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Category: Industry Events

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    | Njatym
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  • First of all, I wish there was an email I could contact for this. I am planning on attending Moz Con next month with my company. However the policy internally is that in order for my company to cover the conference, I need to get someone from Moz to fill out our new supplier form. Is there anyone that can help out with this? Any insight or answers would be much appreciated.

    | Fabianne

  • Hi all. Any local events or networking opportunities you can recommend in Bangkok? I've relocated here for 2017 and would enjoy meeting up with any fellow Digital Marketers.

    | RyanPurkey

  • Hi I was wondering if any one can recommend a conference/workshop on ecommerce & SEO In the UK 🙂 Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • HI,
    When promoting a membership site and trying to get members quickly, is it best go to organic or PPC? A person is interested in developing a site targeting the college student/higher education market. Corn

    | corn2015

  • HI,
    Is social bookmarking still an effective method to build backlicks and increase exposure/traffic? Corn

    | corn2015

  • Hi,
    I'm thinking of using this tool. Does anyone have any feedback on how well it works?

    | corn2015
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  • Specifically interested in meeting other real estate marketing professionals. Would love to start a forum for the guest list here. Let's connect!
    Brittanie Flegle
    @brittanieflegle also posting as @realtyaustin
    [email protected]

    | jonathanboatwright

  • These clients are regional news’ websites which have already reached their apex of visits - most of these results were linked to the SEO strategies developed by our team in the past few years. But now, the most common SEO strategies don't show the same effect: a higher number of pageviews. What kind of strategies you suggest to increase this number? Thank you!

    | Kenaum

  • Hi I know this isn't technically an SEO question, but wanted people's advice. As I am flying half way round the world I am actually arriving on the Friday and have Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday to go and explore Seattle. I plan on going to watch a baseball game and visit the home of Starbucks (and I hate coffee, but thought might as well visit), but what else would people recommend doing / seeing in Seattle. Thanks in Advance Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I am managing two separate Google AdWords accounts and with one I was able to add 3 different promotional codes so I got $300 of Google AdWords for free. I signed up for Google AdWords for another business with a separate login e-mail address. I used the code that I was able to generate and a few days later I recieved an additional code in the mail. I tried to use this code and it said I was only able to use one promotional code per account. Does anyone know why Google has this inconsistency? Was I just lucky the first time or is it possible to use multiple vouchers? Thanks

    | DR70095

  • Hi, Besides MozCon, what other SEO conferences do people recommend?  I'm specifically interested in: 1. SEO 2. Local SEO 3. Conversion Design Strategies Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • Hello Mozers, If you work in the field of online marketing and especially E-Commerce, I’m inviting you to consider joining my mastermind group. I’m looking for up to nine other people who work in E-Commerce or online lead generation full-time, who would like to meet weekly on a Google hangout, to help one another solve our online marketing problems. Ideally a member of the group would: 1. Have worked for several years in the field of online marketing, either as an E-Commerce manager, marketing VP, content marketer, copywriter, SEO, developer, or some combination thereof. 2. Currently work in house on the web team at a company of at least a few people, and you primarily do marketing online. As space allows professionals who work for agencies or as independent consultants can join the group, but we will have a no-pitching policy. 3. Be looking to grow as an online marketer by investing your energy in helping others in the group achieve their goals, and opening up to group members about the challenges you are having in your position, in order for other members to assist you. 4. Want to listen and share constructively. This is not a group for people who just want to gripe or tear others down or use black hat techniques. 5. Want to have fellow members hold him or her accountable for taking action in areas the individual desires to improve upon. Sound like you, or someone you know? Here’s the outline of what I’m envisioning a typical meeting might look like: Mastermind Weekly Group Outline Step 1: Start the meeting reporting on what you did the previous week. Step 2: Talk about what went well, what didn’t go so well, why, and what you’re going to do to improve the situation. Step 3: In a rotation, determine who is going to be focused on during this meeting. Typically we’ll focus on one person’s needs in-depth in a meeting, rather than trying to focus on everyone. Sometimes we’ll also focus just on a topic members are struggling with, like making sure your E-Commerce data is tracking accurately in Google Analytics. Step 4: The person “in-focus” for that week tells the group what they’d like help with, discusses the challenge and asks for feedback, advice and strategy. This could range from advice on how to deal with a boss who hates ecommerce and blocks every initiative you propose, to figuring out the steps for dealing with a Google penalty, or maybe trying to increase conversions on a certain landing page. Step 5: Everyone spends the final 10 minutes discussing his or her high leverage activity for the next week, which they want the group to hold them accountable for. For those interested in potentially joining the group, I created a simple Google form you can fill out in two minutes. Your answers will be kept private. Feel free to share the link with anyone you think might benefit from being in a group like this. There is no fee beyond committing to attend at least 80% of the online meetings, once you’ve had a chance to see if it’s a fit for you. If you have any questions or additional ideas, I’m all ears. Please comment below or email me at [email protected] My thought right now is to make it a six-month commitment or less, and then we can re-evaluate. I'll be contacting everyone in November, and starting the group the first week of December. Anyhow, I look forward to hearing from some of you soon! Patrick

