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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • My website reports on news relating to certain web hosting providers, and being hit by the latest phantom update a little I am looking back a little more harshly on some of my content with especially the older articles needing alot of work (I know some areas on the site need work), and there are some articles I am just not sure about. I have listed a few OLD articles below These are 3 old articles that I have previously updated several months ago, but are they good enough.  Due to the nature of the site sometimes I will report on certain news \ features that a web host releases, and sometimes there is very little to write about.  These are probably a good example where I feel there is a struggle to write enough or the quality is perhaps lower than something that has more information to report on. I would appreciate some harsh critical view points \ and perhaps suggestions on how to improve my writing style for these kind of generic style posts.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • We are having an issue about when to upload newly converted pages to website. By going responsive we are basically going with a new layout, different look entirely. I think it's best to wait until every page in the site has been transferred over to the new layout. Partially because some urls are being updated too, and the look is different enough that it may look like half the site got hi-jacked. My partner thinks rolling out/uploading each page as it is complete is the way to go. Need input on pros and cons of either method.

    | Manifestation

  • I am just thinking to start a companion site, do you think its a good idea to have this sort of site. As i believe it may be the good source to get good referral traffic from this site.

    | Mustansar

  • Anyone have any recommendations for a stable/secure back up plug in for wordpress? Thanks MoZzers -Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • I want to update my meta discriptions on product category level in a Wordpress website. I can update a bulk in Yoast. it's now set as: 
    %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% but i want it to be: 
    Text (term title) text, (term title) text ✓ UPS text, ✓ USP text. Does anyone know what code i can use to update the meta discriptions?

    | Happy-SEO

  • I am seriously considering reducing the number of pages in a section of our website. We currently have 39 webpages. I'm considering reducing it to 6. The site architecture would make more sense giving recent design changes. And we could focus more attention on improving conversions from these 6 new pages. But I'm considering doing this mainly because I think it'll help us do a better job of communicating to and converting our audience. The new pages would be longish. The existing 39 pages are by no means stubs, but these new pages would be longer. Anyway, what I want to put out for discussion is the SEO impact. What are the good SEO reasons for reducing the number of pages? Can 6 well-done pages out perform 39 pretty-well-done pages? How many queries can one page rank for well? Is this SEO suicide? Honestly, there's a part of me that cannot believe I'm saying this, but I think my heart is in the right place.

    | justin-brock

  • Sites are adopting different URL structures for posting blogs (examples below). Quicksprout ( Moz ( SEO Book ( What do you recommend?

    | SEO5Team

  • Hi I am planing to start two blog about the same product. One blog will be about reviews and other product related information which will be from well known authors or organizations etc. On second blog, i will be adding detail information about the same product and specification of that. I am just wondering if you guys have any suggestion for me.

    | Mustansar

  • Hi Everyone, I run a popular news site and we are already working with Yahoo Finance, CNN, USA Today, CNBC, etc...
    The one site we really also want to start working with is Google Finance - but there is no way as far as i can see of getting in touch with them. Our content is the best in our sector and every news site we pitch we almost always start a relationship with - i just need an in. Does anyone know who to contact or how to get in touch with them? Thanks for any advice. James

    | fattestcat

  • We've had our blog for a little under 2 years now using Magento and we've only created 48 posts. As we're in the furniture industry topics are hard to come by and we've become stuck for ideas. Sure we have researched our audience, checked Q&A's and forums to analyse what questions our audience are asking, but the ideas are limited. It's a difficult industry to find niche articles that our audience would be interested in. Could anyone suggest any ideas on how we could find interesting topics that people would actually want to share and maybe our industry influencers would be interested in featuring on their sites, does syndication still work? Duplicate content is a big 'NO NO' for Google but as long as the third party site features a rel=canonical or link back to our original post, Google wouldn't have any problem with this?

