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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • Hi Everyone So I had over 1500 backlinks in under month, and i found out it was coming from a directory.  I asked them to delist me from the directory, but it still shows i have these links pointing to me.  How do I get completely take them down?  Also I contacted myseotools who I use and they said "It is most likely because you have some dynamic pages that can create thousands of various URLs. Maybe a directory? This is not an issue with our software as it comes directly from ahrefs. Try going to and enter your domain to see where all the links are coming from." I proceeded to do this and its definely coming from that 1 directory.  They said they have removed me from they directory, but my question is I can still see I have 1500 backlinks coming from their domain?  Does this take time to clear? Or have I missed something in the process?

    | edward-may

  • I don't think we still can use the same link buildings tools of years ago. So, how relevant is this article (from 2009): Or is there any update? Nancy

    | nans

  • Hi Guys QUESTION: I'm currently going through a re-design for my new website that was published in November 2014 - since launching we found there were many things we needed to change, our pages were content thin being one of the biggest. I had industry experts that came in and made comments on the title tags lacking relevance for eg: our title tag for our home page is currently "Psychic Advice" most ideal customers don't search "Psychic Advice" they search more like "Online Psychic Reading" or Psychic Readings" I noticed alot of my competitors also were using title tags such as Online Psychic Readings, Free Psychic Readings etc so it brings me to my question of "changing the title tags around.  The issue is, im ranking for two keywords in my industry, online psychics and online psychic readings in NZ. 1. Our home page and category pages are content thin.... so hoping that adding the changes will create perhaps some consistency also with the added unique and quality content. Here is the current website: zenory. and the new one is which is currently in development I have 3 top level domains com,, and Is there anyone that can give me an idea if I were to change my home page title tag to **ZENORY | Online Psychic Readings | Live Psychic Phone and Chat ** If this will push my rankings down though this page will have alot more valuable content etc?  For obvious reasons im going to guess it will make drop, I'm wondering though if it is worth changing the title tags and meta descriptions around or leaving it as is if its already doing well? How much of a difference do title tags and meta descriptions really make? Any insight into this would be great! Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi Guys I'm a newbie and just started my website, im wondering if im reading this correctly, i use a tool called my seo tools and its telling me my website has over 1600 backlinks, this is scary since the site is only 5months old and i didn't see this till at least today and i check my sites backlinks on a regular basis.  However when I check with moz it says I only have 2? I'm a little confused.  Any advice here? Much appreciated Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi Guys I have a question, I was told the more pages I have the better for SEO, Is this true?

    | edward-may

  • We have recently launched a https site which is getting some organic links some of which are using https and some are using http. Am I losing link juice on the ones linked using http even though I am redirecting or does Google view them the same way? As most people still use http naturally will it look strange to google if I contact anyone who has given us a link and ask them to change to https?

