a great answer.

    | Mgbeme

  • Hi We have a travel site with over 3000 pages in English. Of these around 200 relate to products and the rest are content articles, most of which with very low traffic. Certain products and pages appeal directly to users in different languages (around 20-30 out of 200 for each language). We are debating how to go about translating these pages... If we did "", "", etc then users entering the site on these translated pages from Google would be limited to seeing a very cut down site, bearing in mind most speak English and would also be able to interact with our English language content we are probably losing out. Also, if we detected user language on entry, we would show effectively hide most of our product and content from users. Any suggestions or ideas about how to go about this without losing engagement/conversions/creating a mess?

    | ben10001

  • Our real estate website ( now requires visitors to login in if they want to search our listing database. The result is that. 9 out of 10 visitors leave without searching; they simply refuse to set up an account. I have attached images of the search bar and login form. Is there a way to increase the percentage of visitors that login? We have tried to make it as simple as possible, allowing visitors to login by Facebook, Google or by providing their email address. We do not send any verification email. We are forced to. keep this login unfortunately. But is there anything we can do to reduce the visitor bounce rate? Thanks, 
    Alan TF0tlVe i79OEg5 i79OEg5

    | Kingalan1

  • Has anyone ever used anchor links as a drop-down in a sub-collection from the main navigation and does it have any negative impact on link equity? My client has large product collections and sub-collections, these are then separated into further subsections which are open within the same page (see attached). What I want to do ideally is in the main navigation feature 'Mad Hatter Costumes and Accessories'. This will obviously have a # in the URL though and I am was wondering if this might hurt the chance of the page ranking? If anyone has any experience in this it would be really helpful!! Thanks in advance 🙂 m5Qd5VO

    | BAO.Agency

  • We are attempting to keep the number of CTAs (Calls to Action) on our commercial real estate website to a minimum. Our adjusted design (see attached) has 2 CTAs. One is "Contact Agent" the other is "Schedule a Tour". We are focusing on the listing page, which is the primary product page and critical in terms of CTA. Our mobile version does not show a phone number while the desktop version (also attached) displays a phone number. Should the mobile version also display a button a phone number? Some members of our target audiences, business owners and executives who are often in their 40s and 50s may prefer to call us up rather than communicate by written message. Any suggestions for elegantly displaying the phone number without causing confusion? I have read that the number of CTAs should be limited so I am on the fence as to whether or not to include a phone number Thanks, 
    Alan 6yR88Vt WwYpt81

    | Kingalan1

  • I have a very strange feeling that someone bad is trying to hurt our company, but maybe I am wrong. Let me explain. In the last two month, we have seen a very significant drop in sales on our website, but we couldn't figure out why. We have looked at different metrics (Google Search Console, Moz, Google Analytics), but everything looked alright. We had 10% loss in traffic, but we didnt believe at the time that it could be the main issue. Just yesterday we've discovered the following (please see attached screenshot😞 On August 18, 2018 Google launched Search Update On the same date, we had a jump in Organic Search Impressions for one particular keyword, which we never tracked before: "free facebook login". Majority of all impressions (233,000 out of 258,000) were from Philippines. Very low total number of clicks (50 clicks) led to 0% Average CTR for this keyword. Which in return, also lowered our global CTR by 1%. One month later we had 1000's of spam emails sent to our Helpdesk from two IP addresses, also from Philippines. We blocked them of course. It could be all coincidence. I dont know. But do you think that someone can use this fraudulent tactic to lower our CTR and drop our ranking and traffic? Can this influence our SEO in any way? It's also possible that someone is attacking Facebook and we just happen to be there, on the first page, for the same keyword. Should we try to eliminate our page for this keyword and see what happens? I've checked this article from Rand Fishkin - and it seems that CTR is an important factor. However the article is from 2015 and maybe it's no longer relevant. What should we do? Thanks! G86Nge4

