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Category: White Hat / Black Hat SEO

Dig into white hat and black hat SEO trends.

  • Can i send a disavow file to google as CSV file. Where can i see ejemple of disavow files to adapt mine in order to send to google

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi, I started a wordpress website few weeks ago and at the beginning all i did is added about 5 posts almost without any content, only few pages had content, website hardly finished etc.. same time a i went on g+ and received some traffic from there plus about 300 g+ click on my website and i had 20-30 organic visits on a 2 weeks old website, which was not even half done and on top of that with very hard keywords!! Now 3-4 weeks in, I added content and constantly adding more, 1.2k g+ and other things as well like no duplicate titles as well and my impressions and clicks going down massively !! I mean barely 4-5 visits and only from random worthless keywords. I receive daily amount of g+ clicks, plus built some good links as well and getting traffic from there too and organic search is still dying out for me. Any idea??:(

    | Sugafree

  • An SEO agency I'm working with has asked if we're okay with guest posting on a competitor's blog. What are the negatives of getting a link from a competitor's blog? Two things I thought of: They can remove the link at any time - why wouldn't you as a competitor? I generally don't want to alert my competition what I'm doing for SEO and how I'm doing it. Is that enough to not pursue those links? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    | pbhatt

  • Hi Everyone I've been doing a backlink clean up as my site has dropped quite a lot in the search engine results over the last 4 months. While doing the backlink clean up I cam e across 20 different domains all based in the Washington/ VA area all with the same IP address. To make matters worse the contents and link to my site are all duplicated. Is this seen as bad practice from Google's perspective i.e. a link network.?? I look forward to hearing you comments Many thanks Jonathan

    | JonnytheB

  • I have a disallow file made on excel with lots of columns off information. I want to transform to txt file saving it from excel, but the result file seems understandable Can someone helpme on how to transform an excel file on the Google Dissavow file format for the final import

    | maestrosonrisas

  • My website got a link from an internal page with PR rank of 2 but the domain has the PR rank 5. For example - A domain with PR rank 5 and internal page PR rank 2. I got a link from the internal page, will I benefit from main domain Page rank 5? Thanks, Sameer

    | KaylaKerr

  • I readed on Search Engine Land that Google is targetting advertorials. I know of 1 advertorial about our company which links to our site. Is this something to worry about or is it only a problem if it is used on a larger scale?

    | wellnesswooz

  • Looking for advice from someone who has been keeping up on the updates from Matt Cutts, other sources on what to work on for my web store to prevent getting hit hard by the upcoming penguin update.Practical advice on what to clean up on the site would be extremely useful. Watched a Matt Cutts video yesterday getting a preview...I'm very curious about the part saying that Google will show preference to those who are "Experts in their Fields." What makes you qualified for this? We are in the wicker furniture industry and have been a local brick and mortar store since 1982. We started our website about 1998, so I would consider that experience possibly part of the equation. On the other hand, I know everyone would love to say they are the experts in their niche, so it would be nice to know what needs to be done to achieve this. Thank you in advance for any help, Mark Grabowski Wicker Paradise xQmQeKU25zg

    | wickerparadise

  • I'm using this in my title, "Used Cars and Used Car Loans in _____" Is this a good practice since they're similar but different keywords? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • A client wants to have 3 sites in the same industry with a lot of overlapping keywords. Is that white hat? Will Google mind?

    | BobGW

  • Does that concept really work. Any experience? I've registered and so far I think it's hard to measure whether the shares are spam or genuine. Would love to see it works for someoneThanks

    | LauraHT

  • I'm trying to understand what techniques might have been used to help the site rank for the term 'boys tops' on Google (AU). It appears to be a new domain, there are hardly any backlinks and basically no social mentions. Internally, the site uses the term 'boys tops' to link to the same page that Google chooses also—so that much makes sense—but other than that (and some weird keyword-stuffed page titles and meta tags) I cannot find much reason for this site to rank as well as it is. Have I missed something? Or is it just a low-enough competition phrase that it can do this with basically internal linking? Any ideas? Thanks

    | NathanV1977

  • We are currently trying to find the best way of making the images on one of our sites more SEO friendly, the easiest way for us would be to redirect the image URL to a more SEO friendly image URL. For example: redirects to Would Google frown upon this as it's saying the image is one thing and then points the user somewhere else?