    | Lisa-Devins

  • Hey guys, This case study started from here. A simple summary, I discover that I got +1000 backlinks from Blogspot though Google webmasters tools after making a connection with owners of these blogs which points to my new blog. Before starting I proudly invite Thomas Zickell and Gary Lee in this discussion. I wish you accept my invitation. Let's go to the main point, I've used Google webmaster tools so I will start with. Then Ahref which used by **Thomas **and then Majestic which used by Gary. Take a look at "001" screenshot, you will see that Google webmaster tools discovered 1291 links points to my site. Take another look at "002" screenshot, you will find that there are 22 domains points to my site. Most of them are good links since they are coming from websites such as,, Reddit, Shoutmeload,, ...etc. Beside +1000 backlinks came from (blogs). Also, there's some bad links such as this one came from Necessary to say that I've got some competitors and they nicely asked me to stop the competition for some keywords and I've ignored their request. So, I'm not surprised to see these bad links. At "002" screenshot, we can see that Google didn't discover the bad links as they discovered the good links. And they discovered a lot of backlinks which not discovered by any other tools. **Let's move to Ahref, ** I will use screenshots provided by Thomas. At "003" screenshot, you can see Ahref report that say 457 links from 10 domains. By the way, social engagements data are wrong. I got more than zero engagements .. really. At "004" screenshot, you can see domains points to my site, links with anchor text. Take a look at the second link you will find that it's a spammy link coming from PR2 home page since it's is over optimized. the third link is also a spammy link since it coming from a not-relevant website. Beside other bad links need to be removed. So, Ahref didn't discover all of my good links. Instead of that it discovered few good links and a lot of bad links. In a case like this a question come needs to be answered since there are some people trying so hard to hurt my site, Do I have to remove all this bad links? Or, just links discovered by Google. Or, Google understand the case? **Let's move to majestic, ** Gray Lee provided data from majestic which say "10 Unique Referring Domains, with 363 links, 2 domains make up a majority." Since Gray didn't take any screenshots I will provide mine. At "005" screenshot, you can see some of the bad links discovered by Majestic. Not all of them discovered by Ahref or Google. In the other hand, Majestic didn't discover all of my Good links. Also, there's a miss understand I would like to explain here. When I published the Discussion about +1000 link. Some people may think that I trying to cheat you by providing fake info and this totally wrong. I said before and I'm saying that again you are so elite and I respect you. Also, I'm preparing for an advanced case study about this thing. If any expert would like to join me this will be great. Thank you for reading and please feel free to share you thoughts, knowledge and experience in this Discussion. EE5bFNc jYg21cf Xyfgp28.png iR4UOwi.png D1pGAFO

    | Eslam-yosef

  • Hi, We have noticed sites such as & have huge numbers of what appear to be spam like and invaluable backlinks yet they have both maintained a great ranking for their search terms despite this. We would like to know why, does the good outweigh the bad so to speak?

    | birdmarketing

  • Hi GUYS I want to avoid getting myself into a bad situation with google, so I'm just wanting to know if there are any steps I would need to take whilst I'm redesigning and developing my site as I'm currently deploying our new designs. One thing I noticed, i have my new designs and content on our development server to run through any checks before deploying it to the live environment, however while our live site is up, I have duplicate content on the live site that exactly matches the dev site for obvious reasons but do I need to tell google that the dev site is for development purposes only so google knows I'm not duplicating content? I have searched around to find some more info about this, if anyone has some insight i would be glad to know your thoughts. Thank you in advance

    | edward-may

  • Hi all, We have recently noticed a rise in local business websites using a plugin to duplicate hundreds of pages changing only the location in the h1 tag and the page description, we're pretty sure this is a black hat technique allowing them to rank for all locations (although the duplicate page content must not be doing them any favours). An example of this is We would like to know what plugin they are using as we think there may be better ways to use this, we may be able to create original location pages faster than we do now? Also why does not seem to be too detrimental to the businesses SEO as surely this method should be damaging?

    | birdmarketing

  • This hasn’t been an issue for our company so far, but I like to be proactive. What tools do you use to find sites that may have scraped your content? Looking forward to your suggestions. Vic

    | VicMarcusNWI

  • Hello there, Happy new year for everyone, and good luck this year. I have a real problem here, I saw in MOZ link history that somehow the "Total Linking Root Domains" is growing from a medium of 30 - 40 to 240 - 340 links and keep it growing. I guess somebody make me good joke, cause i did not buy any link :)) even cn, brasil, jp links, my store is from Romania. How I can block these links I think google will make me bad instead. What should i do? Thank you so much. With respect,
    Andrei 0tYg1wB.png

    | Shanaki

  • Hi making permanent 301 redirection from https to http - will pass whole link juice to new http website pages?

    | Aman_123

  • Hi, We have a press page with a list of links to the articles that have mentioned us (most of which also have a link to our website). Is there any SEO impact with this approach?  Does Google consider these reciprocal links?  And if so, would making the links on the press page 'nofollow' solve the issue?

