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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • My site has been jumping up and down for many months now. but it never stays on Google first page. I have plenty of back-links, shared content on social media. But what could i be doing wrong? any help will be appreciated. Content is legit. I have recently added some internal links is this might be the cause? Please help .

    | samafaq

  • When i look through google search and see some website categories their site this way. For example groupon › Coupons › Browse Coupons by Store how do you do this for a website? for example wordpress. does this help with seo?

    | andzon

  • i have few account in my webmaster tools that are not showing any link data even the has lots of links. i checked the setup and its everything is good. is some one tell me why there is no data coming through? Thanks

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • I am working with a client which has amazing results on Google but his site hits every "no no" to any of the google algros.   The site has duplicate content, keyword stuffing, poor content and poor UX.  However the site ranks p1 on any of the keyword searches.  The site has about 2000 pages all duplicated maybe 1 our 2 words changed.  I am a little apprehensive to get him to remove the duplicate contents and remove the keywords stuffing if it means he drops traffic and loses page rank. I have also noticed competition to me rank higher on keywords when they've got a list of keyword and locations i.e web design windsor, web design manchester etc... etc... however they don't seem to get penalised. Is there any accurate tools to check keyword stuffing?  and has anyone else experienced this and has any recommendations to tackle this?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I have a forum thread on my site that is completely user generated, not spammy at all, but it is attracting about 45 backlinks from really spammy sites. Usually when this happens, the thread is created by a spammer and I just 404 it. But in this instance, the thread is completely legit, and I wouldn't want to 404 it because users could find it useful. If I add a meta noindex, nofollow tag to the header, will the spammy pagerank still be passed? How best can I protect myself from these low quality backlinks? I don't want to get slapped by Penguin! **Note: I cannot find contact information from the spam sites and it's in a foreign language.


  • Hey everyone, This is a first for me, I'm wondering if anyone has experienced a similar situation and if so, what the best course of action was for you. Scenario In the process of designing a new site for a client, we discovered that his previous site, although having decent page rank and traffic had been hacked. The site was built on Wordpress so it's likely there was a vulnerability somewhere that allowed someone to create loads of dynamic pages;, ?id=103, ?id=104 and so on. These dynamic pages ended up being malware with a trojan horse our servers recognized and subsequently blocked access to. We have since helped them remedy the vulnerability and remove the malware that was creating these crappy dynamic pages. Another automated program appears to have been recently blasting spam links (mostly comment spam and directory links) to these dynamically created pages at an incredibly rapid rate, and is still actively doing so. Right now we're looking at a small business website with a touch over 500k low-quality spammy links pointing to malware pages from the previously compromised site. Important: As of right now, there's been no manual penalty on the site, nor has a "This Site May Have Been Compromised" marker in the organic search results for the site. We were able to discover this before things got too bad for them. Next Steps? The concern is that when the Penguin refresh occurs, Google is going to notice all these garbage links pointing to those malware pages and then potentially slap a penalty on the site. The main questions I have are: Should we report this proactively to the web spam team using the guidelines here? ( Should we request a malware review as recommended within the same guidelines, keeping in mind the site hasn't been given a 'hacked' snippet in the search results? ( Is submitting a massive disavow links file right now, including the 490k-something domains, the only way we can escape the wrath of Google when these links are discovered? Is it too hopeful to imagine their algorithm will detect the negative-SEO nature of these links and not give them any credit? Would love some input or examples from anyone who can help, thanks in advance!

    | Etna

  • Hello MOZ Community! I have a question, I am hoping someone can help me understand. I am looking at this URL: is ranking for this Keyword: POS Systems Now, this seems to be a pretty new URL, with few links being generated to it, as seen here: Open Site Explorer: Majestic SEO: QUESTION: Can someone help us understand how or why this page is ranking so well, so quickly, for such a competitive Keyword? Thank you!

    | mstpeter

  • Does anyone know how Google determines what suggestions show up at the bottom of SERPs? I've been working with a client to boost his local ranking, but every time we do a branded search for his business his competitors keep popping up in the "Searches related to ______" section.