    | RedAntSolutions

  • I recently had a Google 60 penalty hit my website. The main two issues were that I had a person helping me with SEO and they bought some links. The second issue is that I own about 90 URL's in the my vertical. I created about 60 one page sites for these keyword targeted domains. I then linked these sites to main site. Big mistake! I kept these URL's all on the same server as my main site. In October 2010 I noticed my site hits dropped dramatically. I started looking for the issue. I didn't know which issue caused the penalty. I fixed both issues in November 2010 and asked Google for reconsideration in early December 2010. I kept link building for my site by finding quality links.I was extremely honest with Google. I gave them all of the domains I own and I told them the name of the person that bought links for me and the websites where those links were placed. As of late February 2011 a Google search for my domain still showed up in approximately the 64th position. I recently asked Google again to lift the penalty. I basically told them that I fixed all of my issues that led to the penalty and let them know I have been waiting for almost 3 months. I told them I have put the past 2 years of my life into this website and begged them to forgive me. I also asked them to let me know if my site was never going to be forgiven? I got the typical canned response from the Google team. As of today the penalty is still in effect. I just want to know when you should give up on a site. I have spent about $20,000 on this site and about 2 years of hard work. I don't want to give up, but I don't want to keep putting my hard work and time into the site if it will never escape the dreaded Google penalty. Do you think I should continue to wait and if so how long? Anything else I can do to persuade Google to release me from this penalty hell? If I do abandon the site and start from scratch what steps should I take? Do I need a new server? What if any content can I take from my current site and transfer to the new site? If I can how do I do this without getting another penalty or lose the credit for the original content. I created about 2,000 pages of original content for this site. I'd love to be able to transfer this content if I have to start from scratch. Any ideas or detailed help plans would be greatly appreciated.

    | tadden

  • Hi all I have noticed a sudden drop in rankings for most of my keywords on kerryblu ,co,uk and was thinking the site may have been manually penalized by google. I have not received any notification of this in webmaster tools but can't think of any other reason for the loss of rankings. I have searched the web for info on this but can't find a definite answer.  Is there any way of knowing for sure. At the time of the crash the only real change I made was adding google adsense to my blog. Could this be responsible. Thanks for looking.

    | Dill

  • Hey guys, today I've received below message from Google, but I'm confused that there NO such message in WMT ?!??!?!?! I've login /out few times and situation is still same ?!?!? Still Nothing there ? Anybody had same issue ? Do I need to fill reconsideration request ? Pleased to hear back from you guys. NikoT Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links to .com/ Dear site owner or webmaster of , We've detected that some of your site's pages may be using techniques that are outside Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

    | NikoT

  • I have a google profile wich is assigned to the url but i also write a lot of content for to others url My question is if should i create another profile to the others urls witch are also mine but not associated between them. Or can i use the same profile without the risk of losing ranking on the weakest url, as they all compete for similiar keywords Thanks

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hello, For nlpca(dot)com one of our main keywords is the term "NLP" We are ranking 25th for that term.Possible causes: 1. keyword stuffing on home page, though we need to use the term over and over again to describe ourselves. Also, competitors like nlpco(dot)com and nlpu(dot)com also mention "NLP" a lot 2. Backlink profile: see this spreadsheet. We have a lot of sites from other countries and many sitewides but all natural and almost all branded. Ou company names are NLP Institute of California, NLP California, and NLP and Coaching Institute. 3. nlpcacoach(dot)org is a sitewide footer link. So is We're going to ask the first site to take our link down. 4. No "What is NLP" article. I think that might help. 5. Most of our 60 articles are posted on other sites. We author about 30 of them. I'm working on authorship via rel="author" and rel="me" links. There's usually 2 authors 6. Most of the title tags used to be 4 keywords separated by pipes -"|" I changed them all after the updates took the keyword "NLP" down. That's about all I can think of. What do we do or clean up?