    | plumrocket1

  • About 65% of our visitors are male. Consultant "A" produced design "A" (see attached). This design incorporates large white areas so there there is sufficient space for male visitors with larger fingers. Consultant "A" also was of the opinion that the menu "hamburger" bar should have the word "menu" under it and that displaying it would increase conversions. Consultant "B" is of the opinion that displaying  as much content above the fold is key to maximizing conversions. They believe that we don't have to use so much space between elements and that the word "Menu" is not necessary to display beneath the hamburger.  I have enclosed design "B" from consultant "B". Personally I prefer the 2nd design, however I understand that conversion is down to a science and there are certain accepted protocols and standards that serve to increase conversions. Does anyone have opinion as to which of the 2 attached designs would work best for conversions? Thanks, 
    Alan UOf1rKo eQRWToZ

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, I have a few campaigns for conversions on Facebook, but any of them don't show to me real numbers. There are 4 times more conversions on Facebook than in GA. I did a little research. The problem is that - Facebook pixel calculates all possible conversions from all sources, and because my campaign results are wrong e.g.: Facebook campaign results: Conversions: 10 | Cost per conversion: 1 GA for that campaign (real numbers): Conversions 1 | Cost per conversion: 1 GA from all campaigns and sources: 10 It's that correct? Pls help. Br. Marco

    | marcop2

  • The Current URL Example would be . This side of the business is being sold however they have products elsewhere in the range that can be used as alternatives to the product range that will be moved, so they want to amend these pages with an " alternative " slant. Example idea would be to change to the following :, trying not to change the URL to much, keeping the majority of the content the same but adding new copy stating the benefits of using the alternative product. So it becomes a comparison between the two. I appreciate I will have to amend the URLs, titles, meta, H1s, add new copy & preform a 301's. Option  2 Simply write a second page which is all brand new content talking about it being an alternative to the products and doing a 301 from the original page but not amending that. Be great to get peoples feedback on this approach and if there is anything else that I could do to minimise the drop in rankings once I complete the changes. Thank you D

    | SDOwner

  • I work for a company that builds and manages apartments. I would like to know how we can fix canonicalization. You see, we have been posting our company's blog articles not only on our company's website, but also on LinkedIn. When people search for one of our articles, Google is  displaying the article for LinkedIn. Except, that's not what we want. I'd prefer for Google to display our company's website, to drive more traffic to our website and not LinkedIn. For instance I just Googled the title to one of our company's blog article "Great Leadership is about Influence not Authority." The first thing to show up was a link to see the article on LinkedIn. There was nothing referring to our company's website. Here is a link to the LinkedIn account where we have been posting the blogs: Here is a link to the same article, but on our company's website: Why is Google showing the article for Linkedin and not our Company's website? Might LinkedIn have canonicalization over Google? If so, how might we be able to reverse this and drive people to our company's blog instead. Any ideas I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

    | mikleing

  • Is it possible to have Google Adwords display different page versions according to whether an advertisement will be displayed on a mobile or desktop device? We are a commercial real estate brokerage based in New York City. Most converting website use desktop rather than mobile. We are considering advertising on Google Adwords. Is it possible to have Google serve a more elaborate form of desktop  landing page but have Google serve a stripped down version to mobile users? The stripped down version would be created using Instapage. From a technical perspective how would we create a more elaborate desktop version and have Google distinguish between the two? In our experience, mobile converts much less. How much less should we bid for keywords displaying on mobile? Thanks!

    | Kingalan1

  • What is a reasonable cost to set up Adwords Campaign? This would include keyword research, set up of Adwords, set up re-marketing banners, creative and coding landing pages using Instapage. Lets say there are 3 ad groups and two landing pages per add group. Assuming the vendor is highly experienced and located in the United States, what is a fair price? $700, $1,000, $1,500? How about for the monthly management of the campaign? Let's assume advertising budget is $3,000. Is $500 per month reasonable, $800, $1,000? I do not want to over pay not under pay and am trying to determine a cost which is fair to both of us. Answers should be based on a US based vendor with native English and extensive experience with PPC. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi Moz community, I'm trying to get some helpful answers on this. We are planning to employ clickable images on our website pages which opens in new tab if users click on them. This is to make sure that they can see the large screenshots of our product. I wonder will this increase the bounce rate and drop the rankings. Please share your experience and guidance on this. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hey guys.  My business consistently ranks 1-3 on SERP (google) and starting to wonder if my newly launched remarketing campaign is a waste of money.  My CTR has consistently been 10%.  However, I am unable to track actual conversions because of a cross domain\3rd party I am using.  I can see those clicks are decent Time on Site and page views.  Of course Google is telling my its capped because of budget.  What to do?  Am I competing with myself?  Would the visitors showed up anyways? Anyone have some insight they would like to share?  I really don't wanna waste the $$ if I don't need to. Thanks,