    | mikekeeper

  • Hello, I am in a very complicated situation. I have a site in Itaian which is targeted in Italy by webmaster tools so the majority of the organic traffic comes from there and everything is fine. However this site got a link from a major international site. So now I get traffic from all over the world but I can't take advantage of it. From the Italian traffic I get from this site I see high pageviews numbers and many minutes in average visitor time. The problem in this situation is that for many reasons this website cannot be translated so I can put many language choices in this site. I want to ask, If I put, let's say an English flag in top of my site, that will indicate the English language, but instead of the user to see an English version of the site he/she will be redirected(no follow link) to another site of the same content in English, will this violate any of Google's guideline or hurt the seo of the original site? Thank you all!

    | Tz_Seo

  • Does Google penalize for content being placed at the top of the page and display for users at bottom of the page? This technique is done by CSS. Thank you in advance for your feedback!

    | Aerocasillas

  • We just launched our new website a week ago (also switched to Wordpress). Yesterday I noticed that sometimes our homepage Meta Description displays something different in Google results than what we have set. I had others confirm the same result on their computers. I asked all who have been involved with marketing for company if that description was ever used for the company, as it seemed odd and worded very strange. No one has ever seen this or used this on any of our listings, social profiles etc ever. I check my meta descriptions set for home page and they were still correct. Also did a view source for cache page by Google and it showed the correct Meta Description. Still confused, I did an exact match search on the description and came up with about 30+ spam/link farm type of websites with this odd description noted by our name along with a link back to us. We never asked or paid for these. Why are they there? And how could this influence our homepage meta description? This has me very concerned that we might already be getting hacked. I see no other issues with the site. Looking for any help regarding: Why is the odd meta description showing up sometimes? Why do we have backlinks from these random sites? Is this all connected? Maybe trackbacks and pingbacks? Any help you can provide me is appreciated. Thanks! whJRuuQ

    | pac-cooper

  • Okay, so my company has an SEO company already.  However, we're trying to get people internally cross-trained on SEO, so I've been selected to kind of do a crash-course in SEO and look at our site from a new perspective.  We are in the process of getting our old site ported over to a new one we've also created on Wordpress.  I've been doing a LOT of online research, but this is definitely a very new field for me. Here's our current site: So, here's my question:  While doing some SEO-optimizing automatic tests on our site, I came across some weird backlinks to one of our pages: Here's the thing:  We didn't make this.  It looks HORRIBLE, the copy is gibberish, and it looks weird.  Doing some more searching, I started finding stuff like this (????  I don't even understand how someone did this, the photo in the book is just the photo from our page)!$my_blog/2014/09/12/how_to_get_customized_dental_office_manuals_online Conservatively, I'd say there's at least 100 of these types of pages out there linking to us, maybe more Then I started finding comments on blogs (some NSFW language on that one) So, my first thought is obviously "Okay, these are gibberish, over-optimized, and ALL of them are trying to bump our relevancy for something along the lines "Dental office manual" EDIT:  I should also mention these links ALL just appeared out of thin air.  A whole bunch in early July, and more in mid-September.  They didn't just slowly accumulate. So (finally) here's my questions: 1.  Did our current SEO company probably do this? The only thing they've mentioned before is that they were going to create some backlinks for us, with an assurance they'd be genuine links that would build Pagerank without getting us slapped by Google. 2.  Am I correct in my opinion that these are toxic links that could get manual action taken against us by Google?  I'm not sure how LIKELY it is (as again, there's only about 100 or so) but they seem to be violating multiple Google principles.  With how often Google pushes out algorithm updates I feel like we could still get busted for this even if the links are like 6-7 months old and not sending us much traffic. I'm asking because I've been told to set up a conference call with the account manager at our current SEO place, and I want to know what I'm getting into.  I might be wildly over-reacting about nothing, I might be kind of right but it's not that bad, or I might be 100% right and what they are doing is not cool at all, and could kill our SEO if we get busted by Google. I'm not sure which it is. Checking Google webmaster tools and analytics, I don't see any drops in organic traffic between July '14 and now, so I don't think we've been smacked by Google algorithm-wise. And there's no notice from Google of manual action being taken, or anything being wrong with our backlinks, so I'm fairly confident these links haven't hurt us at least as of today. I'm just worried going forward (especially when we finish the new site and submit it to Google to get crawled, the URLs will be the same) Sorry this was so long.  I'm kind of nervous, honestly. On the one hand, these backlinks seem SUPER sketchy to me, but on the other hand, I don't KNOW any of this stuff.  It sounds kind of ridiculous for me, someone with maybe 3 weeks of intense Google-education in SEO, to be questioning something a real, established SEO company is doing.  I mean, I kind of have to assume they know better, right?