    | BobGW

  • Ok, so within one of my client's sectors it has become clear that someone is trying to manipulate the SERPs by registering tons of domains that are all keyword targeted. All of the websites are simply duplications of one another and are merely setup to dominate the SERP listings - which, at the moment, it is beginning to do. None of the sites have any real authority (in some cases 1 PA and DA) and yet they're ranking above much more established websites. The only back links they have are from dodgy-looking forum ones. It's all a bit crazy and it shouldn't be happening. Anyway, all of the domains have been registered by the same person and within a two-month time period of each other. What do you guys think is the best step to take to report these particular websites to Google?

    | Webrevolve

  • ello ello! We're running an ecommerce site with thousands of products. None of the product pages have an IMG ALT. We're been thinking about an IMG ALT rule to apply to all product page images. Every image currently has a detailed caption so the thought was, why don't we use the description as the IMG ALT? It's perfect as it explains the image. Now the thing is, the length of the description, some of them come to 150 - 200 characters with spaces. Do you think this is too much? Also, would having a caption and the IMG ALT be the same cause issues? Have you guys employed any rules for IMG ALT in a bulk way?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • I would like to discuss how you think Panda is currently affecting the Google index, and if actually the so much discussed "Panda Update" is still an hot topic in the SEO world. We got the last official manual update back on March 14, and at that time Matt Cutts said that Panda would have been integrated in the regular algorithm. Fact is: since then I haven't heard about Panda anymore, despite my main e-commerce website as well as many others, is still under a strong Panda penalty. I have worked hard in the past 2 months to cleanup my site, removing thin and duplicate content. But so far I haven't gotten any positive signs from Google. Can we say that Panda is now officially integrated in the algorithm? Do we have any signs on that? If so, why we can't see any improvements on our sites, well cleaned-up? Thoughts? Speculations? I am eager to know your thoughts about this very sensitive issue that looks like has been forgotten a little bit in the past few weeks. Thanks!

    | fablau

  • Hi, I'm at a bit of a loss. For the last few days our web site has been visited by a significant amount of what looks like spam visits. The visits are to a single page, have location as "not set" and all have a bounce rate of 100%. This activity observed on Google Analytics. I see similar behaviour for an additional approx. half of the "not set" visitors in number from San Francisco i.e. to a single page etc. I see no unusual activity on the actual web site like spam blog comments for instance, but I'm still concerned. Any idea what this can be and what I can do about it. The net impact of this is to raise the overall bounce rate of the web site to > 80% when it usually runs around 50%, so these visits are significant in number for us. Help appreciated. Charles

    | TheKewlShop

  • I have a site which I thought was ranking well, however that doesn't seem to be the case. When I check the site from different IPs within the US it shows that the site is on page 1 and on other IPs it shows that it's on page 5 and for some keywords it shows it's not listed. This site was ranking well, before but I think google dropped it when I was giving putting in too much work with it (articles and press releases), but now it seems to have recovered when I check with my IP, but on other data centers it still shows it prior to recovering. It was able to recover after not building links to for a period of time, it showed it moved back up from the data center I'm connected to, but it still shows the possibly penalized results on other data centers. Is it possible that site is still penalized? So the question is why does it show it recovered in some data centers and not others? How do I fix this? It's been about 2 months since it's recovered from some data centers. Is this site still penalized or what's going on? There are no warnings in web master tools. Any insights would be appreciated! This isn't an issue with the rank tracking software, I've tested this on a multitude of IPs with varying differences. Thanks!