    | Patrick_G

  • [Update] Between here and the MozCon Facebook Group we've got a number of folks interested, so we're going to grab a table together for lunch on Tuesday at the conference. I'll try to mark it with something noticeable, or you can tweet me @thompsonpaul and I'll let you know where to find us. Hope to see lots of us there! [/Update] Hey gang - I'm wondering which Q&A regular (or irregular!) contributors are coming to MozCon next week? I know Dana Tan and Marie Haynes are for sure. So who else is coming? If there's a bit of a gang of us, it would be fun to connect up for a lunch table or a drink at some point during the event to meet each other face-to-face. Let me know in the comments, and if there are enough of us, I'll set something up. Paul

    | ThompsonPaul

  • Hi guys, Can someone explain me exactly what is a vanity URL and how to track it on google analytics? All I know is that these URLs are for tracking offline marketing campaigns such as contest/promotions. Also, would it make sense to create an unbounce campaign to get that vanity url and track it via Google analytics? Thank you Mozzers!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I am a newbie to amazing tools like Moz! Yup, I joined in December and there is no looking back and no regrets. Well, until now. Here’s my sad story. I have been hearing about Mozcon for months. And I have told a number of colleagues that I am definitely going to that! Especially since I have two reasons to go all the way to the Northwest in July… My 21YO son is a competitive snowboarder and video blogger living at Mt. Hood during the summer. I can visit him and go to Seattle for Mozcon.
    When I checked the site for cost and tickets, the early bird incentive had already expired, so I figured I would pick up my ticket in July. I went ahead and booked the hotel and airfare from North Carolina. So, I am all set.
    At the beginning of the month, I go to buy the ticket and they are SOLD OUT!
    I am already coming and there are no tickets for sale.
    I had no idea that a workshop at the big Seattle convention center would sell out.
    I know you guys are cool and that you have a super connected following, but SOLD OUT?
    I had no idea. I wait listed myself, but I have heard nothing.
    So… I am at the crossroads here…
    ROGER! Can you please find just one more ticket for the newbie in North Carolina??
    Please help if you can. So disappointed in NC~ Terry

    | TFinder

  • Hi, Around June 6th, 2014 my google traffic took a sudden hit for my landing pages main keyword., my page jumped from pos 8 page 1 to page 20+, thanks,

    | robdob12

  • Hi, a couple of years  ( 2012 )upon contacting google I was notified that I had a manual penalty against my site for unnatural links, Today I just checked the WMT->Search Traffic-->Manual Actions and it says "No Manual WebSpam Actions Found",  is this right and I no longer have a penality or is this misinformation? thanks,

    | robdob12

  • Hi, We recently ran a competition through a seoPR agency to acquire inbound links from articles created by bloggers in the niche. It turns out that the anchor text from those articles (<a href=""></a>) are linked to a subdomain (complex long text url) of that agency's site before redirecting to us. I am put off a little bit now and want to know if that was a rip off.  Could anyone tell me that if those links are worthy for SEO for us?? What should I do now? Could anybody can help me please. Any experience is appreciated! Regard,

    | LauraHT

  • I know you guys had it in the past, do you guys have a coupon for this year's SMX advanced?

    | littlefengers

  • Hi Mozzers, I hope I'm not asking in the wrong area, but I'll be at the SXSW Interactive this weekend, and was wondering if any other Mozzers were going to be there? It would be great to meet up if so. Also, if there's a better community spot for me to post questions like this in the future, please let me know. Thanks!