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi All, I wanted to place longer content on products category page, Currenty I am showing product listing first and then small description at the end of listing.I don't want to add longer content either bottom or top. I want to make two tabs at the top of each category pages like Products | Informtion In Product section (after clicking on it) I want to display all products listing & in Information tab (after clicking on it) 2-3 paragraphs of webpage content but I'm afraid If I will place the content in this way Google won't index content and my purpose of adding webpage content to target long tail keywords won't fulfill. Please suggest me if you have any better idea & let me know what I am going to do would be good or not in SEO perspective. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • My small new blog today broke the Alexa million after 49 days. It's like you've a child that growing up between your hands. And you see it achieve Goal after goal even at his/her startup with basic skills which need some improvements. And at this point I feel like I'm not good enough because, after all, I'm not giving it what it deserves really (only 12 posts, some of them less than 200 words). I would like to thank my god, I do believe in him. Also, I would like to thank these authors and bloggers who techs me for four years about the value and the content and all this things. I read a lot of articles and posts. I remember that I read an article about the first rule which say write for someone not for something. I'm speaking to you directly and I think this is the point. I and you in one place and I speaking to you face to face. I received an advice from one of my reader in a comment and this mean a lot to me. What means there's a connection between us. What I've achieved is not a lot. But, I'm so happy with, as for a start up. What happened for now teaches me something and that's why I'm writing this post here. To tell something, that may help someone. From the day I entered here I've got a lot of help. I asked for thing and people helped me. I can say name, EGOL, Andy, Matt, Antonio, Donford, Dirk, Ross, Vic and Favilli. Thank you so much. In the next days maybe I'm going to leave Moz. I'm so confused about it really. Perhaps it's so early time to join. I've used nothing from Moz tools as I remember. Just the backlinks checker tool what gave me nothing and I sent a message to the help center and I got a useful reply for explaining the case but not helpful for the case itself. The case for me is, I've entered the supermarket searching for a specific android mobile phone and the supermarket got a very useful stuff, different mobiles types, laptops and other very helpful stuff. But, they don't have the specific android phone for me. So, I want to see what they got but, I've a primary need first. hmmmm, I don't know .. maybe. The most thing I loved at Moz is the community, you are really elite people guys and there's a girl I spoke with and I loved her really :D. Thank you for everything, you are the best.

    | Eslam-yosef

  • My new blog growing up fast and I'm about the break the Alexa million and I discovered 1,023 blocked malicious login attempts today. I'm really got scared when I saw this number. I'm using WordPress, any advises?

    | Eslam-yosef

  • I've started my new blog two months ago. I thought about two things: quality and authority. So, I started with high-quality content and let me tell you that based on my own experience, quality is the queen of all this. Now, my new blog reaches roughly 270 unique users each day that generate 811 daily page views (1% from Google, %0.3 from other search engines, 56% from social media, 28% from links, 14% direct, 0.7% spammy sites). Alexa Global: 1,238,771 Then I've started the author journey trying to write guest posts on high-quality blogs. I found that there're two options to do guest blogging. Writing an article medium-quality and keep the high-quality content for my blog. Or, providing a high-quality content under any post that comes with my name. I found a high-quality blog which may accept my article. So, I thought about the two options and then I decided to provide a very high-quality content and I did. The message which I received about my article was so amazing. I had some grammars mistakes and they said literally: "We didn't mind as much doing the editing since you put so much effort into providing our readers with excellent content!" I'm so happy really and based on this experience I recommend you to think about the authority more than the link. What will make you provide high-quality content under your name instead of keeping it only for your blog. Have an experience with guest blogging? Why don't you share it with us to help others as well?

    | Eslam-yosef

  • I tried to use yoast and google xml plugins but I´ve notice there are several important posts to me are not there... I´ve already checked if there was any post with noindex, and everything looks good Now I´m creating the sitemap file with screaming frog but it is not so convenient as a plugin... any suggestions or tips?

    | SeoMartin1

  • I was just sent this site by one of my friends, and it gave me a good chuckle. I thought I would share...