    | seomozzy

  • Here's a happy story: Some of you folks with sharp memories may remember my questions and worry over the last 3+ months regarding our fall into the abyss on Google after great positions for over a decade (we've always been fine in Bing and Yahoo). And our company name URL was still #1 so no site-wide penalty. Well......I've been working hard on fixing this in a smart way with all the ingredients I've been learning about. Thank you to SEOMozers for all the help!! There's still plenty to do, especially in the link earning department, but I've come really far from where I was in the Fall. Anyway. I am here right now to report what may be true to life fantastic news. I was starting to suspect an improvement last week, but it proved to be wrong. Then, I saw another sign yesterday but couldn't trust it. Today, my latest SEOMoz report is showing me the following for the several keywords we lost position down to "not in the top 50" for. keyword 1: up 44 points to #6keyword 2: no change still at #4
    keyword 3: up 46 points to # 4
    keyword 4: up 43 points to #7
    keyword 5: up 46 points to #4
    keyword 6: up 2 points to #2 What I'm wondering is if this is real. ;o). I'm pinching myself. I realize that it could be one of those sliding readjustment things and we'll drop back down, but we are not a new site. It seems that even if that is the case, it still must illustrate something good. Some kind of elimination of possibilities for why the drop occurred in the first place. I did a few things in this past week that may have put it over the tipping point. One of which was signing up for adwords a week ago. I'm happy to give details if anyone is interested. A few specific questions: 1. What might this be showing me?
    2. We have about a 45% number of anchor text footer links in client sites (we're a web dev co) one or two of which are numbering in the hundreds have keywords in them and are continuing to generate more links due to ecomm and large databases. I was gearing up to remove them or get them moved out of the footer so there's only one, but now I'm afraid to touch anything. Most of the footer links are just our company name or "site design". Any suggestions? 3. any other bits of advice for this situation are appreciated. I don't want to blow it now! Thanks!

    | gfiedel

  • Here's my hypothetical. I'm working on a car dealer site. And it's a Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram dealer. Would "Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram dealer," count as four keywords rather than one? My goal is to make the website show up for either Chrysler Dealer, Jeep Dealer, et cetera. Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi Everyone, Is any good to use? Thanks

    | vanplus

  • Hello, This client has a one page doorway site that is a copy of a category of his main site. It looks like the main site and has over 100 links to the site. We're cleaning things up to be white hat and we're wondering how to capture this traffic and link juice (this doorway has no backlinks though, it is an EMD) without a ton of money and effort. My thought so far is to put a uniquely designed paypal cart on there with top products and one link to the main site that says something like: To pay by credit card or to see more products, visit Would that be squeeky clean white hat or is that still a doorway headed for an update? What's best to do here on a low budget?

    | BobGW

  • Hi,  I just took over the SEO for a friend of mine's website. Is this website being punished by Google?  It has a strong link score, the homepage needs work as far as Key wording goes but it does not appear in Google's top 100 for any keyword.  I am not sure that the last SEO company did some harm.  Can anyone give me some tips on getting my friend back into the mix?

    | CKerr

  • A friend of mine has a pagerank 3 website that links to all my pages on my site on every page of his site.  The anchor text of all these links are the title of each page that it links to.  Does this hurt SEO?  I can have him change to the links to whatever i want, so if it does hurt, what should i change the anchor text to if needed? Thanks mozzers! Ron

    | Ron10

  • Although Google and Bing have recommended that the same URL be used for serving desktop and mobile websites, portals like airbnb are using different URLS to serve mobile and web users. Does anyone know why this is being done even though it is not GOOD for SEO?

    | razasaeed

  • I have been asked what type of site this is? What kind of page is this? []( In my opinion it is site put up to create back links and should be avoided (especially in the light of the new Penguin and Panda updates coming). But I don't want to give wrong advice. What are your opinions?

    | Llanero

  • Hi, We have around 25 sites around the world under different domains and brand names. I was wondering if its safe or not to interconnect (linking) all these sites. Please let me know, Thanks!

    | ferratum

  • Hello Forum, I'm about the remove my outbound Links page at: I think that Google could be assessing this page as a link scheme, ie: I-link-you-if-you-link me. I haven't received any messages from Google about this but I think the page may be devaluing my site. What do you guys~gals think? Thank you for any and all feedback Paul the Picture Framer

    | Picframer

  • The reason I'm asking this question is. I was on the phone with a Google Rep yesterday for one of my google places. It was in reference to map maker and the fact that I only wanted one number on the listing. About a month ago I had it, so I deleted the listing's local number and than had an 877 number. The problem is when I checked on Friday the Local number was then added back by a Google moderator in Map Maker. So, now there's two numbers on the listing. He told me that would not affect my NAP info, which I don't believe. 
    He also went on to say that Google goes through listings and if they have an 800 number they may delete it and replace place it with a local number. Has anyone delt with this and can Verify what he says to be true? Additionally, will my NAP be affected if this is the case? Thanks.

