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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • Hi, Our ecommerce store - we have had some duplicate content issues and they have been corrected, but of course, Google takes time to pick up on these. Our link profile is very poor, so we wont lose a lot by going to a new domain in that sense. My question is, in what instances is it worthwhile starting under a new domain? And in which not? Presumably you can also 301 the whole site - when is it worth doing this or not? Thanks, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • Hi, Recently, there's been a lot said and written about how Google is going to come down hard on 'advertorial' content. Many B2B publishers provide exposure to their clients by creating and publishing content about them -----based on information/ content obtained from clients (for example, in the form of press releases) or compiled by the publisher.  From a target audience/ user perspective, this is useful information that the publication is bringing to its audience.  Also, let's say the publishers don't link directly to client websites. In such a case, how do you think Google is likely to look at publisher websites in the context of the recent statements related to 'advertorial' type content? Look forward to views of the Moz community. Thanks, Manoj

    | ontarget-media

  • Just recently I have noticed a ever increasing number of landing pages on websites, the ones I have come across have been in the sports industry like rugby/football and their landing pages are sparse but offering the social avenues on a plate. are Landing pages making their way back in the seo industry?

    | TeamacPaints

  • Dio mio! Wetherby racecourse <cite></cite>‎ has been de indexed by Google, re indexing request has been made via webmaster tools and the offending 3rd party banner ad has been stripped out. So my question is please. How long will it take approximately to re -index?
    And is it true re submitting an updated xml site & firing tweets at the ailing site may spark it back into life? Grazie tanto,David

    | Nightwing

  • Hello all, I have a massive duplicate content issue at the moment with a load of old employer detail pages on my site. We have 18,000 pages that look like this: and Google is classing all of these pages as similar content which may result in a bunch of these pages being de-indexed. Now although they all look rubbish, some of them are ranking on search engines, and looking at the traffic on a couple of these, it's clear that people who find these pages are wanting to find out more information on the school (because everyone seems to click on the local information tab on the page). So I don't want to just get rid of all these pages, I want to add content to them. But my question is... If I were to make up say 5 templates of generic content with different fields being replaced with the schools name, location, headteachers name so that they vary with other pages, will this be enough for Google to realise that they are not similar pages and will no longer class them as duplicate pages? e.g. [School name] is a busy and dynamic school led by [headteachers name] who achieve excellence every year from ofsted. Located in [location], [school name] offers a wide range of experiences both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities, we encourage all of our pupils to “Aim Higher". We value all our teachers and support staff and work hard to keep [school name]'s reputation to the highest standards. Something like that... Anyone know if Google would slap me if I did that across 18,000 pages (with 4 other templates to choose from)?

    | Eteach_Marketing

  • What is the best practice nowadays for linking to sister sites?  Should you do it, shouldn't you, and/or should you list them with no follows?  What about the reverse - having them link to us.  Is this bad for us in anyway? Should we have them no follow their link to us? We are a distributor so manufacturers link to us as well, should we have them no follow their links? Thanks!

    | CHECOM

  • I am having difficulty evaluating pros and cons of various URL structures with respect to SEO benefits. So I can have the following 1. /for-sale-in-<city>-<someothertext>-<uniqueid>.php
    So in this case a term like 'for sale in San Francisco' is directly part of the URL. </uniqueid></someothertext></city> 2. /for-sale/<city>/<someothertext>uniqueId
    Here 'for sale in San Francisco' is not so direct in the URL, so I think. Also I 'heard' that forward slash URLs are somehow considered as being 'lower down' in the directory structure.  </someothertext></city> 3. /for-sale/<city>/<someothertext>/?pid=uniqueId</someothertext></city> someOtherText contains keywords we are targeting. 1. Is there a preference of one format over the other? 2. Does it even matter? 3. someOtherText - does it makes sense to put keywords in the URL for just SEO purposes? I do not per se need someOtherText for functionality.