    | MonicaOConnor

  • So I offer two services for which each has an FAQ page (let's call them S1 and S2). The problem is that I also have a longer FAQ page that covers both services (S1-2). I would like to eliminate the longer one and attach the relevant content to each of the shorter pages but i'm concerned that deleting pages with a lot of content might be a bad idea. I could redirect I suppose but I wouldn't know which page S1 or S2 to point redirect to. Any advice on this?

    | NationalPardon

  • My question about Facebook plugin comments and seo. I am interested if these comments are indexable or not.
    I know this is not new topic, I found it even in this Q&A. But it was 4 years ago. Maybe something changed in that period?

    | kitoks

  • Hi, on my main domain would restricting a folder (such as the helpdesk that uses whmcs which is awful from an SEO standpoint but is vital for my clients) from being indexed hinder my SERPs? Thanks in advance.

    | ITsoldSEO

  • In Feb, 2015 site received the following notification in GWT: Suspected hackingFeb 4, 2015
    Google has detected that some of your pages may contain hidden text or cloaking, techniques that are outside our Webmaster Guidelines.
    Specifically, we detected that your site may have been modified by a third party. Typically, the offending party gains access to an insecure directory that has open permissions. Many times, they will upload files or modify existing ones, which then show up as spam in our index.
    Sample URLs:At that time,  the site was checked by the host and site owner and any suspicious links removed. We thought the problem was resolved until a MOZ crawl on March 22 which highlighted a number of hack links again. This is the link format: All are related to gambling, casinos and slots. To find the links, we downloaded the MOZ crawl report and found that all the links were referred from this page: Searching that post shows no sign of links to the rogue pages. I would really appreciate some advice on how to find the source of these links and delete them from this site once and for all. Also, please explain how it is possible for a post or page to refer to another page without that link showing up in the code? (Is this some black hat technique that I need to know about in order to protect my sites?) Also... at the moment Google Webmaster Tools are not reporting any security issues for this site. Any help appreciated.

    | hammia

  • Any recommended affordable high quality content writer for Ayurveda health products website?

    | JordanBrown

  • Thinking of new blog content and one option obviously is to check out historical popular blogposts via Analytics and do fresh versions of those. So my question is what is best practice: 1. Copy and paste the old blogpost copy but edit it to be slightly different while still having the old blogpost live or 2. just update the old one and re-promote I assume it's better to have a new version of the blogpost?

    | digitalbua

  • Hellooo, Anyone have more info about this issue? I own 1 e commerce site, and one blog about soccer. Both are brand new, e commerce is older few months, with more backlinks and soccer blog with very few profile links from soccer forums. The soccer blog, was updated regularly 2 times per day, and I saw a tremendous rise on visits. Later on , I stop to update it, and then traffic drop immediately . Notice that I stop to build links at least 1 week before I stop to post content. But the site still enjoyed an increase in traffic even after I stop to add fresh links , and traffic dropped once I stop to create fresh content. The other e commerce site, wasn't updated at all, but I was building links  and I saw similar increase in traffic. Niche of the e commerce is very boring (industrial) and none of competitors own a blog. Site is quite big, with not even half of links from competitors but I almost outrank them all with internal linking on competitive keywords. (note that site have over 200 pages with at least 300 words each in contrast with competitor sites of 20 pages). Then I added a blog and I saw similar increase in traffic with the soccer blog. Once I stop to update again the blog, traffic dropped again.. anyone with similar experiences?

    | nyanainc

  • I run Wick Video - where we make animated videos for businesses. We are toying around with making blog/video content geared toward marketers, _and _creating blogs/tutorials geared toward designers and animators. Since it's two totally different groups, we've had the idea of making two separate blogs. Is that a good idea? Any websites currently doing this well?