    | DougDeVore

  • Adwords best practices say to focus landing pages on conversions, with no navigational links to the rest of your website so they don't get distracted. However, now that Google Ads in the SERPs look so similar to organic results, visitors may click the ads instead of the organic result because that's what they see first. What is the risk of turning off these visitors who come to a landing page with a form, instead of a way to navigate through the rest of your site? Discussion question: Trade-offs between a form-focused landing page and providing navigation to the rest of the site?

    | JannetteP

  • They have a Shopify site. It's been running a year without getting really any listings. Anyone else had this problem? Should we just build them a new website? Or do shopify site have a poor record of listing highly.Thanks

    | BraveThinking

  • Can't seem to find any ASO type of communities to ask this question to and since the Moz community has been so helpful, I thought I'd try this out. I've been doing A/B Testing for featured graphics on the Google Play Store. There are segments of active devices and users and I've been keeping track daily for ~1.5 months. The data that I have written down displays that active devices shows a positive, however users show a negative. Google Play Console choose to display the scaled installs for active devices. When we do A/B Tests on Google Play Console, should we choose the winner based on the active devices or users?

    | imjonny123

  • Hi I'm seeing a few category pages drop out of Google for certain keywords but not others, I'm trying to work out why & see if this correlates to a drop in conversion Organic Traffic isnt down, but conversion is so I'm trying to identify where its coming from - a lot has come from the homepage, but we have also lost a lot of positions across the site. has anyone noticed any google updates in Jan? Example of the page Keywords lost in top 10 UK Google: <colgroup><col width="199"></colgroup>
    | racking shelving |
    | shelving racking |
    | racking shelves |
    | industrial shelving unit |
    | racking storage |
    | shelf racking |
    | shelving units industrial |
    | industrial pallet racking |
    | shelf racking system |

    | BeckyKey

  • We are redesigning our web site real estate ( A key component of the site is the property search form. Currently visitors completes 5 fields and properties that meet the criteria are displayed to the visitor. I have noticed that my leading competitors (, use multi step forms that ask single questions of the visitors. In effect they are reducing complexity by asking a single question per form. However the visitor must complete additional forms. Before results are served, both competing sites require the visitor to release contact info. 42floors has a clever inducement for the visitor to release their info: "Their are 127 listings that haven't been posted yet, but are visible to members." Once the visitor releases info they get to view the listings. While this is somewhat coercive, I suspect it is effective in obtaining customer date. While I understand it may result in some visitors bouncing off the site, the form completions are extremely valuable. Currently we provide listings without requiring registration but obtain very little data about visitors. In New York City, there are so many commercial real estate sites that visitors have a tendency to bounce from one to another without leaving info or calling. Multi step forms would allow me to add questions that are highly pertinent. Like when do they need possession, how long a lease term. By being asked very specific, relevant questions I wonder if that would not in fact increase the likely hood of the visitor to release info Any advice?? I am attaching several of the forms in question. In the event that we proceed with a multi part form, their are certain services like Leadformly that integrate with Wordpress. I see the eliminate the need for a Capcha and have other advantages. Is it beneficial to use such a package? iQUNh 19ugT he23uak