    | proptiger

  • I've seen certain websites upon hovering your mouse over the hyperlink, text is displayed. Concept is similar to the IMG ALT tag. Do you think there is value when it comes to hyperlinks? It's already an anchor link. Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • First, I'm new to SEO so bear with me. My company owns a list of domains with names that are keywords for us.  Right now, all those domains are redirecting to our main site.  None of the domains has ever had content; they were purchased recently and simple redirected.  My questions are: 1) is there any value in having domains that are exact keywords on which we'd like to rank, (i.e. does this work to improve site traffic and ultimately rankings, or is this a black hat tactic)?  and, 2) would there ever be any value in turning these sites into landing pages with content and outbound links that lead to our original site? Thanks for your advice.

    | SpearOne

  • I have a spam linking site that is generation thousans of links to my site. Even if i have a good link background, this is the only spammy i have, each week number of links comings from it increases by 500 , i know have 3000 links for that site and 1800 for other sites, but that one keeps growing What should i do, i dont want that link it is imposible to remove as webmaster does not respond

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I believe our site has been penalizes by Penguin 2.0. Our impressions in Google Webmaster are down and our traffic in Google Analytics also took a hit. Both of these occurences took place right when Penguin 2.0 was unleashed. What are the steps I need to take to regain my ranking? Is disallowing all the links I think maybe spammy the first thing to do?

    | joebuilder

  • Has the game changed a lot with the disavow tool I can see people still saying check out what our competitors are doing but with just going through a disavow myself how do you actually know what the correct link diversity is as 0 - 100% of the links could be disavowed. Also could a competitor not just buy a load of spammy links and disavow them to mask there real links. (I know in my backlinks on 150 are good and the rest is disavowed crap)

    | BobAnderson

  • I've been noticing that other sites (none as strong as mine) are scraping my content. I have rel=author on my website to claim the content as mine. How concerned should I be about others scraping our content, could this harm us? Any suggestions about how to stop content scrapers? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • The question is: I have branddomain A (manually penalization by google, one year ago and after 4 consideration requests and more than 3/4 of links removed, stills banned) authority 42 And and new branddomain B (with fresh content created after penalization in the case of no recovery as it happen) authority 26 There are no links from A to B, both are now with same traffic but i want people that find me on domain A (partial penalized) to come to my new web brand.  Both domains have same name, different extensión. So the question: Can i link  with photo domain A to domain B, if i place nofollow and no ancor text on those linked photos. I want to have my traffic unified and i dont want to go against google guidelines

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I'm considering having a WordPress plugin developed that would provide content from my site for others to display in their sidebar. It would definitely provide value for users and I know people would use it on their sites, but my question is . . . If I were to add my link below the widget (e.g. "Content provided by Company ABC"), would this be good or bad for SEO? The anchor text wouldn't be anything special, just an exact match of my brand name (my domain name). I seem to remember Matt Cutts answering something similar a few years ago and I thought he said it was fine as long as the anchor text was the brand name. But maybe things have changed since then. Keep in mind that this plugin could potentially be used by tens of thousands of sites, so the backlink profile could be huge. Thoughts? Would this cause my site to get penalized?

    | JABacchetta

  • I have had two SEO 'specialists' look at my site after the 2012 Penguin update as I was hit badly for one very important keyword. I took off any bad sites links but I never did anything with inbound links. One says my link profile is fine and do NOT use the disavow tool but I should improve my site (landing pages, content, photos, put blog on site, articles, social media etc etc). This I tried for several months but my site never improved. the second 'expert' said I HAVE to take certain ones off and he identified inbound links from spammy sites. He found links from 65 links from malware/untrusted sites and 267 from spam articles and 124 from link farms plus hundreds more from pages that no longer exist or never provide traffic What would you do? i should point out  the anchor text for these inbound links is the one keyword that is the most important to the site and the one that got hit by the Penguin 2012

    | Llanero

  • Since Google's latest updates, I think it would be safe to say that building links is harder. But i also read that Google applies their latest guidelines retro-actively. In other words, if you have built your ilnking profile on a lot of unnatural links, with spammy anchor text, you will get noticed and penalized. In the past, I used to use SEO friendly directories and "suggest URL's" to build back links, with keyword/phrase anchor text. But I thought that this technique was frowned upon by Google these days. So, what is safe to do? Why is Google not penalizing the competitor? And bottom line what is considered to be "unnatural link building" ?