    | CEDRSolutions

  • On a site I used GSA search engine ranker. Now, I got good links out of it. But, also got 4900 links from one domain. And, I thought according to ahrefs. One link from the one domain is equal to 4900 links from one domain. So, I downloaded links those 4900 and added 4899 links to disavow tool. To disavow, to keep my site stable at rankings and safe from any future penalty. Is that a correct way to try disavow tool? The site rankings are as it is.

    | AMTrends

  • Howdy, Whilst in the process of cleaning up a new clients seo profile and have encountered a lot of techniques I am uncomfortable with and in my opinion should be removed. One technique I have not seen before is using a load of pdf sharing and video sites. The domains have high DA ratings, but to me the intention is highly questionable. The sites include: for boiler spares-geniune parts and consumables.pdf?dl=0 And so the list goes on for about 50 domains. Am I correct to be concerned here and what was the seo plan here? Thanks in advance. Andy Southall. (Marz Ventures)

    | MarzVentures

  • I have two questions:1 - We changed the URL structure of our site.  Old URLs were in the format of  These URLs are 301 redirected to  We are getting duplicate content errors in Google Webmaster Tools.  Why isn't the 301 redirect removing the old style URL out of Google's index?2 - I tried to remove the old style URL at, however I got the message that "We think the image or web page you're trying to remove hasn't been removed by the site owner.  Before Google can remove it from our search results, the site owner needs to take down or update the content."Why are we getting this message?  Doesn't the 301 redirect alert Google that the old style URL is toast and it's gone?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hi Mozers! I need your help.  I'm in the final stages of a huge link audit and press releases are a big concern.  As you know, press release distribution sites up until 2012 had "follow" links, giving webmasters a delight of having their keyword anchor texts a big boost in rankings.  These are the websites that are troubling me today so i would appreciate your input on my strategy below as most of these websites are asking for money to remove them: 1. Press Release sites that are on the same C-class - Disavow 2. Not so authoritative press release websites that just follow my www domain only (no anchor texts) - I leave it alone 3. Not so authoritative press release websites but have anchor texts that are followed - Disavow 4. Post 2012 press release websites that have "followed" anchor text keywords - Request to remove, then disavow 5. Post 2012 press release websites that just follow my www domain only (no anchor texts) -  leave it alone #2 and #5 are my biggest concern.  Now more than ever I would appreciate your follow ups.  I will respond quickly and apply "good answers" to the one's that make the most sense as my appreciation to you.  God bless you all.

    | Shawn124

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm mystified. Why doesn't our site (ranked 15) outrank this site (ranked 5 and 6) for the keyword "bosphorus cruise"? Particularly for US based searches. We have far more links, shares, higher DA and PA and more related unique content on topic. Somehow they are even appearing with double listings in this search. Why is this? Am I missing something? Any ideas or suggestions appreciated.

    | emerald

  • Hi Yall, 2 scenarios: 1. I'm on the border line of disavowing some websites that link to me.  If the page is N/A (not available) for the cache, does that mean i should disavow them? 2. What if the particular page was really good content and the webmaster just has the worse seo skills in not interlinking his old blogs, hence why the page that's linking to me is N/A for cache, should i still disavow it? Thanks

    | Shawn124

  • Hey everyone, how is the website below ranking so high for everything with his website? His link profile is spam junk, he uses forums and hides backlinks in smiles and quotes. Plus the guy even seems to be hitting all the competition websites with bad backlinks etc. It seems he is jus using automated tools to build tons of backlinks. Why isn't Google picking this site up and doing something about it? Search google for "advanced warfare hacks" he shows up on top. Same for "titanfall hacks" Same for "ghosts hacks" Check his link profile and sneaky ways, his main site is hackerbot [dot] net