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi Moz-ers, I've had much help from the Moz community and hoping you can help me out on this one too. I would like to track everyone who visits our town listing pages. We operate much like ratings and reviews websites like tripadvisor and What is the best way to track visitors coming to our listings pages only (for example tripadvisor shows top 10 hotels in London.) I would like Google Analytics on London and all other towns including Birmingham, Southampton ect... Is it possible to set up Google analytics to track this? These are our highest volume pages so having an idea of the traffic behaviour is crucial for SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization. As usual, looking forward to the advice we receive! Thanks,

    | Eric_S

  • What I would like to know is how valued a link from the BBB is. I've searched various forums and websites to try and put a value on it, but I can't find a whole lot of useful discussion on it and how it can affect rankings. My ecommerce company has been approached by the BBB for Accreditation, which is something I've always been somewhat interested in. I realize many business owners either love/hate the BBB, but so far I have had several claims with them and they've always sided with my company, despite not being accredited. The BBB rep immediately started spouting off the benefits of having the BBB link to you, and I could see that as being true. They have a DA of 96, and obviously not everyone can get a link on that website (money and good reputation required). However, he probably exaggerated when he said often times businesses skyrocket in the rankings because of this backlink; he also seemed to think having the BBB code and badge that link to the BBB website seemed to affect rankings, which I don't think is correct. I also think that having their badge on our website could increase sales conversion (and maybe even increase the number of people that complain to the BBB). I'm not too worried about the complaints since we don't have ethics problems. The accreditation is $750 (seems high) and I'm not sure if it's really worth that amount, but I could be wrong. Would love some professional insight on if the BBB is worthwhile link or if it's overhyped and the money would be better spent elsewhere. At face value, it certainly seems like a good investment and I'd love to hear some insight as to how much value their backlink truly has to a company or if that money is better spent elsewhere.


  • Hello, i have couple questions about new home page building. I want to start build new home page to replace old one. At this moment my home page is obsolete and shows low conversion. My costumers often have negative thoughts about existing one. My knowledges in coding is weak, where should i pay more attention to design, to section placement, to pictures and video gallery? Can hosting positively or negatively affect to SEO results? How to make the new website load faster? Here's my website's example. Thank you very much, waiting for replay.

    | Felter

  • Will improving our site's graphic design but keeping identical structure, tags and text result in better Google? Are lower bounce rates greater time spent on a site by visitors rewarded by Google n the form of higher ranking? We are a commercial real estate brokerage firm in Manhattan and plan on making the following changes: -Much larger photos for listings
    -Lighter cleaner design with more open white areas
    -Use of more visible fonts 
    -Better forms
    -Potentially less text and more emphasis on product, which in our case are real estate listints. Our existing site:  w w w . m e t r o - m a n h a t t a n . com  is a bit ordinary and uninviting. The redesign will have a concept similar to
    The theme behind this real estate site is the city itself, which is quite clever and applicable to Manhattan. Our home page as well as other URLs use lots of text. If we reduce text and use more images to make the pages more engaging, will our organic ranking decline? If we reduce text can we compensate by fuller completion of meta tags? Any thoughts???

    | Kingalan1

  • My real estate brokerage firm is promoting a listing via advertising on LinkedIn. The advertising links to a landing page: Rather than photos, the landing page has a 1 minute video. So far we have had about 10 visits to the page. Visitors leave the landing page after a few seconds. So they are not looking at the video. Would it be better to replace the video with photos?  Or is engagement generally better with video? My thinking is that business owners may not have the patience or the time for a video and they would more likely have the time and willingness to click on photos. I would be willing to test this further, but at $5/click it could get costly! Any thoughts?
    Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • I'm a cosmetic dental practice so we're local and want people to visit our website, look around and make a booking. I've followed very closely the featured snippet debate on WBF and in the blogs here and everywhere else on the web.  I've got many 1-3 positions and have been optimising for featured snippets with great success. I have noticed though that once I get a featured snippet the CTR of the page that the snippet is taken from drops significantly.  This can often put me from position one into two or three.  The same thing happens sometimes on the local listings.  You get in the pack and people start visiting your homepage rather than the particular services page in the SERP. At a conference I was at, here (11:14) there is a suggestion that Vodafone de-optimise because a position one or two is better for their sales than a featured snippet. After all my interests are not the same as google.  They want to answer questions and I want to sell cosmetic dentistry.  So is answering a question without bringing a user to my site a good idea?  I've certainly seen the amount of enquiries drop once the category has a number of featured snippets. Are they as good as everyone says they are?  I think possibly not from my data and this Vodafone talk is the first time i've heard anyone agree. I've scoured the web for answers and it's all just "GET FEATURED SNIPPETS",  "HERES HOW TO GET THEM" etc.  But my business is not about getting more traffic it's about selling.  Could someone please point me to research on conversion rate and featured snippets. or ROI and featured snippets? Thanks.

    | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • My designer has created a landing page with a dark background. Text is white and other colors. Does a dark background impact the conversion rate? Is it better to have a white background? I am concerned that a dark background may distract visitors. The landing page is: We plan on using this landing page for LinkedIn advertising. Thanks!!

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi we are looking to conduct some quite detailed analysis of our competitors social media content. Can anyone suggest a template or what the best way to the information out as well as what sort of information we should be trying to capture? Ie in terms of their content or advertising message

    | aplnz2017

  • Hi, For a particular keyword combination we show up on the local pack but also on the organic search results on the 1st page. I have never been able to find out what the CTR, #clicks, conversions for this two different kinds of positions are individually. The aggregate figures I can find out in Google Search Console / Analytics, but I would like to know on an individual level as I am testing out different things. With the statistics on Google My Business I can't get along CTR as far as i know. Any hint? Cheers, Cesare

    | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Our website has a Google powered search bar and for some popular keywords it has always returned the same results but for the past week it has been returning totally different and nonsensical results with the previous top 2 entries now on the 2nd and 4th pages of the results. It seems to be mixing up two separate keywords which the same user may search for but which both mean two very different things. Is this a User Intent issue do you think? Anyone know if there's anything we can do to stop it? I'm guessing not...

    | missus

  • Hi all, I am considering using full overlays/modals for an e-commerce site for all our product pages (category/listing pages will be "normal", the product page will come over the listing page as an overlay/modal when you click on the product). Those “product overlays” will also be accessible directly with own URL (if need to be linked to for ex.). All the literature I find out there treats overlays and modals as “marketing” ones (ads, sign-ups, etc.) and is generally critical to overlays when it comes to SEO, while also saying that an overlay that has to do with good UX should not hurt the SEO of our site. What do you think? Will all product pages as overlays be considered as good UX by the search engines and therefore not be negatively impacted, SEO speaking? Or should we stay clear of overlays and create “normal” product pages? Thanks in advance! Arnaud NB: The reason we want to create those overlays are for design and UX purposes, and try to increase our conversion rate.

    | Arnaud_Fo

  • HI Will a Metadescription with GREEN checkmarks be perceived as spammy in general? Or is one with BLACK checkmarks better? Depends on the topic/target audience, etc.? --> see screenshots. No doubt that the green will stand up more (increases CTR) in the SERPS but if it is perceived as less trustworthy or even spammy by the target audience its not worth doing it. Any experience with that? Would really like to know what do you think about it. Cheers, Cesare 0G3Fd

    | Cesare.Marchetti

  • My commercial real estate brokerage ie firm is targeting very specific lists of businesses. We send them emails regarding specific properties. For instance email to partners in law firms with 1-10 employees in the 10017 zip code. Response from email has been maybe a decent customer for every 1,500 emails. But it is inexpensive. We would like to try to reinforce and enhance the results by perhaps using social media tools such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Would it help us eventually advertise to our very specific segments if we Facebook like the individuals we are targeting? We would like both the individuals and the company pages. Any utility to this? We would also follow the individuals on LinkedIn. In a perfect world we could advertise posts of below market, especially desirable properties to our target market; the same people we are emailing to on a regular basis. We are generating the emails through a CRM called "ZOHO" which we find very useful. Is it worthwhile to add a social media element to our marketing effort? While the email has been very inexpensive and shows signs or being effective, the amount of effort to compile the lists and set up ZOHO was monumental. Looking forward to feedback, thanks everyone!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • I am using Optimizely to serve personalized experiences to our website users. Is there an impact on SEO ranking? The personalized content is dynamically changed on our website and the URL does not change. Thank you