    | mtwelves

  • used to rank on the first page for "fabric." I'm trying to get the date of their demise, but don't have it yet so I can't pinpoint what Google update might have killed them but I can guess. In doing a backlink analysis, there were hundreds of poor quality, toxic sites pointing to them. We have carefully gone through them all and submitted a disavow request. They are now on page 9 from nowhere to be found a week ago. But, of course, that's not good enough. They are on page 2 for "fabric online" and "quilt fabric." So Google doesn't completely hate them. But doesn't love them enough even for those terms. Any suggestions? They are rebuilding the site to use a different ecommerce platform with new content and new structure.  They will also be incorporating the blog within the site and I've advised them on many other ways to attract traffic and backlinks. That's coming. But for now, any suggestions and help will be much appreciated. Something has got to be holding them back for that one gem of a keyword. Also, I would like to know what experiences others have had with the disavow request form. Does Google absolutely hold you to making every attempt you can at getting those links removed? ANd how does it know? No one responds so it seems to be such a waste of time. And many now actually charge to remove your links. Thoughts? Thanks everyone!

    | katandmouse

  • Hello, We are starting a second store in our niche. Which of the following should I choose: A. We have a site from a year and a half ago that we put content on but never actually added products. The category and article content needs to be completely rewritten. We will completely rewrite the content to be much better and up to date. We're planning on adding products and rewriting the manufacturer descriptions. B. We could use a new domain that is closer to exact match for our main keyword. We'd just buy one for $15 I don't know whether A or B would be the fastest way to get the site going. I'm concerned that leaving a site half done for a year could cause an issue, but I really don't know. If you've got experience with this, please advise. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • I am not ranking for any of my keywords despite getting a number of Backlinks to my pages and mentioning them in both content and meta tags?!

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • In cleaning up the backlink profile for my parent's website, I've come across quite a few dead links. For instance, the links in the comments here: Do I need to worry about these links? I assume if the links are no longer active, and hence not showing up in webmaster or moz reports, I can probably ignore them, but I'm wondering if I should try and get them removed regardless? I've read that google is increasingly taking into account references (i.e. website mentions that are not links) and I don't know if inactive spam links might leave a bad impression of a website. Am I being overly paranoid? I imagine disavowing them would be pointless as you can't attach a nofollow tag to an inactive link.

    | mgane

  • Hi all, I'd know which is the best way to deal with link echoes of former hacked websites that Webmaster tool reports. to clarify: when you download the backlink report from Webmaster tool you'll have a list of backlinks discovered, but if you follow one of those links you will see that on that page there is no link to your website. the source code is also clean, no hidden links or other dodgy technique. Since that the topic is usually miles away from my industry I have to assume at some point that site has been hacked by a spammer who placed that backlink.  In this case what should I do? Ignore it, disavow the domain or what? Moreover, which is the best procedure  when you have to face a site which points a lot of backlinks from only its sub-domains? For example: this dodgy spammy website : is apparently a desert, but when you do site: you'll discover 55,200 results! Would be it be enough to just disavow the root domain 
    As I don't want to wait too long before taking any action, my plan is to disavow all those domains without any mercy, although I can't find a current backlink in one of their pages. I will do this, as at the minute my concern is they will be hacked again and I have to face the same issue again and again Thanks to all, P.

    | madcow78

  • This is a bit of a longshot. I know that many of the spam forum accounts, blog posts etc that have in the past been used for SEO are generated automatically. Does anyone know of any common passwords that are often used when setting up these accounts? I only ask as, trying to clean up the backlink profile for my website, I found myself in desperation keying in random passwords trying to access the spam accounts created on various forums by our former SEO agency. Eventually I got lucky and worked out the password for a series of forum accounts was, not very imaginatively, 'seo'. Having worked out this, I was able to delete the spam signatures on about 10 forums. But there are many other accounts where I have no idea of the password used. I guess I'm just wondering if there are standard stock passwords used in the past by many SEOs? Not likely to get an answer to this one, I know, but worth a shot.