    | Draden67

  • HI Guys, I need help with a one page site What is the best method to getting the lower pages indexed? Linking back to the site(Deeplinking) is looking impossible. Will this hurt my SEO? Are there any other tips on one page websites that you can recommend?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a new client who has some bad links in their profile that are spammy and should be disavowed. They rank on the first page for some longer tail keywords. However, we're aiming at shorter, well-known keywords where they aren't ranking. Will the disavow tool, alone, have the ability to increase rankings (assuming on-site / off-site signals are better than competition)? Thanks, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • Hi there I know ideally i need a .my or .sg domain, however i dont have time to do this in the interim so what would be the best way to host Malaysian content on a website? Im assuming this cant make the site look spammy but thought I'd ask just to be safe? Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | IsaCleanse

  • Hello guys! i´m wondering what is your opinion about EMD, they still working like they did in the past?? Thanks in advance 🙂 Br

    | ofw12387

  • Hi there guys, Can someone tell me how I go about finding who is linking  to my site or how to find backlinks to my site and if it is a spam site or a site I don't know or want linking to me, how to stop them from linking to me and also how to delete their link? Thanks appreciate the time Cheers

    | edward-may

  • I will keep this short and sweet.   We have some websites in the same niche area but want to focus only on our newest site (basically all the information that was being posted on the other sites will now be part of our new site) This will save us a lot of time and increase our focus on 1 entity.   Should we redirect these website with a 301 redirect to the specific categories that they focus on in the new site?  or should we redirect to the main domain.

    | CMcMullen

  • What are the best ways to rank your product pages, We have a few ecommerce sites and we want to increase the position of both our product and catagory pages. I know that gaining more popularity will help to increase the DA but I want my product pages to rank higher.

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hello, So I have a website ( that has 29 subdomains (,,, etc). Each subdomain has the exact same content for each page, completely translated in its respective language. I currently do not have any hreflang/canonical tags set up. I was recently told that this (below) is the correct way to set these tags up -For each subdomain ( for this example), I need to place the hreflang tag pointing to the page the subdomain is on (, in addition to every other 28 subdomains that have that page (, etc). In addition, I need to place a canonical tag pointing to the main www. version of the website. So I would have 29 hreflang tags, plus a canonical tag. When I brought this to a friends attention, he said that placing the canonical tag to the main www. version would cause the subdomains to drop out of the SERPs in their respective country search engines, which I obviously wouldn't want to do. I've tried to read articles about this, but I end up always hitting a wall and further confusing myself. Can anyone help? Thanks!

    | juicyresults

  • Hi fellows, I'm not so strange to SEO. I have been promoting our spiritual network through SEO and we have received great returns from it. I'm planning to promote an adult toy store via SEO. I have never done any adult store promoting before but I think there are a lot of down sides to it, such as: #1 When I search related keywords many porn websites show up; I assume it seems spammy to google's eye. Also most of the links that I will get are probably from porn websites due to relevancy. #2 Many of our returning customers are coming from retargeting but I assume there is no adult promotion via google display. Is that right? (It's not SEO related) I'm wondering to know if google is against adult content in any way? Any feedbacks are appreciated.

    | Arian-Ya

  • Hello, I will ask something that is probably been asked before, but I cannot find the answer, so excuse me. I have a website,, and I want to add a binding to my server so when someone also hits (without www in front) to be landed normally to my site. The question is if this will affect the seo of the site in any way - duplicate content etc? Thank you!