    | PeterRota

  • Hi all I recently watched the latest Mozinar called "Making Your Site Audits More Actionable". It was presented by the guys at seogadget.  In the mozinar one of the guys said he loves the website and that they have spent a lot of money on it from an SEO point of view (presumably with seogadget) so I decided to look through the source and noticed something I had not seen before and wondered if anyone can shed any light. On this page (;product_rating;DESC;0-0;all;92)/page_1/max_20) there is a paragraph of text that begins with 'The ever reliable UK weather...' and when you via the source of the containing DIV you will notice a bespoke attribute called "threedots=" and within it, is the entire text content for that DIV. Any thoughts as to why they would put that there?  I can't see any reason as to why this would benefit a site in any shape or form. Its invalid markup for one. Am I missing a trick..? Thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Kris P.S. for those who can't be bothered to visit the site, here is a smaller version of what they have done: This is an introductory paragraph of text for this page.

    | yousayjump

  • Hello, This site has 80 root domains pointing to the domain, call it site X. 25 of them are tiny blogs the owner put up himself. The blogs consist only of 4 posts or so, where each post has a 2 keyword anchor text links to each one of his 4 sites. One link in each post goes to the home page and one goes to an internal page. Let's concern ourselves with cleaning up the anchor text profile of site X. All blogs are on private registration. Half of the blog domain names are furniture related and furniture is not relevant to this niche. But 3/4 to 3/5 of the content of each blog (2 paragraphs per post and 4 posts) is relevant. My concern is that even though the anchor text is varied and there's only 2 links going out to site X per blog, none of it is branded and so I'm concerned about Penguin type updates. Should we change these to branded or delete them? We're working on content promotion for backlinks in case we have to delete these blogs, but it's a small budget. What should we do? '

    | BobGW

  • For someone that has 80 root domains pointing to their domain and 10 of them are sitewide backlinks from 10 PR4+ sites. All paid for. All with the same main keyword anchor text Should I advise him to remove the links, dissavow the links, dissavow then remove or just change to branded anchor text for the 10 sitewide links. Another option is to just keep one link (preferrably editorial) from each site. The only reason not to pull them off right away is that the client could not sustain his business with a drop in sales. These are by far the strongest 10 root domains. Eventually, when he has enough good backlinks these are all coming off. There was a huge drop in sales for this site last fall, but it recovered almost completely by changing keyword stuffing and adding ecommerce content. Looking to keep his sales and also prepare for this years updates.

    | BobGW

  • So I have a niche site that I'm pretty sure has received an over-optimization penalty. This was about nine months ago or so. I haven’t really done much with the site since however I’d like the site to start appearing in the serps again, as I am adding fresh content and trying to create a really useful resource. I don't appear in the serps for any keywords related to my niche anymore. The site IS still indexed though. I didn't get any messages telling me that I was penalized so I don't think it was manual. I didn't use any spam or anything like that but I believe the penalty was probably for anchor text over-optimization and/or too many links to non-home page urls in comparison to the total amount of links the site had. I know removing these links or changing the anchor can help but the thing is the site only has about 30 total linking root domains pointed at it. So I was wondering if I could just add more links to other pages/the home page and add more links with varied anchors/naked urls to change the ratios and make it appear more natural. Now, would/could this fix my penalty? I am frustrated that I even received a penalty at all because much of my competition is ranking for fairly competitive terms with no real solid links pointed at their site and tons of comment spam. I have some relevant links/quality links so I am hoping that fixing this penalty could help put me back where I was before I got knocked into oblivion. There is one example of a competitor with a PR0 site getting good traffic and ranking for some nice keywords with only a bunch of self-set up web properties (and some comment spam) containing one only page for the purpose of linking back to their money site (blogspot, wordpress, weebly, mywebstarts ect). On top of that a lot of the sites I'm competing again are MFA, garbage sites that are written by non-native English speakers that offer zero value to the visitor. I need to start out ranking these spammers again. What should I do? thanks!