    | WickVideo

  • Hi, If I embed a  copy of a pdf document that is freely available and distributable on my web page, will it impact the uniqueness of my web page? This is assuming that the rest of the content is unique and of reasonably high quality. Also, the pdf is uploaded in my web host server, not directly linked to the original source.

    | dwautism

  • I have a blog as part of my business website...when I make a blog post, should I ALWAYS include a link in that post back to another page on my website?  So every blog post has a link back to the site..or should I be intermittent on backlinks? Just wondering what the best practice is to help the site's SEO...

    | sdwellers

  • We know that google likes high quality unique images. On the other side google likes fast load times (in particular on mobile). What about showing two different dimensions images on desktop and mobile? Is it good? If yes than any wordpress plugins for that?

    | kitoks

  • Hi everyone, I am working with a business consultant in the HVAC industry and doing SEO for 8 of his clients (all HVAC businesses from around the US and Canada).  Each website is essentially a mirror of the business consultant's website with really the same information-- it applies perfectly well to each individual website, but it IS nearly, if not, identical.  I'm getting ready to implement a blog on the original HVAC page and have been considering using the same content (customized to reflect each business-- but still the same information) for blogs for my other 8 clients. My questions are: 1. Is the mirroring of the website a duplicate content problem? Example if you're interested: (original) and (client). 2. Is using the same blog across 8 different website (customized for each client but the same basic information) a duplicate content issue?  For example-- a blog about getting your air ducts cleaned... the information is going to be the same (and relevant) with each business and each business could benefit from sharing that information with their customers. Thanks so much for your help and explanation

    | KaitlinNS

  • Hi there Can anyone recommend where I can outsource a good quality but affordable copy writing service? Thank you

    | edward-may

  • Has anyone here ranked curated content on page one of Google for medium competition keywords?

    | jtbaker1971

  • I have a web with 90 vídeos hosted in my Youtube channel and each video have an description in single url, but Youtube videos have no description. If I copy description from my web and paste to Youtube description, this is duplicate content for Google ?

    | VisualService

  • Hi All We have over 10000 Products and a while ago we spent some time adding Product Descriptions to the Product Pages, For Example we have Product - Black Snazaroo Face Paint Product Description - Great for Childrens parties, fundraising events, Halloween or other festive faces. An easy makeup to apply and remove. All Snazaroo face paints are Non toxic, Fragrance free and Skin friendly. Snazaroo is suitable for all skin types, however it is always recommended you do a skin patch test on a small area before full application. Unfortuantly our Meta Descriptions really need some work, for example this same page contains the following meta descriptions We realise this could be holding our site back. Is it ok to use the same Product Description inside the Meta Description Tags also, for example can we use the Meta Description for this Page - Thanks

    | AMG100

  • I have a page that's ranking pretty well, and driving sales.  That page is starting to get 10+ comments per day and is starting to get quite long.  I was wondering if there is a point where I should disable the comments?  My gut tells me that people interacting with the page, and Google seeing responses with the users SHOULD be a good thing not bad.  But, then I think that a majority of the content of the page is no longer the article, but the comments. All the comments are good, non spammy and directly related to the topic.  People just asking questions, etc.  Good engagement, I should be happy right?

    | DemiGR

  • Hi my website is less than 3m old and its niche is autism. I have identified around 300 profitable KWs (structured from T1 to T3) and over the next few months aim to create high quality pages for each while maintaining a page-tree structure. Currently I have already build around 50 of those pages. While I start off page SEO activities in parallel, I was thinking whether a news/daily digest section on my website will help me build additional value in terms of establishing niche authority and also scoring on the freshness factor. I have already set up google alerts on a variety of Autism related KWs and in process of outsourcing (to one qualified writer) at least two 500 word news articles from any interesting stories or ideas in google alerts. Questions: 1. Am I better off covering these ideas as News Articles or as just normal posts? Though neither of them will be KW targeted, they will be aimed to increase readership and authority. But capturing them as news would allow me to apply for Google News indexing as well. The question is important because based on that I will hire the writer. if Autism News is a better strategy, I will possibly pay a bit more to hire someone with experience in web journalism. 2. Overall, is this a good idea for brand building? Or should I start looking at more long-long KWs (<20 searches pm) and focus creating content for those? The problem is that with 300 KWs already identified > 40 searches pm), I am finding it hard to find KWs in loooong tail that covers a new aspect. For example: "Symptoms for Autism" and "What are the various symptoms of Autism". Now how do you create 2 different quality articles for that!