    | Tz_Seo

  • I was looking at some recommended keywords and felt sick to my stomach when I saw search shell, resellerclub scam and a few more. | 2. | | 28(2.29%) search shell | 0.00% | 0(0.00%) | 42.86% | 1.75 | 00:10:13 | 0.00% | 0(0.00%) | $0.00(0.00%) |
    | | 3. | resellerclub scam | I believe I have found the multiple IP addresses in which they're coming from and when I say many I mean I found 200 or so. There from different C blocks so they're very difficult to block easily without blocking legitimate traffic. I'm using a couple of different web application firewalls with the ability to block it pretty much anything. Does anyone have any device on doing this in a manner that might be more efficient than what I'm doing.I definitely do not want Google to think this is something that I did and penalize somebody this would be horrible. The site is going through to be cleaned of any possible infection right now I do not know how this happened but zero day attacks are unfortunately a very real reality and unfortunately it could've been 1 million things. Thanks a million guys. I appreciate your help,

    | BlueprintMarketing

  • Hi Moz Friends I wonder if you can help me , a while ago we had a Penguin Penalty and lost our Rankings. After Months of work Disavow and Reconsiderations , Google sent me a message in Webmaster Tools to confirm the Penalty had been uplifted. Since then we havent recovered. I have been working with Bloggers to build relevant safe links, each having a DA of between 10-30. We have developed a Mobile Friendly Website and ios and Android Apps. We have improved Site Speed and moved to a Server within the same Country. We add lots of content and believe we have ticked all the boxes for onpage optimisation. However our DA and PA seems to have dropped slightly after Moz update today. We seem to be jumping in the serps, one day page 4 for "fancy dress" the next day nowhere to be found. I'm not sure what to do next. I'm not expecting to jump back to page 1 for the main keywords but some positive movement would be nice, especially as there are Lower DA Website, not mobile friendly or as fast above us in the serps. What I am looking for I guess is any ideas from you and also what you think about this idea A few people have mentioned that we might stand more of a chance using our domain name instead of has never been used and is totaly clean (no penaltys ect..) Do we use and move the website and content away from ? if so do we use redirects or would that just pass any hold thats on to the .com version Ideas Welcome Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • So I spent ages creating amazing content and have loads of interest in it from my social media and people visiting my site are reading deep into it. I have so far not been able to get anyone to link to it. What am I doing wrong???

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • We have a fairly new client who has taken part in many questionable SEO technique over the past few years (mainly buying links and directory web pages).  In an effort to fix this they hired three separate SEO’s – we are the fourth.  Over the past 3 months we have spent lots of time following best practice techniques to clean up and improve their rankings (including link removal requests but not yet disavow), and after some initially positive results, things are looking down again. Given Google’s apparent rolling algorithm updates and the mess we have found, we are wondering if the best option is to change domains and start over (downside is that they are in a highly competitive industry)?  My other question pertains to a domain change and if we were to change from a plural to a singular, would that be enough for Google?  (e.g from to  The idea is that we start the link building process again – but keep their brand intact. Really appreciate any feedback.

    | E2E

  • Hi Guys, I am launching a site across the US, UK and UAE. Do I go ** -- **or do I go Which is best for SEO?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hello, We want to open a second eCommerce store. Our first one is doing well. It would be different code, different graphics, a different category/menu system, but many of the products will be the same. Will that be safe and white hat now and into the future to have 2? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hi there Just picking up on something Rand said in his blog analysing his predictions for 2014. Rand predicted that Google will publicly acknowledge algorithmic updates targeting...embeddable infographics/badges as manipulative linking practices While this hasn't exactly materialised yet, it has got me thinking. We have a fair few partners linking to us through an embedded badge. This was done to build the brand, but the positives here wouldn't be worth being penalised in search. Does anyone have any further evidence of websites penalised for doing this, or any views on whether removing those badges should be a priority for us? Many thanks

    | HireSpace

  • A competitor is ranking #1 and #3 for a search term (see attached) by publishing two separate sites with the same content.  They've modified the title of the page, and serve it in a different design, but are using their branded domain and a keyword-rich domain to gain multiple rankings.  This has been going on for years, and I've always told myself that Google would eventually catch it with an algorithm update, but that doesn't seem to be happening.  Does anyone know of other options?  It doesn't seem like this falls under any of the categories that Google lists on their web spam report page—is there any other way to get bring this up with the powers that be, or is it something that I just have to live with and hope that Google figures out some day? Any advice would help.  Thanks! how_to_become_a_home_inspector_-_Google_Search_2015-01-15_18-45-06.jpg

