How do I change the owner of my Moz account?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you're seeing an error that the email already exists when trying to update your login email, it means there is already a account associated with the email you're trying to use. An email is only able to be associated with one login at a time. For more information on how to update your login email when you receive this error please see our guide here.

Overview of the Account Ownership Update Process

You can change the owner of your Moz account by updating the login email for your Moz account by heading to and clicking on the Edit button.

Changing your Moz account email address will change the email address or user ID you use to log in to your account. If you don’t have access to the email address you are adding, you will lose primary ownership of your Moz account, Moz subscriptions, and Moz Community profile.

To retain shared access to your Moz Pro Campaigns you can use our shared user access functionality.

If you are passing over your account to a colleague, you can update your Moz account email address. If you are handing over ownership to someone outside your organization you may also want to check your subscription status and credit card information, as well as your account nickname and community profile.

Update Your Moz Login Email Address

Please note: An email address can only be assigned to one account at a time. If the email address you’re wanting to add already exists you will first need them to free up the email before it can be added. Please follow our guide here.

If the email address you’re adding is not already in use for another Moz account, you can go ahead and update your account email within your Moz account using the below steps:

  1. Log into your Moz account
  2. Head to Account & Billing > Login Settings from your profile drop-down on the top right
  3. Click on the Edit button and enter a new email
You'll find the edit button to the right of your email under login settings.

Review Your Subscription Status

If you are passing over your Moz account to someone else you may want to review your active subscriptions.

  1. Log into your Moz account
  2. Head to Account & Billing > Subscriptions from your profile drop-down on the top right

Review Your Credit Card Information

If you are passing over your Moz account to someone else you may want to check what card information we have on file.

  1. Log into your Moz account
  2. Head to Account & Billing > Billing Info from your profile drop-down on the top right

We can remove your card details from accounts with inactive subscriptions. Please email [email protected] and provide the last 4 digits of the card, the name on the card and the date of the last transaction.

Review Your Moz Account Nickname

Your account nickname is used to identify accounts with shared users. If your nickname is specific to you, you may want to change it to something more general.

To change your account nickname, click Edit next to your account name from Account & Billing > Subscriptions

Click edit beside you account name to change your account nickname.

Review Your Moz Community Profile

To change details in your Moz Community Profile select Community Profile from the drop-down on the top right.

Your community profile is available via the drop-down on the top right.

Inform the New User of Their Access

Once everything is updated, you can inform the new user and they can request a password reset from the Login Page.

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