    | bjs2010

  • Hi everyone, I hope you have a couple of mins to give me your opinion. Ecommerce site has around 2000 products, in english and spanish, and around only 70 hits per day if that. We have done a lot of optimisation on the site - Page Titles, URL's, Content, H1's, etc.... Everything on page is pretty much under control, except I am starting to realise the site architecture could be harming our SEO efforts. Once someone arrives on site they are language detected and do a 302 to either or depending on their preferred language. Then on the homepage, we have the big MEGA MENU - and we have 
    CAT 1
       SubCat 1
           SubsubCat 1
           SubsubCat 2
           SubsubCat 3 Overall, there are 145 "categories". Plus links to some CMS pages, like Home, Delivery terms, etc... Each Main Category, contains the products of everything related to that category - so for example:
         COOKWARE          BAKINWARE
            SAUCEPANS            BOWLS
            FRYING PANS Kitchenware contains: ALL PRODUCTS OF SUBCATS BELOW, SO COOKWARE ITEMS, SAUCEPANS, FRYING PANS, BAKINGWARE, etc... plus links to those categories through breadcrumbs and a left hand nav in addition to the mega menu above. So once the bots hit the site, immediately they have this structure to deal with. Here is what stats look like:
    Domain Authority: 18
    PA: 27
    mR: 3.99
    mT: 4.90 1
    PA: 15
    mR: 3.05
    mT: 4.54 1/SUBCAT1
    PA: 15
    mR: 3.05
    mT: 4.54 Product pages themselves - have a PA of 1 and no mR or mT. I really need some other opinions here - I am thinking of: Removing links in Nav menu so it only contains CAT1 and SUBCAT1 but DELETE SUBSUBCATS1 which represent around 80 links Remove products within the CAT1 page - eg., the CAT 1 would "tile" graphical links to subcategories, but not display products themselves. So products are only available right at the lowest part of the chain (which will be shortened) But I am willing to hear any other ideas please - maybe another alternative is to start building links to boost DA and linkjuice? Thanks all, Ben

    | bjs2010

  • I've had some varying advice on here regarding the best way to proceed with [i'll PM the URL] which was hit by Penguin 2.0.  There were previous issues with the homepage and before the 22nd had started creating new decent links. Some have suggested to ditch the domain and start again.  There are several reasons not to and branding is the deciding factor at this stage. I'm going down the route of initially trying to manually remove links and then follow on with disavow.  I would really appreciate another pair of eyes taking a quick look to see if i'm missing anything other than a dodgy link profile.

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi Guys, Will creating a new Google places listing for a business have any effect their current position one spot for their major geo location keyword? I.e restaurants perth - say they are ranking no 1 above all the places listings if they set up a places listing would they lose that position and merge with all the other places accounts? Or would they have that listing as well as the places listing? I have been advised it could be detrimental to set up the places account if this is the case does anyone know any ways around this issue as the business really needs a places page for google maps etc. Appreciate some guidance Thanks. BC

    | Bodie

  • We have a client in the moving business and I'm absolutely flabbergasted by the "local" results and the number of them that are not following Google's guidelines for Google Local accounts. 3 of them are using exact match keyword strings as their company names. I've reported all 3, every week for the last 2 months and have not seen a single dip in the rankings. Meanwhile our client has a duplicate listing we've verified and "suspended" and it hasn't changed for 4 months! Any tips? I've attached a photo of the listings as well. xwWZWyT.gif

    | SmartWebPros

  • On one of my sites I've noticed some strange links from Google Webmaster Tools recent links feature. They are pingbacks/blog comments but they are using keyword anchor text and linking to my site. I know we are not doing this. Should I be concerned about this possibly being negative SEO? Here's a sample (be careful, shady site)

    | eyeflow

  • I have seen one of my clients' competitors do this in their meta title and it got me a little intrigued... I understand that google uses the + sign as an operator in adwords, and to a certain extent, as a search tool, but would it help or make any difference to the SEO in the meta title/data  (eg. 'SEO+Marketing+Services')? Thanks

    | LexisClick1

  • Hi friends My site was recently hit by the penguin update and i dropped to page 5 of local searchs for my key words.  A while back I had some bad link building done and now paying for it:( I thought the disavow tool (used 4 months ago) would deal with this issue but apparently not The current url is feeling like a lost cause. My question is if I start fresh on a new url, can I use my old content (or even clone the site and move it to a new url) without being punished for duplicate content on the new site? Any recommendations for starting fresh? I really appreciate any thoughts on this matter, as I am feeling a bit lost and bummed about this issue thanks!