    | mgane

  • Hello Everyone, I have a new site that we're building which will incorporate some product thumbnail images cut and pasted from other sites and I would like some advice on how to properly manage those images on our site. Here's one sample scenario from the new website: We're building furniture and the client has the option of selecting 50 plastic laminate finish options from the Formica company. We'll cut and paste those 50 thumbnails of the various plastic laminate finishes and incorporate them into our site. Rather than sending our website visitors over to the Formica site, we want them to stay put on our site, and select the finishes from our pages. The borrowed thumbnail images will not represent the majority of the site's content and we have plenty of our own images and original content. As it does not make sense for us to order 50 samples from Formica & photograph them ourselves, what is the best way to handle to issue? Thanks in advance, Scott

    | ccbamatx

  • Hi All, This is my first time posting to the Moz community, so forgive me if I make any silly mistakes. A little background: I run a website that for a company that makes custom parts out of specialty materials. One of my strategies is to make high quality content about all areas of these specialty materials to attract potential customers - pretty strait-forward stuff. I have always struggled with how to structure my content; from a usability point of view, I like just having one page for each material, with different subsections covering covering different topical areas. Example: for a special metal material I would have one page with subsections about the mechanical properties, thermal properties, available types, common applications, etc. Basically how Wikipedia organizes its content. I do not have a large amount of content for each section, but as a whole it makes one nice cohesive page for each material. I do use H tags to show the specific sections on the page, but I am wondering if it may be better to have one page dedicated to the specific material properties, one page dedicated to specific applications, and one page dedicated to available types. What are the communities thoughts on this? As a user of the website, I would rather have all of the information on a single, well organized page for each material. But what do SEO best practices have to say about this? My last thought would be to create a hybrid website (I don't know the proper term). Have a look at these examples from Time and Quartz. When you are viewing a article, the URL is unique to that page. However, when you scroll to the bottom of the article, you can keep on scrolling into the next article, with a new unique URL - all without clicking through to another page. I could see this technique being ideal for a good web experience while still allowing me to optimize my content for more specific topics/keywords. If I used this technique with the Canonical tag would I then get the best of both worlds? Let me know your thoughts! Thank you for the help!

    | jaspercurry

  • One of our clients was approached by a company selling a service they're calling "autocomplete engagement," which they're claiming has the ability to manipulate the auto-suggest feature of Google. They are not selling content, or technical SEO, and claim that the average "SEO guy" cannot garner the results they can. My questions are: a) has anyone heard of this tactic, and b) can it really be done? c) if it can be done, what can a company do to manipulate that information beyond a strong technical SEO and content strategy?

    | RachelEm

  • I hope I can explain this clearly, hang in there! One of the clients of the law firm I work for does some SEO work for the firm and one thing he has been doing is googling a certain keyword over and over again to trick google's auto fill into using that keyword. When he runs his program he generates around 500 hits to one of our attorney's bio pages.  This happens once or twice a week, and since I don't consider them real organic traffic it has been really messing up my GA reports.  Is there a way to block that landing page from my overall reports?  Or is there a better way to deal with the skewed data? Any help or advice is appreciated, I am still so new to SEO I feel like a lot of my questions are obvious, but  please go easy on me!

    | MyOwnSEO

  • Hi guys, for example i run a coupon site and would like to rank for the brand keyword ASOS, should i just rank for the long tail keywords for example "ASOS discount code" instead of just "ASOS"? even the traffic for ASOS itself is MUCH higher than ASOS discount code? And the relevancy of ranking at "ASOS" is fine too because is somehow relevant? would ranking long tail helps with one tail keyword too? And assuming that i am already on the second page for the keyword "ASOS" and knowing is not hard to be page one. should i just rank the one keyword?