  • Okay so I want to start focusing on SEO for my Web design company and I have been reading and reading and am now working on my off-page optimization and have some questions. My words are competitive words and a few of them are finally increasing to top 500 and a few in top 100. My current MozRank for my domain is 2.28, but my mozbar shows my homepage to be MozRank to be 3.35 Link Building Plan -Around 50  Directory submissions to high PR directories and high MozRank domains Free listings Paid Listings -3-5 articles written for guest posts Around 25 Local Business directories such as, whitepages, etc -Around 20 dofollow forum profile creation and backlinks from signatures -Squidioo Lens Creation( I will be creating high quality content related my website which would be web design, internet marketing, seo services.) -Hubpages Creation My question is should the content used on squidioo be 100% original, like can I post the content to other directories as well? -Article Directories Okay so from what I've read this is method doesn't really give much benefit with the recent updates, is this true or should I still at least submit some articles to article directories. I am also confused wouldn't distributing your articles to article directories be considered duplicate content? 20-25 Blog Comments on related blogs that support dofollow blog commenting, also will build some nofollow blog comment links for link diversity

    | azokaei

  • What is your general approach when removing links for a new client? Just taken on some new work and found links that I wouldn't dream of building now (unrelated domain name, blogroll, single word, exact match anchor, dead sites). However some of these are brand anchor links, and some of the pages have decent Page Rank (2/3/4). Obviously I don't want to remove links that might actually be helping the site in a weird way. It would be good to get an idea of other peoples approach to link removal - what goes, what stays etc?

    | Coolpink

  • Hello, In the past, a client has gotten a lot of emails from customers saying that they like specific products. Now he needs reviews. Can we use those old emails, with no name or maybe with initials as product reviews? We don't want to do anything unethical.

    | BobGW


    | irvingw

  • Hello, For, when you search for "NLP California" in Google,the letters "nlp" are bolded in the SERP URL and so is "ca". See here. This is because "ca" is an abbreviation for "California" Thus, this is not an exact match domain but it is close. What should our branded anchor text be? I want to change the anchor text profile to 98% branded anchor text. The 3 names our company goes by are NLP California NLP Institute of California NLP and Coaching Institute Let me know if we should not use one or more of these names for branded anchor text.

    | BobGW

  • A client of mine has been approached by a company that sets up one-off private link networks like this: Main site: Network sites: The company doing this actually promotes this as a patent-pending feature they call "silos". How do I explain the real danger to my client?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hello, Our articles here are not ranking as strongly as they should. Could you take a look and tell me why? When I search for the exact article title we do not come up. We used to. Note our sitewide footer links to some articles in case that's the problem, but even articles not in the footer links aren't performing.

    | BobGW

  • 302 Redirects - We are a digital agency carrying out some SEO analysis for a potential client. The client has bought over 150 different domains and redirected (302) them into his main domain. The domains were bought up based on relevant industry keywords and protection. On first instance this seems like a Black hat technique that Google would most definitely punish - buying up domains and redirecting them to main website. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks...

    | Seanbain

  • A competitor recently jumped very high in the SERPS after adding Ratings markup schema to his site. His site shows in the serps with a 5 star rating for a software product. Here's his site: The source of the "rating" appears just to be hard coded schema markup, not connected to anything external or impartial.It appears at this point that Google is taking this markup data at face value, and maybe is giving it some authorityHave you seen this kind of abuse in your vertical?

    | DarrenX

  • So I need a little help. I'm guest lecturing this week for a local college class on web design. We are going to be talking about Black Hat design for a little bit and things to avoid. I'd like to share some examples in the wild of old school tactics, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text. Anyone have any good examples? If you don't want to share them publicly feel free to sent me a private message. I would like to give the students some interesting examples so they can visualize it. Thanks!

    | BCutrer

  • Greetings SEOmoz Team and Users, I need some advise,  our site has more products  to offer so I am try to optimize the index for a general term and each page product for it's own main keyword. Our site offers accommodation such apartments, hotels and vacation rentals so this is my structure: Index: Main Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Site name(brand name) Page Product 1: Main Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Site name (brand name) Page Product 2: Main Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Site name (brand name) Also can I use the brand name at the end of title tag with separate words ? example:  londonescape or  london escape or London Apartments | short term london apartments | London Escape or London Apartments | short term london apartments | LondonEscape I think ''London Escape'' is better because has more popularity. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks, Giuseppe

    | WorldEscape

  • I've a website composed by automated translations in diferent languages from original contents from another website, Is good for to be linked by the contents of as the source of translated content, or could be considered by Google as a lot of low quality links and result on penalties for

    | xiruca

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