    | inxilpro

  • Hi We're developing our site an wanted to ask if we are "over optimising" or following best practice. Maybe you have some recommendations. I've provided 4 examples below. Eventually we'll use Moz on page grader but as a new start up, I'd appreciate your help. Thank you, Faye. 1. URL: PAGE TITLE: Cipressa | Engineered Brown Wood | The Wood Galleries H1: Cipressa – Engineered Brown Wood KEYWORD: Engineered Brown Wood META: Buy Cipressa Brown Engineered Wood, available at The Wood Galleries, London. Provides an Exceptional Foundation for Elegant Décor & Extravagant Furnishings. IMAGE TAG: Brown Engineered Flooring KEYWORD IN BODY CONTENT:  YES (1) 2. URL: H1: Mauro | Beige Engineered Wood | The Wood Galleries PAGE TITLE: Mauro – Beige Engineered Wood KEYWORD: Beige Engineered Wood META: Buy Mauro Beige Engineered Wood Flooring, available at The Wood Galleries, London. Designed to deliver Rich, Dark Undertones with Light hues of Muted Brown. IMG TAG: Beige Wood Flooring KEYWORD IN BODY CONTENT: YES (2) **3. URL: ** H1: Vela – Beige Engineered Oak PAGE TITLE: Vela | Beige Engineered Oak | The Wood Galleries KEYWORD: Beige Engineered Oak META: Buy Vela Beige Engineered Oak Wood, available at The Wood Galleries, London. Crafted from the most widely respected hardwoods in the world. IMG TAG: Engineered Oak Flooring KEYWORD IN BODY CONTENT: YES (1) 4. URL: H1: Ciro – Engineered Rustic Wood PAGE TITLE: Ciro | Engineered Rustic Wood | The Wood Galleries KEYWORD: Engineered Rustic Wood META: Buy Ciro Engineered Rustic Wood, at The Wood Galleries, London. Its stylishly classic oak look exudes a sense of luxury that is simply undeniable. IMG TAG: Dark Wood Flooring, The Wood Galleries KEY WORD IN BODY CONTENT: YES (2)

    | Faye234

  • What is the best way to redirect for best SEO benefits? Examples: -> -> Any technical information how to (root) redirect for best SEO practices?

    | remkoallertz

  • I have been working on a website and have made a sub domain   The website is for a company that is yet to launch, so I have been boosting traffic by writing blog posts about the topic (loans) on the subdomain.  I pushed some traffic to the actual website too.  We were climbing the rankings for our brand name but have all of a sudden started to drop.  The domain authority was something like 0.9 and has dropped to 0.3.  (Using SEO Spyglass) The blog was somewhere similar, but has dropped to 0.0!!!  Please help in anyway you can.  These changes have happened within the last 48 hours.

    | Startupfactory

  • Below is a screenshot from the website (They identify the backlinks to your website), containing 3 results. My website, competitor 1 and competitor 2. My website - I spend a year optimizing my site and doing back links as natural as possible. - Currently #10 in google. Competitor 1 - Low URL rank and Super unnatural back links. - Currently #1 in google. This competitor has 195K backlinks by having 3 seperate websites linking each in their the main header. Competitor 2 - Low URL rank and only 58 back links. - Currently #2 in google. They have been on the top of google for a few keywords for months. And I do not understand why they are #1 constantly. 7NrQ0wz.jpg 7dtAjpf.jpg 7dtAjpf.jpg

    | kevinbp

  • Is there such a thing as keyword stuffing URLs?  Such as a domain name of having a directory called turtles-for-sale that houses all the pages on the site.  Every page would start out with Good or bad idea?  The owner is hoping to capitalize on the keywords of turtles for sale being in the URL twice and ranking better for that reason.

    | CFSSEO

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