    | DealWithAutism

  • Hi everyone, We are working on an e-commerce site that has three different physical stores that each hold different products in stock. A listing is created on the website for each product in each location but if the same product is in all three stores the images and description are duplicate content We can't have one product page and tag locations to it as this would then require keeping two different stock systems updated, but is there a way to avoid the three pages being duplicates of each other? Many thanks for the advice!

    | A_Q

  • How much content should you be writting on each page?

    | edward-may

  • Hi all, I have a blog for my site, but it hasn't been integrated into our site yet (that will happen in the next few months when we do some site changes). For now, it sits on a site, and links from my website. I post a couple times a week, have social media linked to it, and feed posts to aggregators regularly. I also comment and like other sites, but it just isn't ranking. Do I just need to stay persistent? It's been up for a month now, but still only getting a few hits a day. Any advice?

    | b4cab

  • I have a Magento site that is around 4 years old. It has 2 different wordpress blogs on the same domain. domain/blog domain/nicheblog I would like to completely remove the 2 blogs as the information on them is of low quality and its outdated information. What is the safest way for me to remove this content with out having negative effects on my rankings? thanks

    | Shop-Sq

  • Hello - Here is a scenario, representative of something that I just saw play out. Site A is a new blog about travel (as an example topic) Site B is an older, established blog about travel Site C is a new blog launched and owned by Site B that focuses on a particular travel niche (luxury travel, for example) Here is what happens next Site A writes an original piece of content Site C then republishes Site A's content, paraphrasing all of the text, but giving Site A credit with a link Site B (the established site) publishes a blurb about the article, directing readers with a link to "read more" on Site C.  It credits Site A as the original author, but does not link to it. If you were able to follow that, here is what I would like to know. Did Site C do anything wrong by republishing a paraphrased version of Site A's content, even though it gave credit with a link? Did Site B do anything wrong by linking to Site C (which is for all intents and purposes the same website), but not linking to Site A (the original source)? My sense is that the established blog (Site B) is trying to get it's new publication (Site C) to outrank the original author (Site A) using its own content.  In general though, I am curious to get some thoughts on this situation because it raises a few ethical questions that I am not sure about, namely: Is there anything wrong with publishing "spun" content, if it is done well and links back to the source? Is there anything wrong with linking to a republished version of an article on a sister website, rather than linking to the original article. Thanks

    | timsegraves

  • Hi, I run a small business writing optimised content for small businesses in Melbourne. I want to add a Glossary page to my website that lists all of the different words associated with website marketing and SEO. I found the Moz glossary and I am wondering if it would be a bad idea to copy and paste the list straight into a page on my site. I'd prefer to not have to reword all of the descriptions as it will take me ages and I don't want to compromise the information in the descriptions. Here is a link to the Glossary: Obviously I don't want to do the wrong thing ethically or from Google's perspective. Any advice would be great.