    | andzon

  • Hi Experts, Since last year my DA has fallen from 42 to 32. I have been working on cleaning up my bad links, uploading disavow files periodically and removing thin, duplicate pages from the website. I am creating fresh content and I havent done any black hat seo in last 1 year. But still my DA is falling. Can you guys please help me out. Regards Sunny

    | SunnyFoodies

  • i have a business and a side blog on the website. is it fine to turn my blog to instead of does it in anyway of these affect the SEO?

    | andzon

  • hi guys i would like to know which seo value is better? for example if i would put a link in or which one will give me a better seo value? does it give the same? assuming that have a huge PR RANK itself. why do people bother making instead? hope for clarification thanks!

    | andzon

  • I have a wallpaper website that i just made and bought a template that looks fine for the site so far for a month now, and i wanted to know what steps i cant take to better rank my site and build some traffic along the way. I use only specific directories, not sure how to get a press release done and also link back to other sites from pages that get a decent amount of traffic where i can leave a link to it, of course not leaving any type of spammy looking comments. This is the site i am working on right now, I have linked back from a few sites already, i look at the alexa rank if it will show a number at one point, the sites worth is still pretty low, and also i have added social networks on the site which has gained a number of followers to this day, so i got work to do still. I just don't want to go on about it the wrong way and get penalized by google.

    | 1080HDWallpapers

  • Hello, I have done some research on this but cannot find a solid answer to my question. After recently reviewing my "not found" errors in webmaster tools, I see that a site called "WP Datar" has linked to a number of our pages that actually do not exist. I am wondering first, if this will harm our site, and second, what is the best way to get those links from their site taken down? I tried emailing, but of course, the email address listed on the site did not work. 🙂 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | lfrazer

  • I run the SEO side for our company and the MOZ tools have been quite helpfull to track keywords and bump the rankings of certain pages by filtering the errors and filling missing tags like H1, H3 , meta etc. However, the website is an webshop which sells niche products, this makes getting quality backlinks quite a challenge and besides some forums and directories there is little I think I can do to get more quality backlinks without entering grey hat or even blackhat practices. There is not even blogs related to this niche in relevant language, otherwise we would send them samples of products so they would write about it. Recently ( 6 months ago, in SEO time this is ages I think) one of the competitors went bust and their domain name has become available for purchase. It's domainauthority ranks at 21/100 while our own stands at 20/100. now comes my question: If we would to purchase this domain, and do a 301 redirect, would it pass on the juice to our site? what else can I do to improve the ranking except the usual part like: titletags, H1, metatags, img alt, valuable text etc. what other ways are there to get quality backlinks in nichemarkets, I don't want to buy backlinks as I consider that as a shortterm solution and blackhat, and since 80% of our traffic comes organic from google, last thing I want is a  penalty from our lord google

    | sami80

  • Hi, We had a manual penalty for links removed about a year ago. The disavow file we submitted was pretty extensive and we took the machete approach, as recommended by Matt Cutts. Recently we took a look over the file again and are of the firm conviction that some of the domains are entirely legit and the links are not manipulated. We would like to resubmit the disavow file excluding these domains so Google picks up the links again. Does anyone have experience of this and if so what were the results? Thanks

    | halloranc

  • Hi all, Yesterday I was checking out and realizing that one of our main competitors was getting new spammy links to its website from junk directories, rusian forums, porn sites etc. I found it to be weird but I thought that maybe they hired a black hat company without knowing it. Today I began finding the same type of spammy links pointing to our site. I'm completely sure we did not create them.I was checking out some of the new directory links and their listings consist of new pages including only our company's website and absolutely no descriptions. I did a little more research and find out that many of those new directories/listings belong to the same company ( seems to be located in Argentina, but I'm not sure). I also remembered paying that company long time ago to delete two links to our website that were included in their directories. I have to tell you, I'm completely out of my mind and I really don't know what to do. The two possibilities I can think about are: 1- A competitor has hired somebody to point spam to our site, to our other competitor, and may be some other competitors in the industry.(because as I tell you before our main competitor in the area is getting new spammy links too) 2- These black hat companies that own directories and other junk websites are pointing spam to us to get paid to remove links. Whether is #1 or #2 is getting out of control and I really don't know how to manage it (except from disvowing links as soon as I find them). I would appreciate suggestions/advise. Thanks. Ana