    | EEE3

  • Hi guys I set up a website about 8 months back with the intention to bring in visitors who were after DIY advice & product reviews. To start it was bringing in decent levels of traffic. However since the Google Algorthym updates around October-time the levels of traffic have noticeably nose dived. if you're on your lunch break and have 5 mins to hand I'd really appreciate any advise you guys have on how to rescue this trend. Here's the website in question: Any constructive feedback welcome 🙂 Thanks in advance

    | DHS_SH

  • Hello, Only noticed the following today - and an official announcement - I wonder if they are trying to compensate a little for GA being a bit rubbish esspecialy since we recieved "not provided" Thoughts ?

    | GPainter

  • I have a website whose Alexa ranking is under 2900 with over 1,00,000 visitors a day. We have two types of pages. 1) Product page 2) Sub Product Page -  Info, Review, Comments, etc. Earlier the rich snippet data for both types of pages were showing in Google but now only structured data is only showing for type 1 page and not for type 2 pages. Around a month ago we did certain UI changes on both the pages. We tested our rich snippet - structured data coding in Google's rich snippet testing tools. There was no error and it showed everything fine. We also notified Google webmaster about the structure / design changes that were made around a month ago but nothing has worked. Can you all please help / guide me that what can be the issue and how to resolve it.

    | seosogo

  • We had received a partial penalty message. Post which we did a link clean up process and submitted a list of domains in disavow list and put in a reconsideration request. Post this reconsideration request we have seen a drop in ranking and traffic. The response to this reconsideration request had examples of the very same domains we had listed in the disavow list. Was the disavow list not crawled? Should we resend a reconsideration request? What next steps should be taken? We need to overcome this partial penalty.

    | promodirect

  • MOZ Peepz ~ Michelle here - MozPro customer. I was at MOZCON in Seattle.  I am looking for the link to all of the power point presentations from the conference.  I cannot find it anywhere - - can you please send me the link.  I have several connections to follow up on & things I need to look up. Thanks so much for your help!

    | LeapOfBelief

  • Are the MozCon Slides available yet?

    | MannixSEO

  • Do you have any suggestions or tips for getting the most out of attending a Mozcon conference or marketing conferences in general?

    | Charlessipe

  • I went to Mozcon - where are the video presentations located?

    | JeanYates

  • While analyzing the Google Webmaster, we found several keywords that are ranked in the top 10 search results with words such as: they, was, mai, and chiang. .. After reviewing the pages shown under the keyword "they", we did not find that keyword or its variant "them" repeated in the content of the page even once. I am not sure why "they" is ranking so high and of course, the word "they' is not effective for finding significant content. Also the words Chiang Mai are never used separately but yet the two words are ranking far apart from each other?  Mai is ranked at 5 and chiang is ranked at 11? Impossible it would seem? I would think that the rankings would be very close together since the two words are usually used in conjunction with one another. Can anyone please help explain what may be happening please?

    | jimmyzig

  • Hello, Across a few of ours sites I've seen a dip in rankings from around the 18th Oct 2013 (the weekend) Just to clarify I say dip but some terms have moved 30 places Has anyone else seen this or shall I put this to a Google tweak ? Thanks in advance.

    | GPainter

  • What are your thoughts of google not updating the PR toolbar? So many people rely on it to evaluate websites. As time goes on with no update, good sites that could have good PR will be looked at as bad sites to link on or outreach to. With google continuing not to make an official announcement, people will continue to rely on this method of checking how much a website is worth to them. Just to make this clear, I know a lot of people don't use PR to evaluate a site but I also know a lot of writers who don't follow SEO as much will use PR to check if your site is good or not. I just feel it would be nicer to have it officially announced that they are removing it or keeping it. Also read here about it: Apparently google had no comment at the moment.