    | Silasrose

  • I have detected than one web domain is generating 2400 links to my site should a use a disavow tools, as it is imposible to have contact from webmaster and no response to your emails My web as not been warned or penalized, but i dont like this link, and i want to inform google of that,. If google acepts the disavow file, should i still see on my webmaster tools that web links, or will they desapear thanks

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hello ! I was wondering if it's a good idea to keep the "Hits" in the H1 ? Will Google come to check regularly the update (new information if I'm right) or if he will not like the idea to come back just for hits update. As I have very good results on this part of the website, I do not want to take any risk. Thanks a lot !

    | AymanH

  • Would love to get some opinions on the latest Penguin 2.0 update and how on earth the #1 rank is #1 ranked, very, very peculiar...,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.aGc&biw=1300&bih=569 Any and all theories welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, Mike

    | MichaelYork

  • Hey SEOmoz people. I need your advice. I have a site that was entrusted to an SEO company last year to help me rank better. I didn't put any marketing effort into it myself (dumb), though I did spend lots of time on the web design & courseware preparation. It was hammed during Panda and the first Penguin changes. I decided to fight for the site and spent lots of time learning about internet marketing and trying to get the dodgy links removed and disavowed. Plus I've started to create lots of quality content. But after last weeks algorithm changes it's plummeted again. Dropping below rank 50 is a few cases. My Question: How do you know if it's time to bail water or abandon ship and start up a fresh site? Check out my Moz Ranking attached. Dan - 0BE1cmB.png

    | danlovesadobe

  • I thought they were supposed to be cute and cuddly? nicepenguin.jpg

    | cbielich

  • Greetings My site was seriously punished in the recent penguin update.  I foolishly got some bad out sourced spammy links built and I am now paying for it 😞 I am now thinking it best to start fresh on a new url, but I am wondering if I can use the content from the flagged site on the new url. Would this be flagged as duplicate content, even if i took the old site down? your help is greatly appreciated Silas

    | Silasrose

  • I think penguin had no effect yet on spain. remain the same.And still growing.No penguin 2.0  effect. I think it will need a few more days to see if there is impact on spain.
    Althought i have a question regarding coagnitive SEO, (is regarding a link to from i think is a good web, but as generated me an very big amount of links)i have this on link from that has generated 2400 links to with this ancor text "clinica dental con dentistas especialistas en implantes dentales ortodoncia invisalign y carillas" Links is comes from this page and then generates 2400I can not remove this link. I seemed a good directory with just 3 pages linking out and good page rank on my specific field.I ask google to dont take that link into account, although i am not sure if i did it well.**Can someone tell me how to say to google to dont take in account the links from a domain?**google still shows this link on webmaster tools, i am afraid it ends up been bad. I seems a good directory is not an exact ancor text although containt all work i want to rank.What would be your advice? Do i have any way to make sure that google does not have the links recieved from that domain into account

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I want to lead off by saying that I do not recommend trying this. My gut tells me that this is a bad idea, but I want to start a conversation about why. Since penguin a few weeks ago, one of the most common topics of conversation in almost every SEO/Webmaster forum is "how to remove spammy links". As Ryan Kent pointed out, it is almost impossible to remove all of these links, as these webmasters and previous link builders rarely respond. This is particularly concerning given that he also points out that Google is very adamant that ALL of these links are removed. After a handful of sleepless nights and some research, I found out that you can block traffic from specific referring sites using your.htaccess file. My thinking is that by blocking traffic from the domains with the spammy links, you could prevent Google from crawling from those sites to yours, thus indicating that you do not want to take credit for the link. I think there are two parts to the conversation... Would this work? Google would still see the link on the offending domain, but by blocking that domain are you preventing any strength or penalty associated with that domain from impacting your site? If for whatever reason this would nto work, would a tweak in the algorithm by Google to allow this practice be beneficial to both Google and the SEO community? This would certainly save those of us tasked with cleaning up previous work by shoddy link builders a lot of time and allow us to focus on what Google wants in creating high quality sites. Thoughts?