    | anagentile

  • Hello, Recently i read about all the cloaking world.
    I search some information on the internet about it and i fine this service :
    Since I'm pretty new to whole this "cloaking world" so I have a few questions from from experts in this field. Is this still working on SEO since all the Google update recently ?
    How easy is that for someone that don't have much experience and knowledge on php and servers stuff ?
    Is there are more sites such as the above example ? In general i have the budget and i don't think its very hard to learn all the technical part but i just want to know if this is something 
    that still working, is that good investment in your opinion ? (As its not really cheap) Cheers and thank you for your help

    | WayneRooney

  • Hello, What are some tips that you recommend for someone looking to hire an expert to write or consult in a piece of content. It's as general a keyword as our niche has and it's the only keyword that's actually inside the niche that has any decent level of backlinks. We're considering searching out an expert in our field that knows more about the subject than our people do even though our people are knowledgable. Trying to come from authority. Your recommendations in the process of coming up with a great piece of content from a good authority?

    | BobGW

  • Almost all the blogs, and Google themselves, tell us to reach out to webmasters and request the offending links be removed before using Google's Disavow tool.  None of the blogs, nor Google, suggest why you "must" do this, it's time consuming and many webmasters don't care and don't act.  Why is this a "required" thing to do?

    | RealSelf

  • Hi guys, I just want to ask if there are other possible issues/problems (other than server load) once we implement 301 redirections for 10,000+ URLs using .htaccess. Are there other alternatives?

    | esiow2013

  • I'm working on an eCommerce site and had a question about my meta descriptions.  I'm creating unique meta descriptions for each category and subcategory, but I'm thinking of adding the same ending to it.  For example: "Unique descriptions, blah blah blah. Free Overnight Shipping..".  So the "Free Overnight Shipping..." ending would be on all the categories.  It's an ongoing promo so I feel it's important to add and attract buyers, but don't want to screw up with duplicate content.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for your feedback!

    | jeffbstratton

  • Hi i am a real newbie to this and i hope for a guide on how to do this. I seen a few moz post and is quiet confusing hopefully somebody able to explain it in layman terms to me. I would like to  301 redirect this way, both website contain the same niche. > and also its pages..... > So my question here is i would like to host my old domain and its pages in my new website hosting in order to redirect to my new domain and its pages how do i do that? would my previous page link overwrite my new page link? or it add on the juice link? Do i need to host the whole old domain website into my new hosting in order to redirect the old pages? really confusing here, thanks!

    | andzon

  • Anyone think recovery is possible? My site has been in Google limbo for the past 8 months to around a year or so.    Like a lot of sites we had seo work done a while sgo and had tons of links that Google now looks down on. I worked with an seo company for a few months now and they seem to agree Penguin is the likely culprit, we are on page 8-10 for keywords that we used to be on page 1 for.  Our site is informative and has everything in tact. We deleted whatever links possible and some sites are even hard to find contact information for and some sites want money, I paid a few a couple bucks in hopes maybe it could help the process. Anyway we now have around 600 something domains on disavow file we  out up in March-April, with around 100 or 200 added recently as well.  If need be a new site could be an option as well but will wait and see if the site can improve on Google with a refresh. Anyone think recovery is possible in a situation like this? Thanks

    | xelaetaks

  • Hi, assuming i have an old domain that i would like to redirect it to the new domain because the old domain contain good links on it and been ranking for its keywords. Would it be a wise choice? and can i redirect my sub domain into my new one too? for example > and how do i do so? can i do that by hosting the old domain in my new domain hosting and do all those redirect include sub domain redirect?