    | ToddFosterSEO

  • Hi GuysI am quite new to this so please bare with me. I am looking at attending an SEO Conference in the UK but I want to attend the one that all the Big Players go too. The one that is known in the SEO World as the main Conference during the Year in the UK. Does anybody have an Ideas which one that is ? Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • We have moved our site from one host to another, in the process we set up a web preview on the new server to iron out any issues before we repointed the domain. this preview <cite></cite> has been ranked by google and is appearing in the search results. We deleted the preview and lost a lot of results within the SERPS, so i had no choice but to switch this back on. The host then set up a redirect from the preview to the actual site which saw our results reappear but how can i rectify this problem properly. I am worried that I will be punished but the search engines unless i sort this out asap Appreciate any feedback and i do realise that this is not a MOZ issue but not sure where else to turn Thanks

    | RGOnline

  • Google updates Toolbar Page rank every 3 or so months, but it didn't happen from last 6 months. Following are the Page rank updates Google made. 4 February 2013 7 November 2012 2 August 2012 2 May 2012 7 February 2012 7 November 2011 1st Week August 2011 JULY 2011 JUNE 2011 JANUARY 2011 April 2010 Dec 31, 2009 30 October 2009

    | goldfish1234

  • I'd like to know something about google updates, google do updates for backlinks assume every 3 days, and updates for PR every 3 month, and some of penguin over panda, but what about keywords , and the daily updates, I like to know about that plz.

    | engmtamous

  • Hi moz community. Does anyone know all the types of email traffic available to buy? and how does email broker work? and reputable sources?

    | marketer20

  • We have never had a warning from WMT but our main keyword has dropped quite a lot over the two years, we made the mistake of using this in our anchor text, we have signed up to, rather than ask other websites to remove the links would it be wiser just to ask if they will change the anchor text maybe to our domain name, a lot of the links appear in directories and some are on non revelant sites?

    | Palmbourne

  • My website went to spamlist on wikipedia. Can anybody help me to remove it from spam list. I can do all you need to remove from there. Please help me out on this.

    | joydeepdas

  • I utilized the disavow tool to disavow every spammy link coming to my site when the tool first arrived and I saw my rankings recover from an obvious penalty. About a week and half before Penguin 2.0 rolls out my rankings drop like bricks. I haven't built any sort of links whatsoever (new spammy links) so I'm not sure how to rectify the situation. I'm doubting whether the disavow tool ever worked to begin with. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    | onlinedude1

  • Hi, I learn best talking and listening and bouncing ideas off of other people in real time. I've done a little posting on and a little last year at Mozcon but I would welcome more opportunities to do this face-to-face and maybe even meet people from the Midwest doing SEO. If you're like me in this way and you'd like to meet while at Mozcon 2013 in a couple of weeks let me know. I plan to be at each class and each after-seminar event. Meeting up would be great. Thanks! Karl Seidel [email protected] 818 761 1376

    | karlseidel

  • I'm looking for recommendations for mastermind groups online (paid is fine) that focus on doing business online. There are many out there that look interesting, but most seem to be selling something other than a solid community. I like the idea of a private group with an application process to help weed through individuals looking to spam or who aren't willing to add value to the group. I appreciate any suggestions or sharing of experience with any groups you may be associated with, or have been associated with in the past.

    | DougHoltOnline

  • In February I had an Seo audit done on my site. I got advice that my link profile at the time was very strong and natural. They gave me some advice that I could improve my anchor text of my links with a much more friendly keyword anchor text. Example I have game site and instead of using the name of my site I was told to change this to Strategy war games or Online war game etc.  I went through my google link profile and messaged several webmasters and had my anchors changed to this. I also changed a lot of my links to this more keyword rich anchors. May 22nd I had a drop in rankings of about 10 spots across the board and google traffic came to a trickle. I can only assume these two go hand in hand. Should I go back and change my links to my website name and stay away from that keyword rich anchor texts ? Can I fix this ? I am almost 100% positive this is  a Penguin penalty since I looked at my analytics and it is obvious after May 22nd something changed. Can I fix this ?

    | Boog

  • A few years ago(maybe it was last year?), Richard Baxter gave a live demo of some fancy keyword research techniques at MozCon. I've been using those methods for a while,but can't figure out how to pull all the keywords from a list that match keywords in a table. I know it's either a VLookup or an Array formula. Does anyone here remember that presentation? Able to help out? Thanks in advance, Chris

    | chris.kent

  • Hi All, I'm trying to enroll in SMX Social Media in November in Las Vegas. But, I can't find any prices. I need to figure this out for budgeting purposes for now. Can someone shed some light on this? Thanks! Pedram

    | CSawatzky

  • Hello all! Who know Google Pagerank calendar update in 2013?


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