    | Dilgul

  • I have read a few articles that say indicating a language per webpage with hreflang really only helps sites that use multiple languages. Although my site is only in English, I see that it is ranking for a few foreign language keywords in Google Search Console (not sure exact traffic but roughly 15% of visitors from Search are non English preferred). My thought is that indicating language will help my single-language site because it will weed out the non-english speakers who are probably bouncing from the site. Overall I am thinking it might improve the quality of my search traffic. Do you think my logic is sound, or is adding hreflang not beneficial to my site? All feedback welcomed. Thanks!

    | Jonathan.Smith

  • When performing a full-site server-side A/B test, what best practices should you follow to ensure that you're: not cloaking or at least not being shady only showing Google (and other search engines) the version you want them to see (i.e. not the test pages) Thanks in advance!

    | vsem

  • For business to business email, should we avoid sending on Mondays and Fridays? The nature of the service is commercial real estate brokerage for office space in New York City. We are mailing to corporate decision makers in various industries (technology, finance, law). Should we avoid mailing during certain times of day? Or is there a best time of day to send the email. Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • Hey Mozzers, Here are some title tag facts as i see them After 50-60 characters Google shortens your title. You want your most compelling info in the title to be readable and not truncated, so it should be written clearly before the character limit. Most important keywords should be used used as close to the start of the title as possible. My question is: Does Google still index the words after 50-60 chars? Many SEO graders make such a big deal about length and i am wondering if they are wrong. Thanks, Nails

    | matt.nails

  • Hi all,I'm interested in what the community on here think about matrix products aka variant options for products on ecommerce websites from an SEO and ux perspective. I work for a startup in a relatively greenfield industry which we are trying to disrupt. Brand new ecommerce website. The status quo in the sector is to list lots of similar individual products in the same category with the main difference between them being the physical dimensions of the product e.g. Length or height etc Based on this, my view is that we could obtain an advantage over the competition from a search perspective by grouping these products together to display a single page for the main product featuring "options" for the customer to select from on the page. In some instances this could group maybe 20 products together into a single page which would otherwise be individual products and individual pages. This gives us a single page for related keywords and page authority etc (if of course we develop the page in the right way and don't accidentally create crawlable urls when options are selected) This approach might take an ecommerce site with 5000 products down to 2500 products. My view is that this also creates ux benefits enabling customers on the site to find products faster and checkout rather than scrolling through pages and pages of the same items trying to find the right size. So bounce rate lower, better engagement etc all things which contribute to a better page. The challenge I am faced with is convincing everyone that this is the best approach. Everyone in the sector doesn't do it this way so culturally I'm up against it in terms of getting people onboard with the approach. Should I persevere or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks in advance for help

    | built_bot

  • i am looking to improve the load speed on my site (it's very poor at the moment) but I am trying to figure out how much I should compress the images on my page by. Is there a sweet spot between making the images as small as possible without losing image quality. I know that this might differ depending on a number of factors by any advice would be very helpful. Thanks

    | cbarron

  • I'm trying to resolve a number of conversion discrepancies found in Google Analytics. I discovered that Shopify also provides its own 'conversion details'. In some cases they correlate, which is awesome! But in many cases they do not. Anyone know why this is? And which is more reliable (remembering that Shopify is an actual, real order)? Does anybody know how Shopify attributes conversions (ie. last click, first click, or some hybrid of the two)?

    | muzzmoz

  • What impact does bounce rate have on a websites rankings? What is an ideal bounce rate percentage to shoot for? What is the best way to reduce bounce rate on a site?

    | bronxpad

  • [This content has been removed by moderators as off-topic. The Q&A Forum should not be used for job posting or recommending SEO companies and, as commenters have pointed out, we have a specific resource for this information]

    | KetamineTreatmentCenters

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm trying to find benchmark channel grouping paths to conversion, or assisted conversion trends, by industry... is anybody aware of any benchmark data out there? Thanks!

    | Zoope

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