    | andzon

  • Hey guys and gals, I need some advice on this please.  I recently had someone perform a negative S.E.O campaign on my site and I was inundated with 13,000 + spammy links pointing to my website and I had to perform a Disavow in Google Webmaster Tools but for some reason, it is showing that I uploaded the Disavow text file to the Non WWW version of the website but the WWW version of my website is the preferred domain and I have all NON WWW queries being 301 redirected to My question is should I correct this and upload the Disavow text to the preferred domain in Google Webmaster Tools??? Please advise on how I should proceed with this situation.... Thank you. Cam

    | CamMcArthur

  • We are currently doing some outreach to bloggers to review our products and provide us with backlinks (preferably followed). The bloggers get to keep the products (usually about $30 worth). According to Google's link schemes, this is a no-no. But my question is, how would Google ever know if the blogger was paid or given freebies for their content? This is the "best" article I could find related to the subject: The article tells us what qualifies as a paid link, but it doesn't tell us how Google identifies if links were paid or not. It also says that "loans" or okay, but "gifts" are not. How would Google know the difference? For all Google knows (maybe everything?), the blogger returned the products to us after reviewing them. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Maybe Google watches over terms like, "this is a sponsored post" or "materials provided by 'x'". Even so, I hope that wouldn't be enough to warrant a penalty.

    | jampaper

  • We run an e-commerce site with a large number of product families, with each family having a number of products within it. We have a set of pages (26 - one for each letter A-Z) that are lists of links to the product family pages. We originally created these pages thinking it would aid in discoverability of these pages to search engines, of course as time has gone on, techniques like this have fallen out of favor with Google as it provides negligible value to the user. Should we consider removing these pages from the site overall? Is it possible that it could be viewed by Panda as resembling a link farm? Thanks in advance!

    | ChrisRoberts-MTI

  • Hi folks, We have a webiste and we see that large majority of attacks are from China, so we want to block China IP addresses (we have no customers from China). My question is: will we get penalized by Google or other search engines? Regards, Nenad

    | Uniline

  • How do bots decide whether a website is adult? For example, I have a gifting portal, but strangely here, it is categorized as 'Adult'. Also, my google adsense application to run ads on my site got rejected - I have a feeling this is because googlebot categorized my site as adult. And there are good chances that other bots also consider it an adult website, rather than a gifting website. Can anyone please go through the site and tell me why this is happening? Thanks in advance.

    | rahulkan

  • Lately i'm experiencing performance trouble caused by bot traffic. Although Googlebot is not the worst (it's mainly bingbot and ahrefsbot), they cause heavy server load from time to time. We run a lot of sites on one server, so heavy traffic on one site impacts other site's performance. Problem is that 1) I want a centrally managed solution for all sites (per site administration takes too much time), which 2) takes into account total server-load in stead of only 1 site's traffic and 3) controls overall bot-traffic in stead of controlling traffic for one bot. IMO user-traffic should always be prioritized higher than bot-traffic. I tried "Crawl-delay:" in robots.txt, but Googlebot doesn't support that. Although my custom CMS system has a solution to centrally manage Robots.txt for all sites at once, it is read by bots per site and per bot, so it doesn't solve 2) and 3). I also tried controlling crawl-speed through Google Webmaster Tools, which works, but again it only controls Googlebot (and not other bots) and is administered per site. No solution to all three of my problems. Now i came up with a custom-coded solution to dynamically serve 503 http status codes to a certain portion of the bot traffic. What traffic-portion for which bots can be dynamically (runtime) calculated from total server load at that certain moment. So if a bot makes too much requests within a certain period (or whatever other coded rule i'll invent), some requests will be answered with a 503 while others will get content and a 200. Remaining question is: Will dynamically serving 503's have a negative impact on SEO? OK, it will delay indexing speed/latency, but slow server-response-times do in fact have a negative impact on the ranking, which is even worse than indexing-latency. I'm curious about your expert's opinions...