    | StoryScout

  • HI everyone, great to be here, absolutely loving everything, please go easy on me I'm quite a noob when it comes to seo, but hopefully my question isn't too basic. After running the initial checks on my websites, I found there are 7,646 duplicate pages? Some are easy fixes but the majority are not, being forum pages, the edit, quote and new post links are coming up as duplicates of the main post? Does anyone know how to fix this? Best Lee

    | LeeC

  • Hi guys, In the new 'mobile usability' tab in Webmaster Tools, Google has stated that our blog isn't offering a good experience for users. Something we already knew and I want to change, but I can't get the budget approved to complete the work. I was just wondering if you think Google isn't going to hold my content very high as a result. I want to produce more content on our  blog around our valuable keywords in hope to improve our rankings, but if Google isn't holding our site in high regard I'm thinking there may not be much point in it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks Brian

    | brianmadden

  • Hi all Wondering if someone could give me a pointer here please..... my client is an information resource on internet safety, it is a non profit website just blogging about internet safety and threats. To cut a long story short, the client has relationships with all the police forces and universities in the UK, they regularly republish content on their sites - with approval (and doesn't have relations with many dozens of sites which do not have approval to republish...) Although the goal of the website is information distribution and not to raise money, the site does have a number of KPIs which it needs to meet to justify its sponsorship by the likes of facebook, google, microsoft etc. We are looking to make the content the site publishes embeddable so rather than just republishing 'our' content and it looking like the third party sites' own work, we at least get the credit. The issue we are trying to work out is down to stats. If site B embeds our article and it gets 1,000 views on their site, do these 1,000 people appear in our stats too?  I would guess that it does as the content is being loaded from our site each time the 1,000 people visits. In which case, would these 1,000 hits appear as direct traffic or referral traffic in the stats when they read the content on site B? We have run some tests and not seeing the test site appearing as a referrer in the stats so a little puzzled. Many thanks for any advice

    | daedriccarl

  • With all the changes to the seo landscape in the resent years im a little unsure as to how a press release work looks in the eyes of Google (and others). For instance, you write up a 500 word press release and it gets featured on the following sites : Forbes Techcrunch BBC CNN NY Times etc ... If each of these cover your story but only rewrite 50% of the article  (not saying these sites wouldn't re write the entire artcile, but for this purpose lets presume only 50% is rewritten) could it be negative to your backlink profile, ? Im thinking not, as these sites will have high authority, but what if once your press release is published on these sites 10 other smaller sites re publish the stories with almost no re writing, either straight from the press release or straight from the article in the mainstream news sites. (For clarification this Press release would be done in the fashion of a article suggestion to relevant journalists, rather than a blanket press release, via PR Newswire, mass mail out etc. Although i guess the effect with duplicate content backlinks is the same.) You now have c. 50 articles online all with very similar content with links pointing back at you, would this have a negative effect or would each link just not carry as much value as it normally would. By now we all understand publishing duplicate content on our own sites is a terrible idea, but dose have links pointing back to your self from duplicate (or similar) content hosted on other sites (some being highly authoritative) effect your site 's seo ?

    | Sam-P

  • So I used Outbrain and I liked it, but I think it would be more valuable if you could target the state where your client is.  Outbrain targets the entire county, which might not be valuable for a local client.  I am wondering if there are any other sites like Outbrain that allow you to target locally?

    | netviper

  • In wordpress on some of our blogs when we have gone to publish them wordpress has shortened the url. In Google webmaster tools the orignal url is coming up as a 404 error. This url is not indexed in Google. Is this something to worry about and can this be avoided? Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • Hi All, I'm doing some SEO work on an entertainment (movies/tv/gaming) blog that started in 2011. Their recent articles have gained some popularity due to improved content and marketing, but there is some old stuff from the early days that was poorly written and gets virtually no traffic. These are mostly old news pieces. Out of approximately 10,000 articles, about 1,000 are receiving the lions share of the traffic. I feel like their good content is getting bogged down in a sea of crap. Would there be any harm in deleting some of those old posts? Is there a best practice for culling content? Thanks!

    | 74andsunny

  • We have an online site with approximately 800 products.  When we add new products we typically use the photos and product description provided by the brand.  The problem is there are numerous other sites using the same descriptions.  All other content on the site is original. Is having small blocks of content that are the same on multiple sites likely to cause problems with Google?

    | twitime

  • i am from and tell me how i can build backlinks.

    | nabeelfaizi123

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