    | highlyrelevant

  • Quick question I manage the seo campaigns for the company I work for however i need some opinions on I have used jquery to control a on hover div which in returns feeds more information. woudl this be seen as a problem to Google, im not trying to hide things just want to keep the homepage tidy. any help would be appreciated

    | TeamacPaints

  • I am looking for more details of Google Penguin 2.0 update. Is any information from SEO experts?

    | gbavadiya

  • Does anyone know what is the best link delete service? I have heard of removem and linkdelete Which one do you think it best? Is there something better out there? Thank you.

    | shopwood

  • So I have decided today to attempt to beat the odds and try and do a full recovery from the Penguin Update. I am going to create a Google Doc in which I will make public and link at the end of this post for all of you to see. I am going to meticulously go through a massive back link audit of my site and try to see if I can recover from my loss of some of my main keywords back from April 24th. I want to clarify that I DID NOT get effected from Penguin 2.0, but  I did from 1.0 and have not recovered since. I have to be honest I feel like I have done everything up to now, but I realized I needed to make this a very long journey into a massive audit into my back link profile which contains thousands of back links which I have been honestly avoiding. I just want to see if I put the work, I will see the results and maybe it can help others I will document everything I do in detail as well as dates when I do them. I'm sure there will be plenty of coffee fueled nights of Jibber-Jabber...and I apologize for that ahead of time. I hope at the end there is light and can shed some on others. I am starting with a blank canvas, so keep checking back on my progress. I generally work at night so you will see most changes in the morning. Here is the link to my Doc - Wish Me Luck

    | cbielich

  • Hi, Long story shot. my 2 main keywords 'makeup artist sydney' and
    'sydney makeup artist' that have fluctuated in #1 - 4 position for the last year even after panda, have now moved to the 2page as of last night 23 May 13. I have checked webmaster tools and have no messages or error, i have checked Bing and still rank # 3 for the keywords. I am all out of ideas! am I being paranoid ? there hasn't been any major changes to the site and I don't seem to have major duplicate content issues! Any suggestions and Ideas would be great, website is Thanks.

    | EdsonGroupMedia

  • Hi all, This will probably be a fairly simple question, however I'm unsure of the correct terminology to get a good answer via search. Some of my competitors have links in the comment section of highly respected websites, example of one occurrence on the mighty Wired: Since Panda and Penguin I know Google has attempted to disregard any sort of link juice from such comment/forum spam - is this the case with comment links in sites such as Wired, as above? I'd like to hear that such comment spam actually harms the ranking of competitor there any truth to this also? I want to avoid all sorts of spammy approaches to SEO such as this - I've always been an ethical marketer, and would rather not stoop to these levels...but if they work and there is no chance of ranking penalisation.. Thanks for your time, dudes!

    | paj1979

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm wondering whether to put placename in URL or not. This is for a hotel so it's very focused on the county. I have loads of sub pages along the lines of and so on but I was wondering whether that placename element would help or hinder. For example, may want to rank for short breaks in other searches (not just those seeking short breaks in Somerset) and was wondering whether the somerset bit may actually hinder this in the future. Also noticed Somerset is mentioned in nearly all of the page urls through the site. Perhaps this is a bit spammy and just not neccesary. I can include the address of the hotel on every page anyway. What do you think? Thanks in advance for your help 🙂 Luke

    | McTaggart

  • ,I have 4 examples to choose from, what is best:?

    | hoodamath

  • I have a client who dealt with an SEO that created not great links for their site. When I drilled down in opensiteexplorer there are quite a few links where the sites do not exist anymore - so I thought I could test out Disavow out on them .. maybe just about 6 - then we are building good quality links to try and tackle this problem with  a more positive approach. I just wondered what the consensus was?