    | internetwerkNU

  • Does anybody have any experience with software for identifying this sort of thing? I was informed by a team we are working with that our website may have been compromised and I wanted to know what programs people have used to identify cloaking attempts and/or bad code. Thanks everybody!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hi guys, im here to ask based on your personal opinion. We know in order to rank in SEO for a site is to make authority contents that interest people. But what would you do to increase your ranking of your site or maybe a blog post? leaving your link on blogs comment seem dangerous, nowadays. Is social media the only way to go? Trying to get people to write about you? what else can be done?

    | andzon

  • Simple as that. Pointless random tags that are serving no purpose other than adding apparent bulk to a website. They are just showing duplicate content and literally are random keywords that serve almost no purpose. And the tags, for the most part are only used on one page. If I remove them however, they will probably drop our site from around 650 pages to 450 (assuming I keep any tags that were used more than once). I  have read through some of the other posts on here and I know that Google will do some work as far as duplicate content is concerned. Now as far as UX is concerned, all these tags are worthless. Thoughts?

    | HashtagHustler

  • I was checking my referral traffic after Pigeon, just to see how much review site/local directory traffic has increased. Then I found something odd. It's not exactly like Tlames has stopped. I've noticed that kamabasoft(dot)com has been referring a bit of traffic as of late. Both Tlames and kamba referral traffic primarily originate from Brazil. When I did a site operator on kamba, I noticed two Tlames subs on kamba. (See attached image) I'm aware that both referrers come from more than one country, but Brazil makes up the bulk. Has anyone else noticed something similar?  Isn't it interesting that the tlames subs don't redirect, rather they go to headless '...' page? Kamba is obviously scraping - I just don't understand the reason for the redirects. YOMr7Mf

    | Travis_Bailey

  • Today I installed Google Authorship in my Wordpress Blog and I would like to know if its posible to implement it in my Opencart online shop. I am not interested in rich snippets because I have 9k of products and the 90% of them dont have sells nor reviews

    | mozismoz

  • Hi. I know I have duplicate content issues and Moz has shown me the issues on ecommerce websites. However a large number of these issues are for variations of the same product. For example a blue, armani t-shirt can be found on armani page, t-shirt page, armani t-shirt page and it also shows links for the duplicates due to sizing variations. Is it possible or even worthwhile working on these issues? Thanks

    | YNWA

  • We have been doing our own internal link building for the last year and getting nice backlinks.  As of the last few days, ahrefs is showing a lot of new links that seem very spammy.  We have not hired anyone to do link building for us, and these are all being created on these sites under the same user name.  There is a good amount of them popping up, and I fear we will be subjected to a google pentalty for unnatural links if its not addressed. My first question is, am I correct thinking this is negative seo, and not some random sites that picked up our content and is going across their affiliate websites? If so, then should I preemptively disavow all these links?  Are there any good ways to stop this? How can I track who is placing these garbage links? Here are some examples of these bad links. I know I can find the webmaster via a whois but I think that really wont get me anywhere, but I could be wrong. Here are some examples of the links that started popping up yesterday and today. There are quite a bit more and they don't seem to be stopping.  All of them look pretty much identical to this. Thoughts?

    | DemiGR

  • Hi, I have been asked to look at a site where I suspect some questionable SEO work, particularly link building. The site does seem to be performing very poorly in Google since January 2014, although there are no messages in WMT. Using WMT, OPenSiteExplorer, Majestic & NetPeak, I have analysed inbound links and found a group of links which although are listed in WMT, etc appear to 302 redirect to a directory in China (therefore the actual linking domain is not visible). It looks like a crude type of link farm, but I cant understand why they would use 302s not 301s. The domains are not visible due to redirects. Should I request a disavow or ignore? The linking domains are listed below: Thanks Steve

    | crescentdigital

  • I'm just starting my link building campaign in earnest, and received my first good quality inbound link less than an hour ago. My initial thought was that I should go directly to google, and ask them to reindex the page that linked to me... If I make a habit of that (getting a new link, then submitting that page directly to google), would that signify to google that this might not be a natural link building campaign? The links are from legitimate (non-paid, non-exchange) partners, which google could probably figure out, but I'm interested to know opinions on this. Thanks, -Eric

    | ForForce

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