    | lauratagdigital

  • I am hoping someone will have some insight as our recent ranking drop has been driving me crazy trying to figure out what happened. Our site is We've been building links by creating quality content and getting others to link to it. We've seen our rankings rise to 3 for a number of keywords. Suddenly around March we saw a pretty drastic drop but only for certain keywords (maybe a Penguin hit?). For example, "new jersey process service" still has us ranked 3rd but "new jersey process server" sees us much lower around 19.  I've noticed several competitors have dropped while one has risen so is this negative SEO? Probably not as our backlink profile doesn't seem suspicious but it has me very confused. We've received no warnings or notices from Google.  The only thing I see is that our indexed pages went from 13 to 98 in January and have been now steadily increasing to 129, although I thought this would be a positive. Any suggestions or thoughts? I thought maybe things would shake out but it hasn't happened as of yet - we just keep dropping.

    | amandadgr

  • what would you advice on my case: It is bad for google if i have the four domains. I dont link between them as i dont want no association, or loss in rakings in branded page. Is bad if i link between them or the non branded to them branded domain. Is bad if i have all on my webmaster tools, i just have the branded My google page is all about the new non penalized domain. altough google gave a unique domain +propdental to the one that he manually penalized. (doesn't make sense) So. What are the thinks that i should not do with my domain to follow and respect google guidelines. As i want a white hat and do not do something that is wrong without knowledge

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I came across this site,  thought its idea was a place were you can offer your product to be reviewed by bloggers, (fairly white hat I would have thought),  I had a quick look and it seemed to me its for for selling back links on blogs, but before I dismissed it completely I just wanted to see if anyone else had any experience with it? Update:  if this website is no good, are there any genuine places were you can offer you products for review?

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Can someone hep me and charge for it on writing a letter to google reconsideration in native english? I did everything on this last year to respect google guidelines, and i as site owner always did on generating good content and usability to my site althoung a seo company had generate unnutural links that i manage to remove almost of them. i did all and more contacting webmasters to solve it. But i am not a english native speaker, i am just a content generator with a webmaster account. I is my last try to save my domain. Can someone help me on write a good google last letter? thanks

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I own & host over 300 domains for as many businesses. They all link back to my site from every page. but seomoz shows only hundred. so do other seo tools. why is that?

    | nooptee

  • Here's the challenge. I am doing some SEO triage work for a site which offers a legitimate business for sale listing service, which has a number of  FOLLOWED link placements on news / newspaper sites - like this: (The "Business Broker" links & business search box are theirs.) The site has already been penalized heavily by Google, and just got pushed down again on May 8th, significantly (from what we see so far). Here's the question - is this the type of link that Google would perceive of as paid / passing page rank since it's followed vs. nofollowed? What would you advise if it were your site / client? From everything I've read, these backlinks, although perfectly legit, would likely be classified as paid / passing pagerank. But please tell me if I'm missing something.  My advice has been to request that these links be nofollowed, but I am getting pretty strong resistance / lack of belief that these links in their current state (followed) could be harming them in any way. Would appreciate the input of the Moz community - if they won't believe me, and the majority here agrees about nofollowing, maybe they'll believe you. Thanks! BMT

    | CliXelerate

  • Hi I believe our site may have been penalised due to over optimised anchor text links. Our site is It seems we have been penalised for the key word 'Roller Banner' as the over optimised anchor text contains key word 'Roller Banner' or 'Roller Banners'. We dropped completely off page 1 for 'Roller Banner', how would I recover from this error?

    | SO_UK

  • Hi all, We run an e-commerce store - I am just looking at the apache logs and I am finding a lot of spammy links that have been referrers to our pages - when I check the links, I cannot find our URL in an HREF on their page so I presume they may be using some country based cloaking? These are the domains that are targeting specific pages on our site: How to deal with this? Our site is about cookware and they seem to be pointing these links to very specific products and categories. Never seen anything like this before, help would be appreciated. Thanks, B

    | bjs2010

  • Hello Fellow members, From 9th may I am getting this error messages & these crawl errors is increasing daily. Google is not able to crawl my URLS & getting 403 response code & saying ACCESS Denied Errors in GWT. My all Indexed pages are de-indexed. Why I am receiving this errors ? My website is working fine but why Google is not able to crawl my pages. PLEASE TELL ME what is the ISSUE, I need to resolve ASAP on 9th may I got a message in GWT as well for " Increase in authorization permission errors " Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs we were blocked from crawling due to authorization permission errors. After this all problem started. Kindly tell what is the issue & how can I solve this. WGsu8pU

    | sourabhrana39

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